Ashton Imagine: Other Girl Flirting with Him

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Not mine credits to its beautiful writer
"Hey, how does this shirt look?"
"It looks great, Luke."
"You've said that for the past six shirts without looking at any of them - I'm starting to think you're not paying attention to me."
"Of course she's not paying attention to you, Luke. She's too busy making heart eyes at her boyfriend."
"Shut up, Cal."
You pry your eyes away from Ashton to meet Calum's satisfied smirk.
"Finally realize there's three other members in the band?"
"I think that shirt looks brilliant Luke - you should definitely wear it to tonight's concert." You say loudly over Calum's voice to the distressed blonde with several shirts draped over his arm.
"You think so? Alright, thanks - I'm gonna go put these back now."
The tall blonde wanders away and your eyes automatically revert back to the familiar figure in the distance.
"You've been staring at Ashton for the past fifteen minutes like a lovesick schoolgirl , seriously. For God's sake, you're dating the man - if you want to talk to him, just go up and talk to him."
"It's not that, Michael - I'm observing him."
"O-kay.. not creepy at all."
"Shut up, Cal."
You narrow your eyes at Ashton's form - more specifically, at the figure standing next to him, which just so happened to be a tall, curvy girl who had been talking to him for just a little too long.
You're not quite sure who she is, but all you know is that she's been talking to your boyfriend for fifteen minutes too long, and you definitely did not appreciate the way she kept on smiling coyly at him, constantly grazing her hands along his arms.
You didn't mind at first - after all, the boys got a lot of fans waiting for them outside their bus and their hotels, and they always took the time out to talk to as many as possible. You understood how they loved their fans, and you weren't one to stop them from interacting with the people that made their dreams possible.
It was the fact that this one girl had been seeking out Ashton and Ashton alone and that she had been just a little too comfortable in the conversation she started, her high-pitched giggles reaching your spot at the front of the tour bus. And if you peeked out the windows, you would see her either twirling her hair or lightly squeezing Ashton's arm, which made you grind your teeth every time she did.
"A little jealous now, are we?"
Calum's voice breaks you out of the reverie you were in from staring intently out the window, trying to read their lips.
"Shh! I'm trying to hear what they're saying, so please just zip it for a few minutes, Hood."
"You could always, I don't know - go outside and join in on the conversation if you want to hear what they're saying so much, you know."
"You too, Clifford. Zip. Hush. Now."
The two boys exchanged eye rolls but obediently kept their mouths shut as you pressed yourself up against the window as inconspicuously as possible, trying to make out the words of their conversation.
The words were muffled at best, but you think you catch the sound of the words number and later, which was more than enough for you.
You huffed and sank back down onto the couch, arms crossed and expression sour.
"Didn't like what you heard?"
"I'm surprised you can hear a thing at all - those windows are thick."
"Like your skull, Michael?"
"I can't hear you over how awesome I am."
You roll your eyes and slump down farther in your spot on the couch, muttering something along the lines of this band is so stupid under your breath.
"What'd he say? Is our drummer gonna run off with some leggy chick and leave us all behind forever?"
"Not helping, Michael."
"Sorry - thought I'd try to cheer you up. You look like you just ate a lemon."
"Is that supposed to make me happy again? Your humour sucks, Clifford."
"And this is why you stick to video games, Michael."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, nothing - let's focus on our little sourpuss here. What'd you hear?"
"I don't know. Something like 'number' and 'later'."
Your words come out as a mutter, but Calum catches them and shakes his head at you, rolling his eyes.
"That could mean anything."
"Yeah, but it could also mean something, too."
"He's not gonna leave you for some chick he just met, you know. Knowing him, Ashton won't even take the number if it was hypothetically given to him."
"Ooh, big words Clifford."
"Shut up, Calum."
You waited patiently for Calum and Michael to finish bickering and hitting each other with the couch pillows, eyes frequently darting out the window where Ashton and the girl were still talking.
You try to tune out Michael and Calum's muffled insults and yells until they eventually subsided and Calum re-emerged from the pillows, hair messed and voice breathless.
"Alright, alright - back to the point. I'm sure it's nothing."
"It's not that. It's - it's just I don't like other girls talking to Ashton like that."
"What if I talk to Ashton like that?"
"Then I'll be questioning your relationship with my boyfriend, Clifford."
"I feel like your definition of 'questioning' is synonymous to 'torture interrogation', in all honesty."
"What are you trying to imply, Cal?"
"You look like you're going to kill something, and if you're having stabby needs then I would like to offer up Michael as a volunteer."
"I'm not going to kill anyone Calum, least of all Michael - "
" - whew."
"Don't make me change my mind on that, Clifford."
"Spoke too soon."
"I just don't like how girls talk to Ash that way when he's.. well, mine."
"Ooh, possessive."
"Seriously Cal, you're looking a lot like my next victim."
You playfully glare at Calum and he shrinks in his seat, playing along as he cowers in fear. He turns up to Michael and whispers his next words loudly to him, purposely avoiding your glare.
"Did we invite a psychopath to tour with us, Michael?"
"Yeah, but she's Ashton's psychopath."
"Oh, so that makes it all okay, yeah."
Calum's voice is dipped in sarcasm, but there's a smile behind the words and you can see a grin starting to play on Michael's lips as well.
"Right - sorry, sorry. Well, if it bothers you so much then why don't you just go out there and stop him?" Michael suggests.
"Because then I'll look like the possessive girlfriend!"
"But you are the possessive girlfriend."
"Calum, I swear to god - "
"I mean, what? That's a terrible idea Michael, she'll look absolutely crazy if she goes out there, am I right?"
You glare at Calum again and Michael merely laughs as Calum smirks.
"Well do you want one of us to go out there and pull him back in then?" Michael offers, laughter still in his words.
"No need, Michael. Looks like our drummer's coming back in - either he's gotten rid of the chick or he's coming back to pack his bags to elope."Calum says, peeking his head out the window of the tour bus.
You stretch out your legs and casually kick Calum in the shins a little too hard to be an accident.
You grin as Calum swears and rubs his sore shins, pouting at you.
You hear Ashton's footsteps as he steps onto the bus and you eagerly turn around, a faint smile already blooming on your lips at the sight of him.
He smiles back when he sees you and takes a seat next to you, his arms casually slung over your shoulder.
"So you're not going to pack your bags and run off to Vegas?" Michael asks Ashton, eyebrows raised as he winks exaggeratedly at you.
Ashton's clearly confused, his hazel eyes searching between Michael's winks and your not-so-subtle glares at Michael and Calum still rubbing his shin.
"What'd I miss?"
"Nothing, nothing. Just your little grumpy cat over here worrying about you eloping with some chick you met."
You kick him again in the shins, almost as a reflex now. He grunts and moans at your sudden attack, lying down on Michael's lap as he rubs his legs.
"Ashton, get your woman under control - she's been abusing me and making death threats and I think you should remember the fact that you can't have a band if she murders me in my sleep."
Ashton ignores Calum and merely looks at you, a light smile on his lips.
"You don't have to be worried - she might've been a bit flirty but you're the only girl on my mind."
"Am I really?"
Your eyes are squinted at Ashton despite his close proximity to you, trying gauge if he was trying to fool you with his beautiful hazel eyes.
"I swear. I could have Miss Universe flirting with me and you'll still be the only girl I'll want to run away with."
"Thinking a bit highly of yourself there, now aren't you, Irwin? Miss Universe flirting with you and all." You tease, scrunching your nose up at him, though you feel comparably better than before.
"Well, it was to prove a point! You get what I mean. I love only you, no matter who talks to me. They're nothing next to you."
You smile at Ashton, and you're about to say something when you're interrupted by Michael's gagging noises across from the two of you.
"You guys are so sweet it's actually sickening, I swear."
You stick your tongue out at Michael and Ashton pulls you closer.
"Don't be jealous, Mikey."
"I can't help that my girl is so amazing." Ashton grins at you, and you smile back, cuddling closer to him.
Michael rolls his eyes and makes a sickened face at the two of you, trying to stand up despite Calum still on his lap.
"I think I might puke rainbows if I have to listen to you guys for any longer. And if you guys start eating each other's faces, god help me - "
" - is no one going to acknowledge the fact that I'm writhing in pain here? Bassist down - god, are you wearing steel-toed shoes or something because I think that's going to leave a hole in my shin - "
"Stop being so whiney, Cal."
Soon, the four of you are all talking over each other with Calum still dramatically clutching onto his shin while you teased him as Ashton pulled you closer just to spite Michael while Michael tried to wriggle himself out from underneath Calum's weight on his lap.
And in the midst of it all, a gangly blonde comes bounding back, a triumphant smile on his face.
"Hey guys, I finally decided on this shirt - what's going on?"
Luke stops in front of the four of you, confusion etched on his features at all of you messily laid out on the couches and bickering over one another.
You all cease your talking immediately and look up at the tall boy, who was now scratching his head, looking lost.
You're the first to speak, looking up at the boy with a sweet smile on your face.
"Nothing, Luke. Nothing at all. Here, why don't you come and join us?"

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