Ramadhan Blog Diaries: Day 6

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Hey guys. Sorry no update yesterday. I woke up at...around this time and felt really disorientated for the whole day. I did write some updates, but scrapped the whole post bcs there wasn't even much there...

Anyways. What did i do yesterday? I actually went to the shops like, half and hour before maghrib to buy cocoa powder and the brownies where done by dinner time alhamdulilah. There are no pictures because they got...demolished. Happens when you have a 7 person family. They where very nice tho, ill link the recipe down below (If I remember). I also started writing a new book (terrible I know, I have consistency problems...). But, i really want to publish this one for real. Its going to be a short little romance story...and also the first story that doesn't have a mix-race main character! (Or I might change this...idk. I feel like there are too many books with girls from one select race. Tryna have some diversity yk). I'm going to write and edit one chapter a day, and also work on my other Wattpad work inshallah. I want to continue it after Ramadhan and I aim to have a WHOLE bunch of written chapters by then.

As for today, I've been a bit more productive. Managed to finish two work assignments, and I'll be submitting them later Insha'Allah. What else? Oh, I've got Islamic studies class for three hours later on, so that should be fun. I'll probably do some quilling while I'm there (And take some pics of the finished work). I'm also going to revise my weekly schedule so I can wake up and work consistently and reach all my goals. This week has been totally rubbish with schoolwork lol, so, I want to try and get on top of that.

I also want to try and update this post like, every two hours, so its consistent. See ya'll soon!


Hey again! I've actually managed to be really efficient today! I've submitted 2/3 assignments and I'm just waiting on my printer to scan the next one in. I'm currently taking a break from science to do a little update. I'm actually listening to Quran whilst working, because I heard you get reward from just listening. So, that's an effortless way to get some reward alhamdulilah!


back again...lol. These consistent updates are nice break from school and my day in general lol. I'm in my intensive Islamic studies class rn and its getting pretty interesting. We are covering all the aspects of whudu (ablution) rn. I've done this all before in a previous program, so this is all revision basically. I'll probably write a bit more of my story whilst I'm listening to the first class lol. Then do my quilling in the 2nd one, then just chill in the last one XD.


not long till iftar now! And this is the last update of the day! Alhamdulilah, its been a really productive day! I managed to do all my work, some Quran, dhikr etc. I'm just wrapping up my Islamic studies class and making a shareable poster for charity. I wrote a whole chapter of DT&L so, I'm pretty on target with that! How about you guys? How productive have you been today? lemme know in the comments below!


I've added the link for the brownie recipe in the comments. 

The first recipe i actually followed accurately...

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