Am I a Femenist?

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Hey babes!

So, recently someone asked me if I was a feminist! and the answer is yes, yes I am. But I only say that for a very specific reason, and that is because my ideas, aims and goals for how I want society to treat women.

First off, I want men and women to be judged in a work environment based of theirs skills and assets, that alone. How much you get paid or if you get promoted has nothing to do with what sex you are. Such matters should be determined according to your skills.

And IF your paying people by the hour, and you happen to pay a woman less, then you need to fix up.

Another thing.

That assumption that all women do is cook, clean and have kids.

Don't go applying this to every single woman on the planet. Yeah, that might be what some people wanna do, but not all of them. This is mostly attached to culture though, more than the general society.


Fellow feminists, don't assume that all women want to have jobs, go to work, take over the world, etc.

Sometimes, women want to be housewives. Just make sure you're not forcing beliefs and opinions on other people.

One other thing, women have insults and slurs for us specifically, which is stupid because there is no male equivalent. And some boys wanna be like "Yeah, but girls call each other sluts too!". That my darlings is called an unintelligent statement.

Even though it's a bad thing to say, it's not as bad if one girl says it to another, as opposed to a man saying it.

Women have simply reclaimed and rebranded that word.

Its like the N-word. Black people are allowed to say it, because we reclaimed that word. That doesn't mean it's ok for everyone to say it now.

Now the clothing thing. People these days wanna rant these days about 'Oh, I should be able to wear what I want.

Yeah, you should be able too, but its not a simple as that.

Take being a hijaabi for instance, I should be allowed to wear whatever the hell I want on my head because its my body and isn't anyone else's business. But why do we still get hate for it? Its not something you can get rid of easily.

But people seem to take this statement as an excuse for dressing like hookers for no reason whatsoever. And then complain when boys try move on them.

They are men, they have hormones, feelings. Its human nature to feel attraction. You can't come down on a man for the way his brain works.

And if he acted on it, yeah its wrong, but not everyone is as nice and helpful as we think they are.

Look on the bright side! At least you don't have a whole country outlawing your headwear. Every cloud has a silver lining or however, that saying goes.

So, yeah, I am a feminist. Women should not be treated like second class citizens, but as I said in a previous post, respect all rights. Don't neglect other causes, and make this your MAIN thing, because there's a lot of messed up stuff going on in the world.

But yeah, that's all from me. I have tons more to say, but I wanted to keep this post short.

So are you a feminist?

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