The party

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I woke up with my alarm going off. I get up turning it off. I'm surprised Logan hasn't heard it. Then again he's a deep sleeper.
It's been a week since we moved in, and today is the day of our party! Everyone is invited. Let see how many? Well there's Jess, Jodie, Luke, Nessa, Hannah, Milly, William, Tyler, mum and dad. There is 10 people coming.

I walk over to Logan's side of the bed and shake him. "Wake up, wake up. We have a busy day!"

                                                 Logan's point of view

Abby woke me up. She already went to the bathroom. I guess I could text Amber. I get my phone.

To Amber
From Logan

Hey, party is at 6:00pm. Address: luck road 16

To Logan
From Amber

Thanks Logan. I'll see you there :)

I sigh putting my phone back on the bed side table. I'll going to get in trouble with Abby aren't I?

                                          Abby's point of view

I finished washing and brushing my teeth. Now it's time to get the party ready. Lucky for me I had everything sorted out a week early. I have all the party stuff in the spare bedroom in a brown box. I walked into the spare room. They was a single bed with red sheets, a lava lamp at the side of the bed-I know cool right-red curtains, some pictures of random things. And a closet. I have the box near the bed. I open it up. There was a lot to do.

I lift the box walking all the way down to the living room. It was heavy. I put the box on our medium sir coffee table. In the living room we have a medium coffee table in the middle. Our TV in front of the wall with a stand. Our two white leather sofa was on one side of the room and the other on the other side. We even got a two seater which is white so we out that in front of the coffee table. Making it look like a square. There were pictures of me and Logan and our families.

I pull out some party poppers. We can use them later. I put them on the table and put out those colourful paper things that you hang up everywhere. You know what I mean right? I forgot the names. I get the latter, throwing it everywhere. On my lights and pictures. I go into the hall and do the exact same. Hall had the key holder. The flower stickers on the right wall, the house phone on the left, coat hangers on the left and shoes were on the left too.
Logan came down the stairs when I was coming down the latter. "Logan, please help me with the food" Logan gave me a strange look. "Where's the food?" I rolled my eyes. You would of thought he knew. " in the cupboards in the kitchen" Logan walked to the kitchen. I followed behind.

Our kitchen was massive. We had cupboards every where. A washing machine on the right and a dryer on the left. A red fridge on the right. Cooker in the middle, sink beside the fridge. And a black microwave on the left.
Logan reached for the food. I got the bows ready. We had cheese and onion crisps in one bow. Sweets the second bow. Cheeses in the third. Sandwiches on a plate. Fruity frozen yoghurt on that fourth bow. Salad In The fifth bow. Chicken nuggets in the sixth bow. And some mayo and tomato.
I gave some to Logan. And I grabbed some. We put them all on the dining table. We just had tables and blue lovely comfy chairs and a clock up on the wall. I looked at the time. We had 1o minutes to go.
" Logan if the door rings get it for me please" I ran up stairs looking for a dress. I heard Logan say he would answer the door.

I looked through the closet looking for a dress. I got loads of dresses. I got about 20. It took me about 5 minutes to find the perfect dress. My dress had white at the top with a light brown belt and a tortoise bottom. I put it on me and got my tortoise high heels. I looked in the mirror. I looked nice for the party. Some people were already down stairs. I walk down getting my iPod from the hall. I got my speakers from the kitchen and walked to the living room putting olly murs on. Jess and Jodie arrived first.

"Hey, Abby!" Jess and Jodie said together. I had a smile on my face. I'm going to tell them. I'm not going to tell Nessa or Hannah about what happened last night. Why you ask? Well it's cause Hannah and Nessa are t my close friends. Jodie and Jess are my close friends. It will always be that way. "Girlies I got to tell you something" they both look at me with wide eyes. They knew from my smile it was good news. Tell us, tell us" Jodie jumped up and down in her heels. I opened my mouth but got interrupted by the door bell. "One minute" I put my hand up making a number 1. I walk to the door and open it. Mum and dad were at the door with Logan's parents. "Welcome to our home mum, dad, Milly, William" I hugged mum and dad first. "Thank you Abby" mum walked past with a smile. Dad nodded his head following mummy darling.
"Darling!" I look at Milly who gave me a big hug. "What a nice place you two got. I'm so happy for you both!" I hug Milly back. I nodded at William when I saw him watching me carefully. "Place come in"
I closed the door.walking into the living room. I scan the room for Logan. He was talking to both our parents. I hug Logan from behind making him jump alittle. "Logan, do me a favour and open the door for guests please" Logan laughs bringing me round to face him. "Sure, I'll do that" I beam nodding at him. "I hope you have a great time" I smile to both parents leaving to find my friends. I scan the room again until I saw Jodie and Jess waving to me at the food table.

"Alright miss Abby spill it" Jess was starting to get impatience, I could tell. "Last night me and Logan...drum roll..." they both drum on the table waiting for my reply. "Had sex" both eyes went big again. But I could tell they were happy for me. "Wow! That's great Abby!" Jess yells excited. "Our little Abby isn't a virgin anymore. She's a young women now!" Jodie joked around as we all laughed. "Don't tell the other girls alright?. I only wanted to tell my close friends" I stop laughing to get serious. "Of course baby girl, we will keep our lips zipped" Jess made her lips zip and threw the key away. Jess winked at me. I guess that was time to all shut up and talk about something else since some one, or shall I say two girls were coming near us. "This is such a great party!" Jodie yelled out" I felt hands on my shoulder. I looked round to see Hannah smiling. Well that was close. "Hey girlies" I look round again seeing Nessa. And then there was Luke and Tyler with Logan. Tyler looks at me and waves. I wave back but turning quickly around.
All my girly friends saw, they knew something was up. " sweetie, you know that Tyler boy likes you" I make a funny face at Hannah. She's sooo wrong. "No way, your so wrong" she lift her eyebrow at me. "Am I really babe?" Everyone else agreed.

No they couldn't be- I hear a lot of yelling, unpleasant yelling. I look round to see....Amber.....what the hell is she doing here?! I walk up toward her. I'm going to have a right go at her. "What the hell are you doing here, Amber?" I say flatly not looking impressed. She sort of smiles at me but knows she isn't wanted. "I wanted to give you this" she hands over a present that's wrapped up neatly. I don't know why but I took it. I lift my eyebrow in question. "Why are you giving me this?" My voice sounded confused, in fact I am confused. "It's just a present, to say sorry and to say I'm happy for you" I snort. She's kidding right? "Your kidding right? I can't forgive you, Amber! Do you know how much pain I had? do you know what I went through?" I pull down my strap of the dress, pulling it all the way to my stomach. There it had a deep, ugly scar. That...that was where I stabbed myself... "This is what you made me do. I was in a depressed state. I almost died cause of you!" Her eyes were wide, her mouth hung open and her hand covered her lips alittle. "I'm so sorry" she whispered tears coming to her eyes. "I sigh pulling my dress back up. "Who told you to come?" I asked in a softer voice. "Logan" she whispered again. Angry started to boil inside me. I looked around the room. He wasn't there. "Go" my voice was low with anger. Not because of her but because of him.

The Unthinkable: Amber ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now