Frat Calum

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Sorry for not updating but I had exams lol and follow me on Instagram @mukesirwin I make edits :)) this imagine is from tumblr!
It was your sophomore year of college and you decided that you needed some more social interaction. You were a film major so you only had a select group of friends and you needed to broaden your horizons honestly. You decided to rush a sorority.
It was something you had wanted to do since your freshman year. You hadn't done it then because you didn't look like the typical sorority girl. You had lost some weight since then, dyed your hair a bright bleach blonde color, gotten your braces off, and even gotten contacts. You felt great about yourself and wanted to show yourself off.
Being a sister in the sorority was much different than being a pledge. You had to attend certain frat parties and go to meetings and do much more philanthropy than you thought. You didn't mind it; it was just more than you thought.
You were leaving the Gamma Chi house when a guy came walking up to you.
"Hey I've been seeing you around the Gamma house a lot lately this year but I've never seen you before this semester." He was dressed in all black with the sleeves cut off his shirt.
"Yeah, I was just initiated in the fall."
"Oh cool, I'm Calum by the way."
The two of you walked down greek row to the commons to get some food. The commons were filled with people, as they usually were this time of day. You normally wouldn't have noticed the amount of people there except for the fact that they were all staring at the two of you.
"Ignore them. Most of them are just shocked that a Kappa Tau is eating lunch with a Gamma Chi. Kappa Tau is number three on the greek row fraternity wise and Gamma Chi is number two in sorority standards so its just kind of odd you know? Like normally Gammas tend to go for Omega Chi guys. " Calum started explaining the frat side of things but you already knew most of it and didn't want to spoil it so you just sat and listened.
"Hey listen, there happens to be a party tonight at the KT house and I'd love for you to come." Calum looked for any expression on your face that alluded to you wanting to go.
"Yeah totally. I'll be there."
"Great. I'll see you at 10."
You had learned some things from your fellow Gamma Chi's since becoming a sister and they were very important tips. One of them being that no matter how modestly you dressed during the day, it all changed for party attire. Party dress code was as follows: the shorter and the tighter, the better. You weren't meant to be comfortable but desirable. That's just how you showed up to the KT house.
It was nothing like you expected it to be. Normally you would go to mixers and parties with the Omega Chi's and they were totally opposite than the scene you were in now.
There was a girl dancing on a table, someone was taped to a wall, and it seriously looked like something out of a cheaply made college movie. You looked all around the back yard to find Calum.
After about ten minutes of looking you finally found him taking a shot out of an ice sculpture. You had to admit that you thought that was pretty cool. He turned to face you as soon as he got up and you could tell he was completely wasted.
"Y/n!!" He yelled as he stood up and tried to find his balance.
"Hey Calum. Where can I get a drink?" You asked him.
"In the kitchen. Follow me." He talked liked he had sobered up completely but by the way he was walking you knew the alcohol had taken effect..
You two walked from the backyard into the house. The music was much louder than before. You could feel the bass from some Chris Brown song that you faintly recognized in your bones. Calum led you through the hallway into the kitchen and raised his arm to show you what was available.
"Here ya go Princess. What ever your heart desires."
"Make me something you'd drink." You said smirking at him. You wanted something to happen tonight and didn't care how it happened.
"You couldn't handle what I'm drinking Princess." The more he called you that the more you found yourself getting even more attracted to him.
"Try me," you said leaning your elbows against the counter showing off your cleavage that looked awesome in the dress you were wearing.
You and Calum spent a lot of time together at the party. You came with a few friends but had no idea where they had gone and you didn't really care. Calum sobered up some while you were just now feeling the effects of the alcohol. Your body started to feel warm and you could feel your cheeks begin to redden.
You two were on the same level of intoxication at this point and conversation wasn't forced anymore like it had been just this morning. Your bodies hung on each others and his hands always seemed to find that perfect spot on the small of your back.
You grabbed the black snapback off the top of his head and placed it on yours.
"How cute do I look in this?" You asked him.
"Not at all." You felt your face drop as he kept talking. "I think you look sexy with my hat on."
"Oh really?" You raised your eyebrows and smiled. You basically looked like the smirk emoji.
"Yeah. That dress is also really sexy but I'd think it would look better on the floor in the corner of my room. "
You gave Calum a look that said you agreed. He smiled, grabbed your hand, and led you to his bedroom.

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