Chapter 7: All For You

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Today I woke up early. Not because something was on my mind. This time it was actually the opposite;  because of school. Today was the first day of high school, starting in 10th grade. I had butterflies banging on the sides of my stomach. I was nervous as hell especially because of what Roc told me; we have to sing infront of the class. I tried to ignore it as I got ready. I ended up wearing a blue blazer, american flag shorts with studs on the back pocket, white button up dress shirt, long necklaces, rings, and red/ white jordans. My makeup is mascara, little eyeliner, and red lips and my hair was in a middle part that was wavy. My bag was a long side bag that is medium brown leather.  In it was: School supplies & hip hop dance clothes. I took one long hard look in the mirror, maybe like 15 minutes. I needed to get rid of the girl I knew 3 months ago. I had to look presentable; like I'm confident and assure of myself, but NOT an arrogant bitch. 

Jacob: Come on Chanel! We have to go or we'll be late on the 1st day!

me: Ok coming. 

I walked down the steps confident as ever and had my game face on. I could tell Jacob thought i looked really good because he had a big smile on his face.

Jacob: Woah!

me: What do you think?

Jacob: My sister is growing up! Come here! 

me: Awww Jakee! 

I went up to him and gave him areally tight hug and he picks me up and kisses my cheek.

Jacob: Now come on its *looks at phone* 6:54 and school starts at 7:40. 

me: Do you hear yourself? You are most definitely not black.

Jacob: Well I wanna get starbucks then we gotta get our schedules and chill.

me: You are STILL most definitely not black.

Jacob: Whatever. *start walking out the door* 

me: Wait! I needa say bye to mommi and daddi!

Jacob: Ok hurry up!

me: Shut up! 

I walk back up stairs say my goodbyes and go back to Jacob and get into the car driving to my home away from home for the next years....after we stopped at Starbucks. 10 minutes later we pulled up infront of a big school that has PAAHS on a marquee with 3 differnt flights of starts with velvet ropes as the railing and red carpet ontop of the stairs. I automatically knew this was going to be my favorite place to be. I waited as Chase opened the door for me and took a deep breath. I stepped out and put my game face on; lifted my head with confidence, shoulders back, then walked slowly and carefully as some people stared with good looks on thier faces. For once in my life, I walked up to a school and people actually gave me nice looks than snickers, points, and laughs. It felt so good. I was home.

Jacob and I walked side by side with each to the registersation booth.

Ms.Samuels: Hello welcome to PAAHS. Grade?

Jacob: 10th

Ms. Samuels: Name please?

Jacob: Jacob Perez

Ms. Samuels: *searches for schedule* Oh here you go. Have a good day. Next! Grade?

me: 10th

Ms.Samuels: Name please?

me: Chanel Perez

Ms.Samuels: Oh I know who you are! 

me: huh? What do you mean?

Ms.Samuels: Your the girl everybody is talking about with the 4.5 gpa-

me: .6 ... 4.6 

Ms.Samuels: Oh Im sorry 4.6. And you moved to the 10th grade when your supposed to be in the 9th. Just amazing!

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