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THEY KEPT RUNNING, but no matter how hard they tried, his loud, painful screams could be heard and they weren't getting any quieter. they felt like a coward, for just turning around and running as fast as they could, instead of at least trying to help, because maybe then, they wouldn't have to feel this awful guilt.

   suddenly everything started to slowly go pitch black, as the ear-hurting screams started to disappear with the whole familiar scenario.

   y/n's e/c eyes suddenly shot open, a gasp escaping their slightly chapped lips. leaning on their elbows, they quickly looked around the dark room with clear panic in their pained expression.

   the second y/n realised they're in the warmth of their own bed, instead of their old village, where the person grew up, their panic slightly started to fade away. rubbing their e/c eyes with the back of their hand, y/n hated the fact after so many years the same memory and guilt still haunts them almost every single night. a quiet sigh escaped the h/c haired person's lips, as they laid on their back staring right into the pitch black dark, while the only thing that could be heard were y/n's heavy, now calming breaths.

   a strange sound on the person's right side made their head quickly snap to the side, slightly scaring them, before realising the sound was someone lighting up matches. "hange...?" y/n quietly groaned, seeing their significant other lighting up a candle, that was placed on the night stand, the fire illuminating both y/n and hange's shared bedroom.

   "you alright there, my dear?" the brunette asked in a soft tone, putting on their glasses. "yeah..." the e/c eyes person pursed their lips together, nodding, looking down at the sheets, where their hands were placed, after sitting up straight on the bed.

   hange placed their hand on top of y/n's, softly rubbing circle with their thumb in a way of comfort. "it was the memory again, wasn't it?" hange shifted closer to y/n, their shoulders gently rubbing against each other, while the h/c haired person nodded once again, as an answer for their partner's worried question.

   "why can't i just let go...?" y/n's voice broke a little, being hurt by their own bad decisions and memories. "it just hurts so bad, even after all those years." y/n shut their e/c eyes close, resting their head on the brunette's shoulder, while they sneaked an arm around y/n's frame, pulling them closer to hange's own body, both of them feeling each other's comforting warmth.

   "sometimes memories are the worst form of torture." hange pressed a soft kiss on y/n's temple, while a defeated, quiet sigh escaped y/n's lips. "i can't help, but feel guilty. it's my fault anyway, so what if i could've-"

   "hey." hange gently, yet swiftly grabbed both sides of the person's face, making them look right into hange's expressive, hazel eyes. "don't ever say or think it was your fault." hange slowly pressed their forehead against y/n's, both of them closing their eyes. "alright?" hange's soft voice was above a whisper, yet loud enough for their lover to hear.

   the e/c eyed person furrowed their eyebrows, as if they were in a lot of physical pain, slowly leaning closer, gently brushing their lips against hange's, before pulling away, gulping rather loudly. before y/n could say or do anything else, the brunette removed one of their hands from y/n's warm cheek, placing it on the back of their neck, pulling their significant other closer and roughly pressing their pouty lips against y/n's. it took just a few second, before the person's hand made their way on the both sides of hange's frame, kissing back and deeping the passionate, yet rough kiss.

pulling away, it was now y/n who pressed their forehead against hange's, both almost out of breath.

   a quick, sloppy kiss was pressed on y/n's plump lips by hange, before tightly hugging them around the waist, suddenly dragging the h/c haired person down, onto the comfy bed, both y/n and hange shared.

   the hazel eyed person was now now laying on their back, while y/n was comfortably laying on top of their chest, with half of their body on top hange's and their leg around them, keeping them as close as possible, neither of them wanting to let go of each other.

   y/n slowly raised their head, seeing hange looking back at them with a beaming, toothless smile plastered onto the brunette's face, while one of their hands were stil playing with y/n's h/c hair. the s/c skinned person reached towards hange's glasses, which were placed at the bridge of their nose, taking them and carefully putting them on the night stand, next to the still burning, white candle.

   hange's expression changed into confused one, when they saw y/n getting up on their knees and hands, the confusion disappearing the second hange realised y/n wanted to blow out the candle, turning the room pitch black one more, before getting back into the same position as before.

   a small chuckle escaped the brunette's rosy lips, when they felt y/n snuggle into their chest, trying to get comfortable and as close as possible to their significant other, they loved so much.

   "good night, hange." y/n mumbled, their e/c eyes already closed, sudden wave of tiredness hitting them. "good night, my dear." hange pressed a soft kiss into y/n's h/c hair, also closing their hazel eyes, both of them pleasantly drifting sleep, each in their lover's arms.


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