Whats happened so far

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Heya, I'm Abby wilson, but I'm sure you all know that by now. It's been 4 years since everything happened. Everything is going perfect. Im now 20 years old and at college. I'm doing a teacher training course. I already did 4 years of performing arts. Now this is my first year doing teacher training. I know it's been 4 years since I left school but I can't believe I'm at college.
I made two new friends but Jodie and Jess are at college like me. We all go to the same college so we still hang out, and still best friends.
Jodie is doing hairdressing. She loves it, plus it's good cause she can do Our hair. Jess is in the same course as me. She actually got a job with her mum but she wanted to stay in college with me and Jodie. Logan is an English teacher. I know, your maybe thinking 'what? How?' Well I'll tell you. Even though logan was a player in school but he was good at English and was interested in It. So he went to college and of course finished before me and now ta daaa! He's an English teacher. And yes me and logan are still going strong. It was actually really funny when logan told everyone. Yes they found out in one day. I really can't believe how gossip gets around so fast. But this was the story.
Some girls who logan messed around with thought logan would dump me in a months time. But we proved them wrong once that month was up. He even told everyone he wasn't going to play around anymore. It was embarrassing because everyone looked at me but I was so happy. I don't think any one believed him, but as time went on everyone believed his words and logan wasn't the player anymore.
Then there's Luke, he's working as a Mechanic.

We all still hang out with each other but Luke still wants me back with him. He hasn't said anything since those 4 years but I can still tell. I mean he hasn't had a girlfriend since then. In ways Im ready for Luke to take action but in other ways I'm not. I guess I'm going to have to wait and see what happens.

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