Calum imagine

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(A/N) hope you enjoy! 💜

You woke up in the middle of the night an involuntary groan escaping your lips. Calum stirred, his lovely brown eyes focused on you in less than a second. You didn't have to tell him something was wrong. He already knew it. He jumped, or rather stumbled - still in a sleepy haze, out of bed. He ran down the stairs and you could hear the distant slamming of cupboards being open and the tap water running. When he appeared on your bedroom door, he was balancing a glass of water in one hand and about half a dozen pillows in the other. He lifted your back and put four pillows behind it, so you were almost sitting up. When he was done, he bent your knees and stuffed two more pillows there. After that he kissed your forehead and popped two pills onto your palm followed by a glass of water. Before you even drank all of it down he was gone again, returning with a steaming cup of tea. He snuggled up next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he pulled you into his embrace. You knew you probably looked like a ghost, but he didn't mind. Cramps made you sick to your stomach, but thanks to Calum, it has got easier to deal with. He would cuddle you and hum to you until the medicine took effect and if sometimes you grabbed his hand a bit too harshly in pain, he never complained.

5SOS ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora