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A LAUGH ESCAPED your lips, when you felt pair of arms tightly embracing you, as you and others continued to celebrate the victory in the airship. "we did it! what a victory!" floch called out, causing other to happily shout once again. "why isn't lobov back yet?" you could hear connie ask over the calls and laughs, making your attention snap towards the trio next to you.

"i just heard something." announcing, sasha placed her hand next to her ear, hoping to hear the sound once again, but this time more clear. "hey! quiet down!" seeing his friend's confusion and slight discomfort, jean shouted in a hope to calm down the loud crowd of celebrating people. "what's wrong, sasha?" furrowing your eyebrows, you pushed past few people, placing an assuring hand on the brunette's shoulder.

"i'm not sure. i just heard-" before sasha could finish her words, your gaze shifted towards the fast movement near the airship enter, causing the breath in your throat to hitch. "sasha!" barely processing what was happening, you managed to get a glimpse of another person rolling into the airship, gun tightly held between their smaller hands. swiftly grabbing the brunette by her shoulders, you used all the strength to push sasha to the side, making her stumble into jean, as it was now you, standing in sasha's place.

the world around you suddenly slowed down, a loud gunshot ringing through everyone's ears, causing the crowd go silent at the sight of you taking few, unsteady steps back, before your body slowly fell onto the wooden floor, wave of pain coming right through your abdomen. the bullet punched it's way through you, causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. you could feel your back collide with the harsh ground, as you the air from your lungs disappeared for a few seconds, yet it felt like a long, never-ending minute.

"y/n!" getting out of jean's hold she stumbled into not too long ago, sasha fell onto her knees next to your lying body, while the rest quickly took care of the two intruders in the airship. "just stay with me, alright?!" at sasha's words, your mind started to feel foggy, as you stared up at the ceiling, feeling your eyes starting to burn. feeling her heartbeat quicken, the brunette searched for the gun wound, before pressing her hands against it, mentally apologising for causing you more pain, yet you could barely realise it.

hearing rushed footsteps coming your way, your eyelids heavier than ever, barely being able to keep your eyes open at the sudden tiredness, sill feeling disoriented. "y/n!" another, this time male voice called out your name, as another two figures appeared over you, yet you weren't in the right state to come to the conclusion it's jean and connie, feeling their hearts clench at the sight of you and your abdomen soaked with the crimson red liquid.

"you're gonna make it! you hear me?! placing one of his hands on your shoulder, connie slightly shook your body. "it hurts..." you murmured, voice coming out quiet and raspy. "get the tourniquet!" jean shouted at the group of people, as they quickly nodded at his demand. "c'mon, y/n..." a silent tear fell down sasha's face, before gently placing her hand on your cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

in a world and times like these death wasn't anything new, nor unusual. but that doesn't mean it hurts less to see someone you grew close with slowly fade away right in front of your eyes, having to watch their life slowly leave their body. realisation slightly hit you, as the truth of you dying on the wooden floor of an airship occupied your now messy mind. yet it wasn't too long, before the thoughts of the painful truth changed into fastly rushing thoughts about only one person, you couldn't care more about. armin. you knew the blonde for a few years and something that started of as an innocent friendship between you and him, was now something way more, as the two of you shared a lot together.

as cheesy as it sounds... armin was one of your reasons to keep fighting and always helped you back up, when you fell down. you did the same for him and he couldn't be more grateful for him to have you in his life. at first armin thought he didn't deserve you at all, but you proved him wrong and promised him something. you promised armin, when the war is over and you'll no longer have to live in constant fear, the two of you'll get married and live together, as the both of you always wanted.

you knew, neither of you could promise such a thing, yet just the delightful thought of spending the rest of your life with armin, made you heart flutter. the promise was something, that kept you going and you weren't planing on letting go of it, but not every-time it's your decision to make.

"these two got up here using lobov's vertical manoeuvring equipment..." floch announced, as his hand gripped the two children, who were now tied up on their knees. "i'll toss 'em out. no objections, right?" at floch's words the brown-haired kid loudly grunted. "is throwing some kids out of an airship going to stop all this bloodshed?" jean called out, while looking away from your almost limp body, as you painfully cought up some more blood on the wooden floor.

after finally deciding on what to do, jean made his way towards where eren and the others currently were, bringing the two, still tied up kids with him. "who are these brats?" noticing the two beaten up children, levi asked. "they killed lobov and used his equipment to board the ship." jean started to explain. "and then... this girl shot y/n..." lowering his head, jean tried to ignore the feeling inside his stomach. "i don't think there's any hope for them."

feeling his heart harshly sting, armin's eyes immediately widened at jean's very unexpected words. did he hear him right? is jean sure? thousands of questions filled the blonde male's mind, yet it didn't stop his body from rushing out of the room, barely noticing mikasa following right after him. he couldn't loose you right now. you promised him, after all. but what a silly promise that was, because both of you knew the truth about loving someone in times like these.

armin's eyes used to be filled with light and love, but now they're dark and full of pain from having to observe the world become a darker place and watching the ones he cared about the most leave. a breath hitched inside his throat at the sight of your body lying on the hard floor, blood covering your lower abandon and dripping out of your mouth. seeing your eyes blink slower and slower, armin didn't waste any time, before quickly falling on his knees right next to you.

"y/n!" armin tightly gripped your hand in his in a hope of you acknowledging his presence. "you promised, so please don't leave! not now!" tears streamed down his face, as all you could hear were muffled calls of your name and pleads for you to keep your eyes open. you knew about the promise, but you also knew armin's strong. finding the rest of the strength left in your dying body, you softly squeezed armin's hand, before letting go.

your head limply fell to the side, your eyes shutting close, as armin could feel the grip of your hand suddenly disappear, signalling another painful loss in his life. not letting go off your hand, the blonde male brought his other hand up, placing it over his, still holding yours.

it felt like something inside of him shattered and slowly disappeared, causing his stomach to tighten at the emptiness he felt. all armin could hear was your voice in his head, repeating all the promises you made.

gently squeezing your and his hands together, armin leaned closer to you, letting his tears slowly drop on you and soak through the fabric of your shirt. even, if it was only gonna last a few seconds, armin needed one last moment holding your hand, as he never did before.

he needed one last moment with you.


BAD IDEA, attack on titanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن