1. Hijaab

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Meaning of some words:

Hijaab: The covering of every part of the body except the face and hands. Some people think it's just covering hair.

Muslimahs: Female Muslims

Hijaabi: One who wears the Hijaab

Sahabiyat: Female companions of the prophets. I.e his wives etc.

Sunnah: The teachings of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

"Are you oppressed"
" do you have hair? "
"So,do you actually have a neck?"
"Can I see your hair?"
" how much can I PAY to see your hair? "

These are all questions that we as Hijaab wearing muslimahs get asked. It sounds ridiculous I know.

Just because I cover my head,doesn't mean I'm not a human. I just choose to cover my hair!
And why,may I ask, might I not have hair? Let me remind you,I'm human too.

People follow me around in shops because I wear a scarf.
The security guard in Lidl follows me around the ENTIRE shop. What does he think imma do,blow up the bakery aisle? Seriously people. Chill out.

Wearing a hijab for me,is a matter of pride. I wear it to make Allah happy. Simple. I'm not forced to do it. Allah isn't forcing me to make him happy,I just want to.

Apart from that,I love my Hijaab styles lol. It's verry flexible,so long as I stay covered modestly.

All this new "modern Hijaabi" don't cut it bruddas. It doesn't look modest in the slightest. I mean,did we hear about Sahabiyat wearing trousers outside? Or putting on HEAVY makeup (like,girl,are you going to a wedding?? )

Some people say that "Oh,the Sunnah is outdated ". Not true.
They sure had makeup in that time. And trousers. It wasn't that long ago guys. Like,we are only in 2020.😑

Ok,I guess it's kinda ok if people wanna adopt that style. But don't say your being modest. Please. It ruins the image of Muslimahs, and it's hard maintaining a good one as it is!

Lastly,we ain't oppressed fam.
Islam is ALL about respecting women. Allah just wants the best for his creation. We wear the hijaab to be modest and listen to Allah,but it also protects us from the eyes of men. We wanna talk about feminism,but more and more people are compromising their femininity(not sure if this is a word lol) by the day.

Our Hijaab protects us from that.
So rise up Muslimahs, wear that Hijaab with pride!💕

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