Life starts like normal

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock. I switch it off, getting out of my bed. I rub my eyes for one second before getting my clothes. I walk to the bathroom getting washed and dressed. I brushed my dark brown hair, only I have blue highlights now. I thought I needed a change since everything happened 4 years ago. Of course that's where I got Jodie. She was the one who did my hair. But I haven't changed my style in clothes. I still wear some jumpers and t-shirts which look a bit geek, but I do still wear nice, fancy clothes like dresses, skirts and belly tops.
Logan says he doesn't care if I look geeky or not because he loves me for who I am. It's actually amazing, I read books about a geek and a player being together. I thought it was stupid, I didn't believe they could be together, I mean their complete opposites! Opposites don't go together, but I now look at it this way, logan was a player and I was kinda like a geek, we were opposites but we lasted 4 years and I'm sure we will last even longer.

I walk down the stairs into the kitchen to greet my mum and dad. "Good morning mum, dad" I say in my cheerful voice like always. I been happy ever since Amber got expelled from school. I haven't seen her since, and I hope I never see her again. But If I ever do meet her again- touch wood I don't- I will give her a piece of my mind. I'm not the shy, scared, innocent girl I use to be. Well I am innocent, I'm still a virgin. I know, I know, your maybe saying 'what? But your 20 years old Abby!" Well this is how it works. Me and logan have talked about it and he says that he won't have sex with me until I'm ready. I been ready for a while now,but every time I try to tell logan I feel like there's a lump in the back of my throat making it hard to speak.

"Abby, is it college for you today?" My dad asks me. Dad doesn't know what days I go into college, but yet my mum knows. I go into college Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. "Yes dad, I go into college today" I pick up my college bag and my car keys. Yes that's right, I got a car. It took me until I was 18 years old to get my drivers license. I didn't past it when I was 17 years old because I was too nervous but the second time I passed it with flying colours. "Alright, I'm off now" I walk out the door about to close it behind me but heard mum saying goodbye. I smile to myself closing the door.
I walk to my car getting inside and starting the engine. I put my seat belt on and drive off. My college is about an hour away but I don't mind that. As long as it's the best college -which it is- I'm fine with it.

It's been an hour and I'm at college. I already parked up my car in the college parking bit. I'm already inside the college door. Again I'm faced with the guards who stay in the hall ways. They don't smile at you, all they do is look to see if you got an landyard. Lucky I had it around my neck. I usually have it in my bag, of course I get stopped, but not this time. I'm guessing your wondering what an landyard is? Well it's like an ID that you wear around your neck. It has a picture of you and your course.
I got to say I look horrible in my picture. I wasn't smiling, in fact I look like I was scared. Plus I got photo bombed. I know, I can guess your again like 'what the heck is photo bombed?' Well I didn't know what that meant until my friends told me. Photo bombed is when someone is in your picture. I know, annoying right?

I walk near the performing arts department. The teacher training was just up stairs. Since my class was up stair everyone from my lesson decided to hang around down stairs where all the fun was. All the teachers get annoyed with everyone because we hang around the performing arts area, instead of going up stairs. Of course, their one to talk because they even have to go up stairs, so every time we see our teacher we follow her.

I walk to the space we always stay at. which is near the stairs. I was the only one there. I guess I got here a bit too early. Then again I always do. I always get here at 7:08am and everyone gets here at 7:30am. I waited for a few minutes but decided to read my geek girl book. Geek girl is my favourite book. Holly smale is the best author.
I read for about 15 minutes until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I didn't dare turn my head to see who it was. I made a big scream and jumped about two feet in the air. Some people who were waiting for their friends looked at me. I looked at the person who started laughing to see my class mate, Steven.
Steven is gaga over doctor who. He has dark brown hair which fall over his eyes, he always wore shirts and jeans and he has a monobrow. As you can tell he's not the best looking but he's a good friend. The only thing is he flirts with me. He even has a girlfriend who is my friend. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind much that he flirts, but say if logan and his girlfriend saw it, I would be in big crap
"Sorry Abby, I couldn't help myself" I start to blush but sigh in announce. "It's fine" I sit back down putting my book away.
Yep...this was just a normal day to me.

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