Opening present and a lot of messages

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I woke up In the spare room Luke had. I got up rubbing my eyes. I lol to the left. There was my phone I had in my dress pocket and the present. I look at my phone. I had about 8 messages

To: Abby
From: Logan

Abby I'm so so sorry :(

To: Abby
From: Logan

Please text me or call me Abby. I'm sorry

To: Abby
From: Logan

I'm a fool Abby. Please talk to me :(

To: Abby
From: Hannah

Baby, I'm so so so so sorry, I don't know what came over me xxx

To: Abby
From: Hannah

Abby, baby, please. Text me :( xxx

To: Abby
From: Jodie

Abby, where r u? Xxx

To: Abby
From: Jodie

R u with Luke? I saw his car drive off xxx

To: Abby
From: Jess

Ur with Luke right? Text me and Jess please xxx

Ignore Logan's and Hannah's texts. I message Jodie and Jess so they don't worry.

To: Jodie
From: Abby

I'm fine. I'm with Luke xxx

To: Jess
From: Abby

Your right. I'm with Luke xxx

I press send and open the present Amber gave me. My eyes widened. There was a card and a picture of all of us. Jodie, Jess, Luke, me, Amber and Logan. I read the card. 'Yes I still kept this picture of us. I miss the good old days. showed me how to change my life. And I'm thankful for that. I'm happy for you and Logan. I always knew you two would be together. Abby you will alway be my friend. You changed my life. Thank you again :) ps this is my number if you want to text or call me.
I smiled at the card and picture. My heart was beating with happiness. My anger I had for Amber was gone and was replaced by forgiveness and happiness. I did the only thing I could think of. I called her.

The ring took awhile but finally she answered.


"Amber, it's Abby" for once I said her name in a happy voice.

"! Abby! Are you okay? Your not mad are you? Did you open my present? Is everything okay with you and Logan? I'm so sorry"

I laugh, this is actually really funny. "Calm down will ya. Yes I'm okay. No, I'm not mad, yes I opened the present, I loved it. And no....Logan kissed my use to be friend"

Everything went quiet for a minute. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry....wait, why are you not yelling at me?" I smile. She was confused.

"Well, that picture you gave me brought back memory's. I realise the good things about you. And I know you been trying hard to fix things. Amber, I forgive you for everything" I smile as I say this over the phone. It feel good to say I forgive her.

"Really?!" She yells with joy.

"Really, really"

"Aww I'm so happy Abby!"

"Amber, meet me at the sunshine cafe at 10:00am" it was already 9:00am. I have an hour to wait.

"Alright, I'll see you there"

I hang up, scrolling to get Jodie and Jess. I'm going to tell them to meet me at the sunshine cafe. I'm going to make everything right with my girls and Amber.

To: Jodie, Jess
From: Abby

Meet me at the sunshine cafe at 10:00am. I have someone you need to meet :) xxx
I put my phone in my dress pocket again. I look round the room. I lucky found a small mirror on the left side of the pale green wall.
I looked alright. I didn't look the best. My curly hair is all over the place, my eyes are bloodshot and I did have a love bite on my neck. I sigh, hand combing my hair. It sort of worked. It looked better than before.

I walk out of the guest room. I cud hear noise from the other side of the room. I guess it Luke's room. I peek my head in. He's watching tv. I knock quietly but made sure he heard it. He tilt his head to the door. His eyes glued to me with a smile. I walked in. Sitting at the side of his bed. "Hey, how you feeling?" I give him a smile. "I'm feeling better....come with me to the sunshine cafe" Luke's face looked at me with a unreadable expression. "Sure, but why?" I move closer to Luke. "I'm meeting Amber. I forgave her" this time Luke looked angry. "What the hell!" He stood up. "Why?" I sigh giving him the picture. He seemed to be quiet. His face softened. "Ah...alright I'll go" I jump up from his bed hugging him. "Thank you. We're meeting Jodie and Jess too. I want things fix with them 3...and you" he sighs but nods. "Alright but I'm not forgiving her easy" I nod my head in understanding and agreement. I don't blame him.

We both break the hug when a text comes in.

To: Abby
From Jess

Sure. Jodie's with me at the min. She's coming too. We're see u then :) xxx

I look at the time. 9:15am flip! Already spent that time?. I look up at Luke. "Mr, get ready" I start to walk out of his room. "What about you?" I pose at the door frame. Luke looks me up and down. I roll my eyes. "I'm ready. I haven't got any clothes remember?" He clicks his fingers, forgetting about that. "Oh yeah, you don't need to worry about your mum and dad. I called them telling them that you weren't feeling well" well, it's a weird thing to say when I just ran off. I'm sure everyone saw. But my parents would believe anything. "Thank you" I walk down the stairs and into the living room. I turn the tv on waiting for Luke. I actually don't think I've been to Luke's place before. This is the first time. It looks really nice, for a guys place.

Well I guess this is the day I bring our friends back together. It will be like it was years ago

The Unthinkable: Amber ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now