2nd Half of February goals

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Ok, so you know how everyone has new years resolutions? I tried that...until the end of January. It wasn't a thing of giving up, it was more laziness-

Anyways, I thought that I should maybe do shorter time-spans for these goals because a whole YEAR is way too much. I mean, how am I supposed to stay away from sugar on Eid? its basically breakfast on that day.

BUT Before I list out my goals, can someone please tell me:

Is delaying a new routine till the next Monday (Even when its Tuesday) just so I can do everything from exactly when the week starts normal? or just another way to procrastinate?

Just checking. Anyways, its Sunday now, and I cant start working on my goals from tomorrow (Because its Monday)

So, my goals are:

Read 10 smart people books (classics and all that other stuff)

Do a Chloe Ting workout for 2 weeks (because I'm seriously unfit. If it came between me, and a serial killer, I'd fall flat on my face and give up on life)

Enter an Art competition (this might not seem like a big goal, or a goal at all. Thing is, I'll be like "Yea! ill do it" and then give up 2 minutes later. So, I WILL enter the art competition!)

And I feel like that's all I can manage unfortunately because I'm just THINKING about doing some of this stuff and flaking out already. Curse my poor decisions making skills.

Anywaze. I'll do an update for this on the 28th!!

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