Walking like models and knowing the big surprise

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It was about 8:30am everyone from my class were here in our group. Only thing is my friends aren't here yet. I sigh listening to everyone talk about smoking, and boyfriends -from the girls of course-. The Boys were talking about sex and making dirty joking. We all talk to each other, but sometimes the boys go on one side and the girl go on the other.
I look up at the ceiling but quickly looked at the college halls when I saw my girls. They were all walking and talking. I made two new friends. They are called hannah Bradley and Nessa turner.

Hannah has ginger, long shoulder length hair, she is also really pretty, every boy drools over her but she does have a great personality. She's very friendly, loud and flirty.

Nessa on the other hand was the complete opposite. She has long dark brown hair, she's very calm and collected, but feisty when aroused.

Me and Jess became friends with them straight away on the first day of teacher training. And once we became friends, soon after Jodie came friends with them.

I got up from where I was sitting and started running. Jess, Jodie, Hannah and Nessa all smiled at me. I could see as I was running to them, they all look like models. They were all really stunning. All the guys look at them all the time.
"Hey girls!" I yelled cheerfully as I hugged them. "Hey babes!" All of them said together as we hugged. We all started laughing. Now that I joined them, I look like a model too. Everyone says when we are together we look like models. All the guys drool over us and ask us out most of the time. Some guys who ask us out are smoking hot! I may be dating logan but I can't tell a lie about the hot guys. But I have notice, even though logan still gets asked out and girls drool over him. He's still the popular guy from school, but now that I'm in college I'm the popular girl with my friends. I'm not that geek from school anymore, but I'm still one at heart.
"Alright girl! Let's see the ring!" Hannah yells out so everyone could hear. The girls come closer to me as I show them my ring. If you haven't guessed already I'm engaged. That's right, Logan proposed to me. He did it a few months ago. It was so romantic...

Me and Logan were holding hands. We were both smiling and laughing. We were running outside because Logan wanted to show me something. It was about 7:00pm and pretty dark outside. Some couples were still out having a romantic date. Most couples when they see us say we're perfect for each other. Every Time couples say that, me and Logan look at each other with big smiles on our faces. But I actually think their right. I'm in love with logan fisher, the schools player and Logan is in love with me, Abby wilson, the schools geek.

I looked around where we were. The grass was a light green, there were some trees, and the sky was a dark blue. "Logan where are we going?" I laughed as I said it. "Some where you will love" logan had a big smile on his face. I kept wondering where we were going. It did look very familiar to me. "Abby, close your eyes" I gave Logan a weird look as we stopped. Logan only gave me a cute puppy face, I sighed and gave in closing my eyes. Logan got behind me, guiding me in. It took about 10 minutes before we came to a stop. "You can open your eyes now" as I open my eyes logan done a 'ta da' with his arms in the air. I look around with a big smile on my face. I knew it looked familiar. It was a park I use to go to as a little kid. I look up at the sky, it was now filled with stars. My mouth went into an O shape. It's been ages since stars came out at night. I look at logan. My eyes went wide in shock. He was down on one knee. I knew what was going to happen. I already knew my answer. "Abby wilson, will you marry me?" I ran and hugged him, knocking me and him down to the ground. "Yes! Yes I will!" I yelled in happiness. Logan laughed in happiness. "I love you Abby" I kissed Logan's lips before I answered him back. "I love you too Logan"

That's what happened. I thought it was so romantic, even my friends thought it was romantic.

"Oh my gosh! It's so pretty!" Jodie yelled in a cheerful voice. "I'm so happy for you Abby!" Jess yelled in the same amount of cheerfulness as Jodie. "I know you will be so happy with him" I smile at Nessa. "Girl, I'm happy for Ya! But if he hurts you come to me and I'll sort him out" I laugh at hannah and smile. "Thanks girls" we all hug once more. I'm so happy, I'm so happy everything turned out the way I hoped.

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