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I woke up with my alarm clock going off. I groan slamming my clock with my hand. Remember when I said I'm not an early bird but I can be when I want to? Well that's changed completely, I'm not anymore. I hate getting up early.
I stand up slowly from my bed,rubbing my eyes. Once I can finally see and I'm wide awake, I walk down the stairs into the kitchen. Mum and dad were already there. "Good morning" I greeted mum and dad like always, as I grab an apple from the counter. "Good morning Abby" they both greeted together. "Love, when are you going to live on your own or live with Logan?" I sigh to myself. "Mum, I'm working on it" Mum and dad always ask me this. It's getting on my nerves. They can't wait to get rid of me. "Hunny, I'm only asking because you need to fly the nest. Your 20 years old Abby" I walk over to the bin, throwing my apple in it. "I know mum... I'm going over to see Logan" I give mum and dad a kiss. "Okay dear, see you later" my dad says still looking at his paper. I smiled to myself and close the back door. What will I do with them?

I got in my car, putting my seat belt on, and driving off to Logan's place. Well it's not really his place. He still lives with his mum and dad. At least they don't bug him about moving out. I sometimes think Logan's got the easy life.
It took about 15-20 minutes to drive to Logan's place. To be honest we actually don't live too far from each other. But I just take the lazy route since I got my car.
I walk up to the door and knocked. Logan opened the door with a big smile on his face. I tackled him with a hug, only thing was we both nearly fell to the floor, lucky we both got our balance before we fell. We looked at each other and started laughing. I rested my head against his chest before kissing him. I smiled into the kiss. I feel like there's still fireworks going off as we kiss. I just feel like melting. We broke apart when we heard an awkward 'ahem' we both looked at William which is Logan's dad. I smiled awkwardly as Logan gave him a big grin. William smiled alittle bit before walking into the living room. As you can tell his dad hasn't changed much since those 4 years. I guess you could say he was a quiet guy.

Now I'm sure your wondering how I know his name? Well, at first his dad Thought I was another one of Logan's sluts. And no, it didn't hurt my feelings, or made me angry when he thought this, I mean, you can't blame the guy. If I was him I would be thinking the exact same thing. But as time went on he started to realise Logan was serious about me. Just a few days after he realised, he told me I could call him William. That's how it all started.

William walked into the living room. I followed behind him with logan following behind me. I got into the living to be tackled in a big hug by Milly. "Darling! It's so good to see you again!" I hugged her back laughing. "it's good to see you too Milly" as you can tell me and Milly have a good relationship. We talk about everything and anything and we go girly shopping sometimes. Milly is like another mum to me. She was actually so happy when she found out logan and me were dating. She actually jumped for joy and done a silly dance. Logan was so embarrassed, he went red in the face. I thought it was so hilarious. We both broke the hug and smiled to each other, before I sat on the floor with Logan. Right in front of me and Logan was a big book with a picture of houses. I already knew why this book was in front of us, I seen it about 2 times. If you haven't guessed already. This book is to help us get a house. Yes that right, we are going to move in with each other. I'm so excited. it will be the best day of my life when we find a house we both like.

We turned to page 10. That's how far we got too. "Ohh darlings that house is so nice!" Milly yelled out with cheerfulness. Me and logan looked at it closely. The house was white with eight windows. It was massive. Some of the plants were growing on the house but it looked nice. The inside was just as nice, but It was just a bit old looking. We both looked at each other making a horrible face. "What? You don't like it?" We both looked at Milly and shook our heads. "No, it's not our..." I was trying to think of the right words but logan seemed to finish my sentence for me. "taste" Milly and William just stared at us for a few seconds before Milly burst out laughing. William just looked at us and his wife. He's always so grumpy and boring.
I turned the page to find a grey coloured house. It had seven windows, and it looked like it had a big parking spot, which could come in handy. The inside was so nice. I smiled to myself. I saw from the side of my eye that logan was smiling too. "Eek! You two like that one!" We both nodded our heads. Milly clapped her hands in excitement. "At last we found one!" Milly cheers. I laugh at Milly. She always made me laugh. Logan on the other hand thought she was embarrassing. But she did have a point. This was the first house we liked. The price wasn't so bad either. It's about £1,300. Yes I know it's actually dear but we got the money. Of course it will be a bit cheeper since we are splitting it.
"Where is it though?" William asked both of us. All smiles stopped. It always became serious when he spook. " it's about 30 minutes from here. The place is called luck road" logan said sounding serious. William just nodded. "Ohh! I heard that's a lovely place to live!" Milly was smiling big. Her smile makes me smile. "Well I better call them up" logan stood up, walking to the phone in the hall.

We were all quiet trying listen in. "Hello, I'm calling for the house on sale at luck and my girlfriend will be coming....could we make Thursday?....great! But I'm not sure about 3:00pm, my girlfriend doesn't get out of college until 4:00pm....Ah right, I see, I guess we can make 3:00pm then....alright, thank you, bye.

Me and Milly started hugging each other and jumping up and down. William just sat there doing nothing.
Logan came in with a smirk. "Looks like we can see it on Thursday. Just we got to tell your college about it" I nodded my head and hugged logan with a big smile on my face. " I got a good idea, me, you, Jodie, Jess and Luke can all meet up tomorrow" I beam at him. Thinking its a good idea. "Can I bring hannah and Nessa too? I can't leaven them out" logan smiles and gives me a kiss. "Yeah sure that's fine with me" logan grins at me. I hug him one last time before I go into the hall to text my friends. Even if Luke will be with us, it will be good to have all of us together again.

The Unthinkable: Amber ReturnsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora