Chapter 2: The Feelings

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I woke the next morning around 9:32 just thinking. It was waay to early to be up in Summer. I usually wake up at 11. I only woke up early when it was school, other than that, there had to have been something on my mind. Roc. I went into Jacob's room to talk to him about it, but he was knocked, so I went down stairs to see if my mom was awake drinking her coffee after her early morning work out. And she was. 

me: Hey mom

Layla: Good Morning Sweetie *kisses her forehead* 

me: We need to talk.

Layla: Ok lets sit in the living room.

We go to the living room and sit on a big fluffy couch. 

Layla: What is it girly? 

me: You know why Im up this early?

Layla: You only wake up early if its school or you have something on your mind.

me: Exactly.

Layla: So whats on your mind.

me: So last night Jacob and I wer talking and he said that yesterday Roc told him he likes me and hes trying to get at me.

Layla: Whhaatt? Roc? 

me: Yeah, Roc. I wouldve never known!

Layla: I mean Roc is a lil cutie and hes nice and has a good family..

me: And thats why Im up; Im tryna decide if I like him. 

Layla: Dont try to force yourself to like him. The time will come where you will like him or not. 

me: Ok....

Layla: All it takes is patience.

me: Alright, bye  mom

Layla: Bye nice talk

me: yeah

I went back upstairs and tried to go back to sleep. After awhile I gave up and just went on my ipad to check facebook and instagram. Then a picture on instagram popped and of course it had to be Roc. It was a picture of him wearing a blue muscle shirt and basketbal shorts making a crazy face. It made me laugh. I double tapped it, which means I liked it. 2 minutes later I get 50 likes out of no where. I go to check who it was and it said "p_w_gang liked this photo" 50 times! I snapped a picture of it, posted it, and tagged him in it saying "Thank you Roc! @p_w_gang". Soon he commented your welcome. text me! I grabbed my phone and texted him. 

me: Hi 

Roc: Hey

me: wyd?

Roc: texted yu duhhh

me: Nooo?

Roc: yup, yup! lol

me: haha yur crazy

Roc: aye you playin basketball with us today?

me: Maybe

Roc: Aw why not?

me: I dont like balls

Roc:   :O

me: Eww! No werido! I meant like footballs, basketballs, soccer balls...etc.

Roc: See I knew that lol

me: surree

Roc: But really if you just watch, it gonna  be really borning for you.

me: No its not, I love WATCHING basketball, plus the teams would b uneven.

Roc: tru, tru

me: yep!

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