dating luke would be like:

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sitting on the couch with luke, him playing with your hair and your hands intertwined. some chick flick was playing but luke couldnt be bothered to watch it, he would be too focused on admiring your beauty. sometimes, you and luke would just be sitting on his kitchen floor, drinking cheap liquor and laughing about the dumbest things ever. you would tell eachother stories that you'd never shared before, and you were completely entertained for hours on end, just sitting there drunk, talking. but needless to be said, you could just be sitting next to eachother in the same room of silence, and would be completely content. luke didnt care if you spent hours in silence, as long as he was with you. and on the weekends, you would go to bars and get completely wasted. but instead of getting drunk and trashy, you and luke would sit there and laugh at all of the douche bags at the bar, hitting on girls. you would wonder how you got so lucky but luke would be wondering the same thing. and when you went home, you would stumble into bed while laughing about something dumb that happened at the bar. luke would lend you one of his shirts because he loved the way you looked in them. and sometimes, luke would take days off of work to have little adventures with you. sometimes, in the middle of the night, you two would go into the city, and lay down under a tree and watch the stars. you guys would even fall asleep under them sometimes, mentally cursing yourself in the morning. but luke would just giggle at how stressed out you were that you fell asleep outside in the city, and say that the risk was worth it if he got to be with you. luke would put things on the top shelves just so you would ask him for help reaching it and he would make you kiss him in order for him to get it. these were just some of the perks of your boyfriend, luke.

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