"Tour Missing" Cake/4 (Preference)

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Calum: "Guuuuuuys. I miss (Y/N)," Calum whined. He had been like this ever since he had left for tour. He texted you 24/7 as well as stalking your Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
"Jesus Christ, just call her man," Michael groaned throwing a pillow at him. The boys were completely fed up with him and as much as they wanted you to come out and shut Calum up, you were currently in debt and didn't want the boys to fly you out.
"I can't, her phone is turned off," he grumbled. He sighed and started spamming you on twitter and soon hit his post limit.
"Guys we have to get (Y/N) to Calum soon. He's going to lose it soon and it's only been 3 weeks," Ashton whispered.
"Yeah but we can't do anything, (Y/N) refuses to accept out offer and even if we did buy it for her she would get mad and not get onto the plane," Luke sighed.
"How about we make a quick stop at Sydney?" Ashton suggested.
"Hmmm, we do have a two week break next week," Michael said slowly.
"Okay, then it's done. If (Y/N) can't come to us, we go to (Y/N).
You were currently sitting at home, working on your science essay when you got a text from Calum.
"Hey :D are you home rn???"
"Yeah just doing boring stuff :P"
"Open your door :D"
Confused you get up to answer the door. As you swing your door open, four overgrown children run through screaming and yelling surprise.

"Oh my god, you have got to be kidding me," you say putting your hands to your face.
"Calum missed you so much, he wanted to see you so we all flew out to hang with our favorite girl,' Michael grinned.
"I can't believe you guys," you laughed.
"Yeah okay, that's enough. She's mine for the rest of the day," Calum grumbled, pulling you into a tight hug and kissing your head.

Luke: You and your boyfriend Luke were currently skyping each other on your one year anniversary. "Hey princess," Luke smiled into the camera.
"Hey Luke," you smiled.
"I know this isn't ideal for out first anniversary and I'm so sorry I can't be with you. I'll make it up to you when I get home," he apologized.
"Luke, it's honestly fine," you chuckled.
"No it's not, so that's why I wrote you something," he smiled.
"(Y/N), ever since I've met you, you have made my life crazy and unfocused. You've changed the way I think and have generally made me a better person. I first realised I started loving you on October 12th, I had come home on a bad day at the studio and you read me like a book. You knew exactly how I was feeling but instead of asking me to talk about it you just hugged me and told me everything would be okay. I have never stopped loving you since then even when we would get into out stupid, pointless fights. I love to get you expensive things even when you tell me it's took much I still buy them for you because I want you to have the world. I love it when you hug me for warmth at night. I love how you always make sure everyone is happy and okay. I love you and you're my whole world (Y/N),"
Luke's speech had you crying and stunned,
"I love you so much Lucas Robert Hemmings," you cried.
"I love you too (Y/N)"

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