How Am I Preparing for Ramadhan?

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Hey babes!

Hope everyone's doing well.

Ramadhan is coming up! And I literally cannot wait! However, as many of us have probably realised, like last year, its gonna be pretty different.

For me though, this is going to be my first Ramadhan as a properly prepared (And up to date!) student.

As a student, studying can pose some problems. I mean, I WANT to do religious stuff etc. but I also have to stay on top of my schoolwork. So how am I going to balance the two?

One more thing that I'll do, is set my goals from NOW. I'm also working on a TOP secret project that I will be releasing in due course.

So what are YOU guys' plans for Ramadhan? Any tips or tricks for studying? or Just productivity in general? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to drop a follow!

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