First Date - Luke Imagine

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Just as I was getting ready for my first date with Luke, the phone rang. I picked it up to hear my friends voice on the other end. "Hey!! Oh my god, are you getting ready for your date?" I chuckled at how excited she was for me. "Yes I am." I replied as I was going through my closet for a casual outfit. "Where is he taking you?" "I have absolutely no idea. He didn't tell me. All he said was to wear something casual." I added, "I have to go now. I'll call you later and tell you everything." "You better." She replied and hung up the phone. I smiled and put the phone down and started to get ready.
~One Hour Later~
I heard a knock at the door and I started to feel butterflies in my stomach from how nervous I was. I opened the door to see Luke smiling. "Hi." He said. "Hi." I replied and grabbed my purse. "Where are we going?" I asked and Luke just smirked. "Can't tell you." He opened the passenger side door for me and closed it once I got in. We drove for what felt like hours and finally we pulled up to a small cabin. "Where are we?" I asked curiously. Luke didn't reply. He just got out of the car and brought me around the small wooden cabin, holding my hand.
The site before me was absolutely breathtaking as we walked around the corner. I looked at Luke with my jaw dropped to the ground. "You like it?" "I love it." We walked closer to the rocks that were in front of what looked like a lake. The water was dark blue and was very calm. There was no sand but there were big stones and rocks that surrounded it and lots of trees. A little further down, there was a dock and tied to it was a row boat. I looked back to Luke and he smiled, walking over to the dock. "Are we...?" "Yeah." He said as he grabbed my hand and motioned me to get in the boat. I got in and Luke followed. We were in the middle of the lake and Luke had stopped rowing. We started talking about everything we could think of. I never wanted this night to end. As the sun was dropping, the sky was turning orange and pink, making the water look impeccable. It was the most beautiful view and I was looking at it while cuddled up in Luke's arms.
The night came to an end and Luke drove me home. He walked me to my door and said, "I had a really awesome time, Y/N." I nodded and looked into his piercing blue eyes. "Me too." A few seconds passed and he started to lean in and he placed his lips gently on mine, only for a few seconds. We said goodbye and I smiled to myself. That night was the most incredible night of my life.

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