Seeing Luke. Yay! And boo!

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It was finally the end of college. Me and the girls walked out of our class to bump into Someone. Of course, me being me from high school, I fell down to the floor. "Hey! Watch where your going!" I yell standing up as I rubbed my sore butt. I heard laughing which I knew all too way. "Well it's nice to see you too Abby" I look up to see a grinning luke. "...Luke...long time no see" I smiled at him. My smile was real but it was alittle fake too. "You haven't really changed much. You done this in high school" Luke seemed amused by this. "Yeah, well you know me" I say doing alittle pose.
If your wondering what's going on, I'll tell you. I haven't seen Luke for a while. I know, I know, your maybe thinking 'what?' Well, even though Luke and logan are still good friends, luke has been busy with his work, that he hasn't seen me or logan.
"Well I think we should go. Bye bye princess" hannah winks at me as she drags Nessa away from us. She was going to bring Jess with her but I held her by the arm. I think hannah got what I meant as she left with Nessa. Jess looked at both of us awkwardly. "Shall we go babe?" I drag Jess by the arm. Yes I haven't let her go yet. She tripped over her own feet when I pulled her. Lucky I caught her before she fell flat on her face like I did. Jess gave me a look which said 'thank you but I'm going to kill you.'I just gave her a big grin. "Babe? Really?" Luke raised an eyebrow. "Ya, been saying it to my girls for ages now Lukey boy" he kept looking at me but shook his head. "Maybe you have changed abit" Luke muttered to himself. I didnt heard him, but I didn't want to know what he said.

We stopped at the car park about to go to our car,until Luke called both of us. We stopped in our tracks knowing we couldn't get out of this. "Don't you want to go to the cafe down town?" He asked but he wasn't looking at both of us, he was only looking at me. "" I was trying to think of an answer when I looked at Jess. She was trying to creep away without me knowing. Well I got to say, it failed badly. I ran to Her side grabbing her arm tightly. She looked at me and smiled nervously. I just shook my head at her. "Yeah sure. We would love to. Wouldn't we Jess?" I gave her my evil smile. If I was going to be stuck with Luke then so is Jess. "Yeah sure. We would love to!" Jess tried to sound cheerful but it sounded like she was going to kill someone. Which that person would be me.
It was about a 15 minute walk to the town. The bus stop is near as well. Which I guess is kind of good, but not good at the same time...Actually scratch that. It's a nightmare for college. Bet your wondering why? Well I'll tell you. At 17 years old I had to get the bus. Which was fine in the mornings cause I was early for college, or should I say my performing arts class. But in the after noon which was 4:00pm, I got out of college. The problem was the bus left at 4:10pm which meant I had to run all the way to the bus stop. I was dead when I got there. I never missed it but I was dead. That's why it was a nightmare. But hey, I got a car now, so it's easier.

"Who's going to get the drinks" Luke asked both of us. Me and Jess looked at each other. We were both thinking the same thing. "I'll get them" Jess stood up looking at Luke. She already knew I always go for tea with two sugars. "Coffee please" Jess nodded looking at me before she walked over to the Starbucks counter. "Uh..I'll go with her, she sometimes gets the orders wrong" I stood up about to go over to her but got stopped by Luke holding onto my arm. He pulled me back down. "I'm sure she will remember" well looks like our plan failed. "Look Abby, you don't have to be nervous around me. I'm not going to do anything. I haven't done anything to you in 4 years. Can you just relax?" I nodded my head at him. "Sure ok" I smiled relaxing my body alittle bit but kept my defence up just in case I needed it. I look at Luke as he just sits there. I wonder if I can trust him. I mean should I?

The Unthinkable: Amber ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now