Flash back, memories, the past

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I was frozen to the spot. I didn't know what to do. All the memories flashed before my eyes. All the pain, sadness and weakness made me angry. She shouldn't be here. "It's you..." My voice sounded cold and deep. She smiled nervously. "Hi Abby. It's been a while hasn't it?" She sounded so calm. Her voice was soft and girly...unlike the past. "Why the hell are you here!?" I yelled getting angry at how she can act so well. She can fool other people like she did at school. But she won't fool me. "I wanted to talk to you" she walked toward me. I stepped back able to move again. "No, no! I don't need you in my life!"

Jess's point of few
Her phones dead. Dam it! What happened? She sounded so scared when she stopped talking. I got out of my car and ran to the school. I could hear Abby yelling. This can't be good. I turned the corner. My eyes widened in shock. I thought we wouldn't see her again. "Amber...." I said in a low voice. They must of heard me because they both turned around. Ambers face was calm. Different from the past. Abby's face looked confused, scared, and angry. From her body language I could tell Abby wasn't going to back down. After those 4 years. Abby has changed.shes became stronger. She can fight for herself now. She's not the weak little girl anymore. I believe Abby was a flower that hadn't blossomed in year 11. Now look at her, she's finally blossomed into the beautiful flower she is. I just wonder how Abby will mange this...

Abby's point of view

I turned my heard when Jess came. Her eyes went widen when she saw Amber. "It's nice to see you Jess" Amber tried smiling but her mouth was full of sadness. "What do you want Amber?" Jess just said avoiding what she said. "I just want to talk. I'm not here to cause trouble. Abby please listen" I can't listen to her lies. She's only going to cause pain.

Amber's point of view

I knew this would be hard for Abby. She hates my guts. I just need her to listen on what I have to say. I'm not looking for forgiveness but I want her to know...
"Fine, I'm listening" Abby crossed her arms and sighed. She's changed from school. She's not the weak little bug we all knew. I realised now...I was jealous of her. That's why I caused her pain. She had everything. Me, I had nothing.... Everyone loved Abby until I changed their minds about her.
"Abby, the time we were friends I was happy. You knew about my problems and you stuck by me. You even cheered me up. But when year 9 came I knew I changed. Not for the good but for the bad. I made friends with popular girls. Logan and Luke were players. Then there was you. You just hung out with normal people lower ranking than all of us. I thought you would of joined but when you refused me. I thought you were just a nobody by then. It was either your popular or your the loser. Everyone liked me. I knew that. But everyone in school loved you. They said you were a sweetie and friendly. You would be so nice to people. I didn't understand it. I hated it. Everyone called me a slut. No one called me sweet Or friendly. All everyone said was I was good in bed. I got jealous of you. I turned everyone against you. I know It was wrong but I wasn't thinking. All I cared about was power. Instead I realised I lost a good friend. I lost everyone. That's why I did horrible things to you. When I got expelled it opened my eyes to a whole new world"

Flash back
After being expelled I just stayed at home. I was sitting in my room on the bed. My mum and dad were so angry with me. I made them ashamed. I Still really their words in my head.

"Why, why has my baby became the rebel in school?" My mum had her hands covering her face. She was crying.
"We thought you knew better Amber. We're so disappointed" my dad had his arm over my mum's shoulder. He looked at me with shame and disappointment. My heart felt like it fell into two. I hate seeing my mum and dad like this. I'm the one who caused them this pain.

I sigh closing my eyes. I realised what I did wrong. I became a bully, a slut, I became everything I shouldn't of been. I knew how to fix it. I have to change back to the Amber who was sweet, kind and friendly. I need to change my life around. It's just...I don't think I'll be able to get near Abby again...

Flash back ended

Abby's face looked like she didn't believe me. I don't blame her for not believing me. I mean if I was her I wouldn't believe me either. "Please Abby, let me do something to prove I changed" she shook her head walk backwards. "No, no I can't" she whispered before she ran off. Jess looked at me one more time before running after Abby. I just stood there alone. Well I guess that could of gone better. I will find away to prove to Abby that I have changed.

The Unthinkable: Amber ReturnsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat