Chapter 27: Regret

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Same Day- 2:30

Jacob and I came home exhausted. My body hurt a little but I mostly needed my bed and some sleep. Without even acknowledging Layla, I went straight to my room and crashed on my bed. I drifted off to a nice, peaceful nap.


"Wake up Chanel." Jacob said shaking me.

"Huh.." I softly replied in a raspy tone.

"It's 4. We have to be back at school by 5:00."

"Ok.." I ripped the covers off and headed to my bathroom to shower and get ready.

Once I was finished, I threw on some grey sweats, pink sports bra, and my PAAHS Dance hoodie. I got my dance bag and put in performing makeup, hair products and supplies, snacks and anything else I thought I'd need. Once Jacob and I got our things together, Chase drove us back to school. Being the nice gentlemen Chase is, he took my bags and assorted me to the locker room.

"Thanks Chase."

"Anytime. Good Luck tonight. Your parents will be here in a few hours to watch the performance."

"Ok. Thanks, bye."

We were instructed to all meet in the locker room then the Junior and Senior girls would make their transition to the real dressing rooms under the theatre. The freshman and sophomore girls had the locker room all to themselves. I didn't really mind staying in the locker room. The only difference is the lockers. I mean this is a performing arts Hugh school. We still get the mirrors with lights.

Because PAAHS is a G, inside the locker room and dressing rooms, we have a full blown concession table. I'm talking edible arrangements, vegetable trays, water, caprisuns, some junk food, etc. And on top of that, one of the students mom owns a hair salon so they are gonna come and help us with our hair and makeup. Ahh...the benefits of going to a high-in performing arts school.

When 5:00 rolled around, Mrs.Chantel came into the locker room and dismissed the upperclassmen girls to the dressing rooms. She told us to get a little more comfortable by making choosing a specific area against the mirror tables with the group your in.

Once everybody got comfortable, we all met once again on the theatre stage to stretch. This time it had to stay quiet so everyone could, what we say in the performing arts world, center yourself. Meaning, to stay quiet so you could focus on all your dance routines and what not. After, we went over some choreography just to make sure everyone was on point. Sure enough we were so we piled back into our dressing rooms by 6 to get ready for showtime!

I was putting on my army nappytabs for the class number when my stomach dropped.

"Guys, I'm nervous."

"Girl don't even sweat it. You'll be up there and be off before you know it." Megan assured.

"But what if-"

"You'll be fine."

After all the makeup and hairspray, the time finally came where principal burns greeted the full crowd of 1,000 people to the 2012 PAAHS Winter Dance Recital. Mind you, there is talent scouts, agents, judgmental parents and what not out there so my stomach is churning. Behind the curtain, my hip hop class took place silent as a church mouse. Then Mrs.Burns continued.

"Please silent all cell phones and and if you take photos, turn off the flash. Without further a due, please welcome to the stage Chantel Heath's Hip-hop dance class dancing to "No Worries." The audience roared as the stage went black and the curtains swung open. The back drop of a street in Harlem lit up and the music blasted though the surround sound speakers which sent a jolt to my stomach. Then I thought of my mother and I instantly felt her presents. Showtime!


The stage went black and my I couldn't tell you how relieved I was once I got off the stage. After our performance, we went to go back to our dressing rooms and dress for our individual routines. Currently, the jazz class is doing their class routine and next will be the tap class. My group put on our bedazzled outfits and got help with our hair and makeup from the ladies who volunteered from the beauty salon. By the time we were done getting ready, It was time for our group numbers. Megan, Kayla, and I headed to the wing of the stage just in time before the group before us was over. When their song ended, Mrs.Burns came out and announced my group.

"Now taking stage is Chanel Perez, Megan Palacios, and LyKayla Jennings dancing to "Till I Die!"

We took stage and the lights came up. The beat began and I prepared myself to dance my heart out for the 2nd time. This wasn't just for my parents, but for my real mother who watched from above.


45 Minutes Later...

Mostly everyone had performed their group routines but the last acts would be the contemporary group dances. After our performance I watched as Scarlett got herself ready for her number. The thought overwhelmed me it made me a little tense. Suddenly, Megan broke me out of a deep thought.

"Chanel!" Megan yelled

"Huh, what?" I said as I came back to earth.

"What was it that you said we were gonna see?"

"What do you mean?"

"Today you said-" Kayla lowered her voice. "You said you were gonna get back at Scarlett and that everyone would see. When are we gonna see it." In the corner of my eye, I saw Scarlett and her group go out the locker room and into the theatre side door. She was about to perform.

"Umm.. Uh.." My heart started racing a little bit. Fuck. This isn't gonna be good.

"You ok?" Kayla asked.

"Ummm...uhh..." My body went numb and I suddenly heard a crowd cheering symbolizing the end of somebody's group performance. It was now time for Scarlett's number. "I'll be back!!" I booked it all the way to the theatre' side door but it was all too late. Scarlett and her group made it to the center stage and her music started. It didn't take long till the most regretful thing in my life happend. Scarelett went for a stag leap, landed, and broke down on the floor into a loud wail. Her foot had just been punctured with a very small, but painful shard of glass. The same glass that had broke last night. God was gonna get me back for this one.


OH SNAP!!! CLIMAX OF THE STORY!! Ahhh!! COMMENT PLEASE! I really gotta know!! Vote and fan and all that jazz! Please, please, please! And please pray that I make it into my dream High school! I find out in 13 days!! Ahhh! But thanks for reading! #StayMindless 1-4-3 -Ash

Nerd to "IT" Girl: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang