All You Need

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I'm sorry I haven't been publishing guys I was on vacation and now I have school, but I'll be publishing more I promise :), follow me on Instagram and Twitter @sluttyfivesos
The apartment was silent when you walked in - a stark contrast to the constant sirens outside. Granted, it was late and Luke was probably in bed, given the fact that he had been working 15 hour days for the last three weeks just to try and make ends meet. There was still a part of you that expected him to have fallen asleep on the couch while watching reruns of bad reality TV, but you had insisted that he didn't wait up for you to get home from work. You simply kicked your shoes off at the doorway and made your way to your shared bedroom.
You were both struggling. Struggling to make ends meet- struggling to have enough money to pay for the dodgy apartment and buy food and pay the utility bills, but you had each other and it was all you needed.
The door to the bedroom was open and the lights were off, so your bare feet padded across the matted carpet in the light provided by the yellow streetlamp outside. When you got closer to your 'bed' (nothing more than a mattress on the floor), your heart melted at the sight before you. Luke had his back pressed against the paint chipped wall and his head hung down in front of him. He had his headphones in, and his iPod resting on his lap. Just from the way he was sitting you could tell he was absolutely exhausted; he had to be. He worked harder than anyone you knew, just to make sure you weren't able to live in confidence that you wouldn't lose your home.
You gently climbed onto the mattress without waking him, but when you pulled his first headphone out of his ear, he stirred awake. You sighed apologetically as he smiled sleepily and pulled his other headphone out.
"Sorry, baby," you whisper as you cup his cheek. "You looked so peaceful." Luke simply smiles and nuzzles his cheek into your palm. His stubble irritates your hand, but you can't bring yourself to pull away. You can never pull away from Luke.
"S'okay," he mumbles sleepily. "I missed you today." His post-nap voice brings butterflies to your stomach. He reaches out to wrap his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap, where he then places a soft kiss on your lips. "A lot."
"I missed you too," you reply as you rest your forehead against his. Your hands find the barely-there curls on the nape of his neck and your fingers loop easily through them. He was in desperate need of a haircut, and so were you, but you couldn't afford that luxury at the moment. "How about I go get ready for bed and then we can cuddle?"
"I think that's the best idea I've heard all day," he smiles. You peck his lip quickly and softly again before climbing off the mattress and making your way to your semi-functioning bathroom.
You weren't sure how long you were in the bathroom for. All you did was brush your teeth, wash your face and get changed into more comfortable clothes, but by the time you had walked back into your bedroom, Luke had made himself comfortable under the duvet and fallen back to sleep. He was on his side with his arms spread out before him and his mouth slightly open. His breathing was rhythmic and heavy and he looked so childlike - the most peaceful you had seen him for a long time. You were hesitant about getting back into bed and disturbing his sleep for the second time in one night. The idea of being next to Luke, though, wrapped up in his arms as you slept was too dominant in your mind, so you pulled back the covers and adjusted Luke's arms gently.
Luke sighed heavily in his sleep, or at least if he was awake he still had his eyes closed, as you moved closer to him. You pressed your head to his broad, bare chest and sighed with content. Your hands traced patterns up his side in attempt to lull him into a deeper sleep than he already was.
You didn't need a fancy car, or a luxury house or even reliable hot running water. You had to work insane hours, and Luke had to deal with some of the dodgiest people in town but you were happy with each other. You knew that your troubled days would soon pass - you were confident that Luke's music would take off, no matter how unrealistic everyone said you were. You trusted Luke and believed in him. You knew your boss would eventually notice how hard you worked for him and promote you to a better paying job. Luke said everything was going to be okay, so everything was going to be okay. It was hard not to be okay with Luke in your life.
"I love you, baby." You barely heard it. It was breathy, it was quiet, it was sleepy but it was there. It was all you needed.
"I love you, Luke," was your immediate reply, and was all he needed before you both fell into a deep, well deserved slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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