Miss Motivator

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Hey babes!

Today, I wanted to talk about something that I think really got affected due to the pandemic. My motivation.

Ok so guys, im that person who has a plan for EVERYTHING. My outfits for the week, the work I'm going to do, everyday conversations and WAY more. I had my degree picked when I was 14. I hadn't even started my GCSE's yet. When I think about it...its kinda obsessive. Anyways.

People think I'm a totally motivated person, but I didn't realise people even thought that until like, 2 weeks ago when I said to my friend that I'd lost motivation for writing a book. She was like "wow, i didn't even know that was possible. For YOU" . Or when someone gave me a really big project to do and i was like "umm". Someone else chipped in and was like" u sure she can do this?". and the other person was like

" Lola will do anything. Innit?"

Alhamdulilah (praise be to god) I'm alright doing that specific task (though I started it, did it for about an hour and haven't even opened the file since-)


And this could or could not be related to the pandemic and lockdown etc. (but probably is). My motivation has DROPPED to almost nothing. Like, sometimes I wake up and all the things I have to do come crashing down into my head and I...Just...Can't...get...up.

I usually force myself to, but today I was like "this ain't it" and lay there for like, 2 hours doing NOTHING and by god it was amazing. But then I had to get up and do my science-

I can't write books, I don't wanna work or do ANYTHING except for sit there, eating pastries and reading books. But, I can't. And, its really terrible.


I've decided on a NEW method of motivation for myself and hope it works bcssss.

I'll write a new list every day, but also have one for general stuff, and stick it on my corkboard(and if you don't have one GET ONE. I'll link it below).

For example:

I do my extra science, so I can do my exam in May instead of November

I read my Quran every morning so I don't forget it.


It actually works. Simple stuff like that. I mean, i have the LONG version in my brain, but this kicks it off. In case your wondering, heres the long version.

I do my extra science so I can do my exams in may instead of November. If i do them in May, i get a SIX WEEK SUMMER HOLIDAY and can start my A-levels earlier than was planned and FINISH SCHOOL IN THE NORMAL TIME.

(My schooling is about a year behind and this really bothers me). I'm actually getting excited just thinking about that!

So, do you guys have any tips for boosting motivation? If so, do tell. I'd love love LOVE to hear from you guys and to use your tips. Don't forget to like, comment, and follow moi. 😘

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