Luke imagine

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Sorry I haven't been updating but I was busy voting for 5sos :) and they won OMFGBBHBMBCC

Luke Imagine: Judges on The Voice

"Ready to lose this year?"
You turn around to see none other than your boyfriend Luke Hemmings smirking at you, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Please, Luke - you weren't even close to winning last season."
"Closer than you."
"If that's what makes you sleep better at night, then you keep thinking that."
"Nothing makes me sleep better at night than having you by my side."
You find your teasing grin melting into a warm smile at his words, and you find yourself wrapping your arms around Luke, his arms doing the same around your waist. You melt into his touch almost effortlessly, as if you haven't seen him in months, as if you haven't left his side for so long.
It felt like coming home.
"I missed you, you loser."
Your words are muffled into his shirt as you bury your face into his chest, eyes closed and relishing his arms around you, the lingering scent of his detergent wafting to your nose, his heartbeat thumping in your ears.
"I love you, you dork."
He kisses your head lightly, and you feel his lip ring tickle your scalp - a feeling you missed so much in the past few months, a familiarity that only you would know about Luke.
It wasn't easy being separated from him for months - he had his busy schedule with his band and you had yours.
Touring, recording, interviews, performing - you found it funny how the two of you did the same routine day after day but never crossed paths, always on the opposite ends of the globe and a few too many fuzzy Skype calls away.
You remember when you first got the offer to be a judge on The Voice from your agent, how you said yes without a second thought and called Luke the moment you found out.
Guess what, loser? I'm an expert professional now - they want me to be a regular judge for The Voice!
You remember hearing his fuzzy laugh from the phone call, and you could picture his crystal blue eyes crinkling at the corners and his white teeth and perfectly parted lips and hearing his familiar laugh only made you smile even wider, if possible.
Then I must be an expert professional too - did you really think they would hire you and not me too, you dork?
Your mouth had dropped open in shock and you could hear Luke laughing louder on the other end of the phone at your shell shocked reaction.
Don't be so shocked, love. You can't one-up me even if you tried - looks like we'll be up against each other from now on.
You let out a tiny little hmph, which only made Luke laugh even harder.
Bring it on, you loser.
You definitely weren't complaining, though.
You loved your job - touring and singing and performing and doing everything you had ever dreamed of ever since you were a little girl - but you also loved Luke.
Tall, gangly Luke who nearly spilled coffee all over you on your first date, who nearly tangled his limbs trying to stretch his arm over you during a movie, who asked you out with stuttering words and shy eyes.
Luke, who ran over to your house at three in the morning with his guitar when he finished writing a song for you, who held the umbrella for you in the rain even if it meant getting his quiff wet, who pulled his oversized sweaters over you in the winter months, smiling at your small frame in his large clothes.
The problem was that while you loved Luke and your job, there was very little opportunity to balance both and love both to the extent that you wanted to.
Loving Luke more meant being away from the stage that you left your heart on, letting your fans wait for another album as the days passed, another venue that you'd never get the chance to play on.
But loving your job meant missing Luke with every lonely night in a hotel room by yourself, late night calls that ended too quickly and texts that were too short for your liking; going to new countries without him to get lost with.
It was always hard to find an equilibrium.
But with your offer for The Voice, you felt like you caught a lucky break - for a few months you got to do something you love with your job and spend time with Luke without being thousands of miles away from each other.
I can't believe you of all people got picked to be a judge, too. Loser Luke Hemmings, lead vocalist of his stupid band.
His stupid band with some talent, missy. Don't be bitter over your inevitable loss, love.
You moaned and pouted over Luke's increasingly claims of winning, though there was no denying that your heart still fluttered whenever you saw him for another season despite his cheeky remarks.
Back for round 2 already, love? Didn't you learn from last season that my team will conquer yours?
Last time I checked, you didn't win either.
Oh, but this time I intend on conquering you in every way possible.
He'd wink and you'd redden at the cheeks and hit him on the arm as his smirk grew on his face, his hands snaking around your waist, fingers hooking on your belt loops as he pulled you closer, his breath hot in your ears.
I'll show you all about winning.
Sure you can, loser.
The fans were more than ecstatic about you and Luke's appearance on the hit show - while the two of you kept your relationship more low-profile, once the show started there was no denying the playful competition between the two of you.
Pressing the buzzer before the other could, mouthing mock-threats to one another as the chairs spun around at the same time, talking over each other on opinions and teasing remarks to each other that only couples could get away with.
She's insane, I swear - I mean, those pretty eyes and cute smile are just there to hide her insanity. Don't make a choice you'll regret.
Shut it, Hemmings - or else I might just have to tape those lips of yours.
I can think of another way for you to get me to shut up.
It was competition, and getting people on your team to go against Luke's was your main goal - unfortunately, that was a goal he shared with you, which was clearly proven over your bickering on the first few episodes of the seasons.
I'll give you the best experience I can offer to you -
- oh, she most definitely can.
Luke Robert Hemmings!
- but while she can do it well, who do you think taught her all she knows?
I'm going to kill you, Luke.
I'm looking forward to it.
The first few weeks were always your favourite; going from city to city with Luke and spending a few blissful hours by his side, in front or off of the cameras, so long as you were by his side.
You could travel with him - and while it wasn't anyplace extraordinarily exotic, just being with Luke was enough for you.
Your hotel room wasn't so empty with Luke by your side, his clothes messed with yours and the smell of his shampoo when he left the shower; his tendency to leave food crumbs all over the place and his mismatched socks with yours.
You loved how it didn't matter that each new city was foreign to you; having Luke by your side would always be like being home.
Snuggling closer to him on the bed, the sheets no longer cold with his arms slung over you. Nuzzling into his collarbone and having his fingers play with your hair or rub circles on the small of your back.
Sitting cross-legged on the bed with an empty pizza box next to you, pages of hastily scrawled lyrics surrounding the two of you and guitars propped on your knees.
Writing songs with each other and strumming in time, voices harmonizing at four in the morning in a hotel room in some new city that you couldn't remember the name of.
You had Luke and you had your music, and there was nothing more you could ever ask for.
There were always skeptics when you and Luke first joined the show as judges, people who doubted your abilities with your few years in the industry.
But it didn't matter because people always chose your team with your bright smile and encouraging words, even despite Luke's best attempts to convince them otherwise.
Alright mate, but any funny business with my girl and I'll hunt you down myself.
Luke, you're scaring the poor boy - is this some sort of tactic you're trying to use to screw up my team?
Just putting it out there. You already have a singer boyfriend.
The two of you worked hard with your team, acting as a friend and mentor to all your members, putting your everything into guiding them as much as possible.
And while it was a lot of work on your part, you loved hearing your team members hit that note they've been struggling with, or finding the right harmony after hours of being so lost.
You were proud as a mentor and happy as friend, and you always caught Luke grinning at you from across the room, watching the small little smile of pride grow on your lips.
He'd always stop to listen to you whenever you gave demonstrations for your team members, trying to guide them to a certain pitch or tone through example. He'd wander his way over, a grin on his lips and his eyes never leaving you.
Intimidated, Hemmings?
That's my girl. Hitting all those high notes.
You're really too much.
But you love it.
You loved being on The Voice, sharing your experience and working with so many different types of talent; guiding people and learning yourself.
And you loved being with Luke, whether it be his cheeky remarks in front of the cameras with your ongoing banter or his soft whispers into your skin on hotel beds, lyrics he'd sing with you as his voice blended with yours perfectly.
The months would always pass by too fast and you'd find yourself curled up next to Luke on the night before the finale, half upset over having to leave his side and half nervous for the final results the following day.
Another season come and gone, yeah?
Yeah.. it flew by, didn't it?
Don't look so sad, babe. I'm still here.
But you won't be tomorrow.
You'd snuggle closer to him, trying to memorize what it was like to be in his arms before you'd have to leave them again.
I love you, loser.
Hey, well my team could always win tomorrow, you know..
Not a chance in the world, Hemmings.
I'll let you share a portion of the win, don't worry.
Shut up and hold me, loser.
I'm not a loser if I'm holding a trophy in my arms.
.. Damnit, Luke.
I love you, too.

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