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GROANING, your eyes flattered open, as you could already feel your stuffed nose and hurting throat. you weren't surprised, because already yesterday you didn't felt your best and you knew something's wrong, yet you didn't made a big deal out of it back then.

if you could remember right, it was saturday, meaning both you and your girlfriend had a day off. thinking about your girlfriend, your head snapped to the side, noticing the other cold side of your bad, causing a sight to escape your lips. throwing the covers off yourself and getting out of the warm bed, you quietly sniffled, when your bare feet collided with the cool floor, as you made your way towards the bedroom door, ready to search for your lovely girlfriend, annie.

the door to the kitchen slowly creaked open, the corners of your lips twitching into a small smile, when your eyes landed on the back of your girlfriend, who was making two cups of your favourite tea. "good morning, babe." you greeted the blonde, keeping the distance between you two for annie's own sake. "good morning. how'd you sleep?" asking, annie handed you the cup of tea, as you thankfully nodded. "uh, i've slept better before." you answered, a cough escaping your lips.

annie raised an eyebrow at you, before stepping closer and sneaking her arms around your waist. when she was about to pull you in, you moved your head back, shaking your head from side to side in disagreement. "i'm not feeling the best and i don't wanna make you sick too, annie." you explained, yet it wasn't enough to convince your rather stubborn girlfriend. "that doesn't mean i can't hug my partner." muttering, annie furrowed her eyebrows.

"it's fine. we have a day off anyway, so i'm gonna try to lay it off on the couch." you rubbed your itching nose with the back of hand, taking a sip of your warm tea. "the couch is way too small for both of us." slightly rolling her icy blue eyes, annie lazily kept her arms around your waist, holding you in place. "i am going to lay it off, annie. not us." you bluntly explained, stepping away from the blonde's touch, causing a small, angry pout appear on her face. "whatever." grumbling, annie grabbed her own cup of tea and walked out of the kitchen, as a sigh escaped your lips once again, while making your way towards the living room.

hiding under the warm blanket, you turned on the first thing you saw on the tv, not being able to pay much attention to it anyway, as you could feel your entire body burn, your eyelids feeling heavy. when your eyes were about to shut, a grunt escaped your lips at the added weight on your body. slightly looking down, it was annie who just laid down on top of you, watching the tv and acting like nothing's wrong. "annie, you're gonna get sick." groaning, you rubbed your red and tired eyes, while the blonde ignored your words and continued to watch the tv.

annie was never really clingy, yet she always needed you close to her and after the entire week of barely seeing each other, because of work she wanted you even closer. managing to gently push annie off, you grabbed your blanket and walked back towards the bedroom, feeling annie's glare on your back as you did so. it's not like you didn't enjoyed your girlfriend pressence, but feeling more tired and sick, you just wanted to lay down, without needing to worry about making annie also sick.

burying your face into the cold pillow, you closed your eyes, while your mouth was slowly opened, as you couldn't breathe through your stuffed nose. the sound of you breathing was suddenly overcome by the bedroom door creaking open, yet you didn't bother to move a finger. "do i need to lock the door? annie get out, before you get sick." you loudly muttered into the pillow. "no." bluntly answering, the blonde climbed up in the big bed.

you lazily turned around to lay on your back, facing annie. "i don't want you to get sick too." sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose. "i'm staying with you." softly yawning, annie hid under the covers, continuing to face you. after glaring at each other for some time, you groaned and rolled your eyes in defeat.

"you're not going, are you?" you raised an eyebrow, while the blonde slightly nodded at your words. "fine, but if you get sick... don't blame me." shifting closer to annie, you quietly sniffled, as you hid your face in her chest. annie threw the covers over you, keeping the both of you warm, while she placed her chin on top of your head.

"you're so stubborn." you tiredly muttered, being almost asleep, while enjoying your girlfriend's comforting hold. "shut up." barely opening her mouth to speak, annie answered, as she was just about to drift into a sleep, while holding you close to her just like she wanted.

looks like the two of you were about to spend the rest of your free day in the bed, but neither you or annie were complaining about it.


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