Respect All Right

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Hey guys!

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Before I get into this, please note these are my opinions, and its a free world so don't kill me please-

Ok, so, I wanted to talk about this, because racism is something I really care about, and I REALLY hate. Its a really disgusting thing, and its kinda unbelievable that it still goes on.

I live in London, England and people are always saying that racism doesn't exist here, or we don't get discriminated.


I don't know how people can be lying to your face like that. Its such an APPARENT thing, like, it happens. Why is everyone in denial?

Italy vs. England?

Everyone acted surprised when those players got slammed with abuse, but lets be real, you knew it was going to happen from the moment they missed their goals. Its just a THING. I'm not saying you have to accept it, just don't be surprised when it happens!

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is, racism is a very real occurrence, and its being going on for a long time.

Now what does this have to do with anything?

Personally, I am not homophobic. What people think, or do is their business and I literally do not care.

But what gets me about it though, is that, when they advocate for their rights so passionately, things ACTUALLY happen! When Asians get abused everybody comes down.

They clap, and everybody jumps. Sure they get discriminated, abused, but so do so many other races and types of people.

What about Native Americans? What about Muslims? Hindus? Pakistanis? Sikhs?

Nobody cares.

Its just really annoying how society works, and so frustrating they we can't really make an impact.

I mean, we've been protesting black rights for so many years, and nothing has changed.

They still glorify people who blatantly disrespected people of other cultures.

Ghandi was anti-black and he was supposed to be this really amazing, inspiring and wise guy.

Christopher Columbus just stumbled upon a land with a whole RACE of people living there and claimed, and they got made into 2nd class citizens. How is that right?

Anti-Asian hate got so big, within like, such a short amount of time. You hear people like 'Its so shocking that this goes on in 2021'.

Hello?? Where have you been??

Now, I'm not saying this to discount any protest of any kind, but PLEASE PLEASE, think about everyone!

I believe every race should be treated equally. We are the human race, full stop.

There are issues, and we can raise awareness, protest etc.

Just don't brush off cultures or types of people.

Everyone has a voice, and those voices should be heard.


Sorry for not updating guys! I mostly write on my blog these days, so head to the link in my profile if you wanna keep up to date! 

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