Red (calum)

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This is not mine, credits to its amazing writer! :)

I was in a rage. It was more than a rage, I was absolutely fuming at my father and his damned profession. I hated being the preachers daughter, absolutely hated it. I hated having to wear my stuffy dresses every Sunday morning while everyone else was wearing off their Saturday night hangovers. I hated the fact that my best friend was able to attend all these parties, being the gorgeous flapper she was, while I was making house calls to help pray the devil away. I hated it.
My father had just added another damnation to the hell that was my life. Apparently, next year I was to attend an all girls Christian college of God after I managed to graduate. The one ray of hope I'd seen that had made me calm down my rebellious behavior had now been shut out. I was still living the same damned life and I'd continue to live it until I died.
Perhaps I was being a bit dramatic, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. I'd sacrificed a lot of shit in my life to appease my parents and live the life they wanted me to, but no more. I was absolutely done with that as I stormed out of our cottage on the hill and began running in the still night air. It was a crisp September night, not too cold or hot, but I felt absolutely hot under the stars that had just begun to shine. I didn't know quite where I was going, so I just kept walking until I knew my feet were carrying me along the path to Annie's house.
Realizing I finally had a destination in mind, I began to pick up the pace, hoping my best friend would know what to do. I was able to keep my friendship with her by telling my parents I was trying to convert her, but in reality we spent our various nights together drinking illegal alcohol and talking about her various adventures at the parties she'd attended, making me insanely jealous.
Reaching her house, I prayed that she was there, not wanting to spend another night only imagining what it would be like to be in the thick of all the action. I gave three sharp raps on the door and waited impatiently for her to open it, tapping my foot against the pavement.
After only a moment of waiting, the door was swung open, revealing Annie in all her glory, skimpy flapper's costume already in place and loose ringlets hanging around her face. She gave me an indulgent smile and blew some smoke out of her mouth.
"Well if it isn't little Y/N, what are you doing out in the big bad world instead of reading up on how to be saved?" she asked in a playfully teasing voice. I just rolled my eyes at her and grabbed the cigarette dangling loosely from her fingertips, taking a long drag from it and blowing the smoke in her face. She looked at me amused, as if I was a child playing in her mom's clothes.
"I wanted to get out tonight," I said simply, walking into her little place and making myself perfectly at home. She followed me, but made no move to sit.
"Darling, where I'm going tonight you won't be able to get in," she said with a look of sympathy. I felt myself grow frustrated at all the things I wasn't allowed to do, whether it was my father limiting them or my own damn innocence.
"Take me with you," I told her. I'd meant for it to come out as a harsh command, something she simply couldn't turn down, but instead it sounded more of a question. She just looked at me sadly shaking her head back and forth.
"I can't, doll, you have no idea what my night life is like," she reminded me, walking by and grabbing a pair of earrings, putting them in her ears. I moved around in my seat to keep my eyes on her, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
"Show me then. Let me go with you, let me experience something for once in my damn life," I tried to reason with her, getting up and going to stand in front of her. She leaned back from the mirror, giving me an analyzing look. She shook her head again.
"Everyone will know you're new, know you've never done anything like this before. If I bring new meat into a party like this, I'll be off the list for sure. And I'm sorry darling, but I value my own fun far too much for that," she said, moving past me and heading to the door, slipping her shoes on as she went. I followed after her, not taking no for an answer.
"Annie, I'm good at playing along, you know that better than anyone," I reminded her, and I saw her movements slow for a moment. She looked at me, inviting me to continue. "I've fooled my parents for eighteen years, I'm young and I want to experience something. I know you've got extra clothes, just please, don't say no," I begged her, and I hated how desperate my voice sounded. I knew if she said no now, I'd have nothing left to do but go home and wallow in my own self pity, something I'd done too often.
Annie looked me up and down, biting her lip as she deliberated. She walked over to be slowly, putting her hands on my shoulders and slowly running them down my arms. She lifted my arms and took a look at my body, spinning me around slowly so she could examine everything. With a resigned sigh, she walked over to her closet and pulled out a red ensemble, similar to what she was wearing, and threw it at me.
"Change," she said simply, and I stripped down right there, hurrying into the foreign clothes, excitement rippling through my stomach. "You better be fucking convincing, I'm not getting kicked out of the group," she warned me in an almost scary voice. If I wasn't her best friend, I would've probably been terrified, but I just nodded as she went around to me and began messing with my hair and make up.
"It's a damn good thing you've got a good body, I wouldn't take you if that wasn't the case. But you're right, you need a little fun," she said, giving me a smile as she began to dab at my lips. "Just go with the flow, okay babe? Be daring and adventurous and above all confident. Don't act like this is your first party, act like it's another one of your fathers boring seminars, just the same old thing as everything else. Fool them all so much you fool me," she advised, now moving on to work on my hair, pinning it up in certain places while leaving it falling down in others.
"I can do this," I told her, and I felt real confidence in my voice. I was scared of venturing into this new experience, but I was also thrilled at the thought that anything could happen. I was ready. Annie smiled at me, patting my cheek gently.
"That's the spirit dear."
The party was in full swing as we arrived, but according to Annie that was perfect timing. If you arrived too early, people got bored of you and if you arrived too late people were too wasted to pay attention to you. The moment she stepped foot onto the sparkling lawn, she hailed down several people she knew, treating them as old friends and introducing them to me. I shook their hands lazily, casting my eyes around the party, trying to look as if it was a sight I was used to.
It was honestly incredible. Men in suits lounged around drinking martini's from glasses while they eyes the flappers down as they danced along to the beat of the jazz music. The music was absolutely intoxicating, pumping straight into my blood stream and making me want to join the other promiscuous woman up there, flaunting everything I had in front of the envious men. Under the dazzling lights and loud music, I'd already seen several men look in our direction, some staring longer at me than they did Annie.
Annie seemed to be something of a superstar here. While everyone else had their attention diverted to something else when we arrived, most focus seemed to be on the pair of us. Annie seemed to know everyone, though she didn't like too many of them as she told me in undertones when we had a moment to ourselves. Several offers were tossed around, asking to take Annie into a separate room and occupy her for several hours, all of which she shrugged off. Even I began to get a few suggestive offers, which I laughed at boisterously, as if it was the funniest thing imaginable to me. Annie gave me an approving glance, showing that I was doing a good job.
After wandering around for a while, we found ourselves in the thick of the party, people dancing around us and laughing loudly at something that probably wouldn't have been that funny had they not been slobbering drunk. Annie leaned over to say something to me.
"Wanna try your hand at dancing?" she asked, a mischievous grin on her face. I looked at her with my eyes wide with excitement and fear. I loved dancing and I had a feeling all these eyes on me and my scantily clad body would only encourage my movements.
"You're sure I'll do alright?" I asked a little nervously. I'd been doing so well, I didn't want to screw up now. She only smiled at me bigger, nodding her head so fast it made her curls fly over her face.
"Here, we'll start together. If I move around and leave you, just remember, you belong here," she all but shouted at me over the uproar of music. I nodded my head and allowed her to lead me out into the center of the area where people were already dancing wildly.
As Annie allowed her body to dance and sway to the beat of the song, I copied her, finding my own beat and rhythm and moving along to it. I allowed my eyes to close as I felt the beat of the song, but not before I saw people moving back to give us some space, eyeing us with lust from the men and envy from the woman. When I opened my eyes again, Annie was no longer in front of me, but weaving her way through the crowd, winking at me when she caught my eye and motioning for me to continue.
I swallowed my nerves and allowed myself to continue moving, using the stares I was still feeling as encouragement. I felt bodies pressing up against mine at random intervals, but I shimmied away from them, continuing to do my own thing. People were still staring in awe when I opened my eyes, but one particular gaze made my moves falter for a moment.
I'd seen him staring at me all night. It wasn't that it was anything out of the ordinary for tonight, but something about his gaze made me feel as if my entire body was on fire, but not in a bad way. His eyes were dark from what I could tell and he had his evening coat thrown off, the shirt sleeves of his white button up shirt rolled up. When our eyes connected, it felt for a moment like I couldn't take my gaze off of him. He held up a hand and motioned for me to go over to him and I gulped.
Annie had told me in no uncertain terms that she didn't want me running off with anyone random, because she only knew of a few reputable guys that would take care of me. I wanted to go running to him, but at the same time I felt as if I retained some independence dancing by myself. Holding my chin in the air, I turned my body away from him and continued dancing.
"Come on, Cal, we threw this whole thing for you, the least you can do is have a little fun," my friend Michael prodded me as he walked over, a pretty brunette flapper lazily walking by his side. I smiled up at her.
"Hi, Annie," I said, completely ignoring Michael's first statement. I'd always liked Annie and I knew she had an off again on again thing with Michael. Sometimes I had to wonder why, considering he talked about her like she was his entire world. I wanted that a little bit.
"Hello Calum, fancy seeing you here," she said, smirking at me slightly. Annie was invited to all of the parties I'd attended, so it wasn't really a surprise she was here. I just rolled my eyes at her, turning my attention to Michael who was impatiently tapping his foot at Annie's side.
"And no, Michael, I don't intend to have more meaningless sex tonight, it's getting a little tiresome," I told him, going back to nursing my scotch. I wasn't lying when I said that, having a new girl every party seemed like the dream, but they all just blended together eventually in a haze of overpowering perfume and glitzy dresses. I wanted someone new, someone who would stand above the others and make me question why I was ever with any of them.
"Do yourself a favor at least and don't sit here by yourself all night, okay? We're going to get out of here for a bit," Michael said, grabbing Annie's hand and dragging her through the party. I nodded at them as they left and went back to scanning the party.
There seemed to be the usual crowd here, drunk business men with their portly wives looking up enviously at the flappers the men were admiring so. They were the normal crowd as well, I could spot Delilah and Jasmine dancing a far off and Kate was off to the other side. There was one particular one in the middle who I couldn't quite identify because her back was turned to me. I kept my eyes on her, waiting for her to turn around. I wasn't quite prepared for when she did.
She was absolutely stunning. I'd seen her in passing all night and glanced at her from time to time, but this was the first time I was actually drinking in her incredible appearance. The red of her dress sparkled beautifully against her smooth skin and her red lips accented every other aspect of her perfectly. Her hair cascaded around her exquisite face in ringlets that looked so soft, I wondered what it would feel like to run my hand through them.
The way she held herself was different too. I could see even from afar that she was similar to Annie in the aspect that she presumed she was better than everyone else here. Her body moved to the jazz beat in a provocative way that had nearly every man salivating. When her eyelids fluttered open, it was like her eyes were drawn to me and her movements faltered.
Without thinking much, I held up a hand and motioned for her to come over. I knew I had to figure out as much about this girl as I possibly could. She held my gaze a moment longer, biting her lip. Then, unexpectedly, she turned her head to the side and continued dancing not sparing me another glance. I felt my lips upturn in a smile.
She was someone who clearly stood above the others.
A song or two later, I felt myself wandering around the party, growing bored of dancing. I couldn't quite keep my thoughts from going back to the dark haired stranger who motioned for me, but I tried to put him from my mind as I continued to socialize with the other guests. It wasn't difficult acting like I was above them with the incoherent men and the whiny women.
I was spared from learning just exactly how to curl your hair correctly when I felt a soft touch on my bare arm. Assuming it was Annie, I excused myself from the conversation and turned around, only to find that it certainly wasn't Annie, but the dark man from earlier.
I felt my breath catch in my throat at being this close to him. He was beautiful in every way I could think of. His brown hair framed the top of his head perfectly and his coffee colored eyes were smiling down into mine. Despite the fact that I didn't know this man, I felt comfortable with him, as if I trusted him.
"I saw you came here with Annie?" The stranger inquired, which I nodded my head at, seeming to forget my cool manner for a moment. "She's a good friend of mine, she has this thing with my friend Michael. I'm Calum, by the way," he told me, holding his hand out and shaking mine.
I felt myself relax instantly. I'd heard numerous stories about Michael and occasionally one of his friends would be in one of them, so I'd heard of this Calum character before. I knew this was someone Annie wouldn't mind me socializing with.
"Y/N," I told him and I saw him smile at my name, his eyes going crinkly toward the edges.
"Y/N," he repeated, and I kind of loved the way he made my name sound rolling off his lips. "So, how many parties have you been to, Y/N, I don't seem to recall seeing you at any previous ones."
My mind flashed back to Annie's words of advice earlier in her little home. Don't lie, she'd warned me. But, don't exactly tell the truth either. I wracked my brain trying to figure out what would be an acceptable half lie.
"Do you really expect me to keep track of all of them?" I asked him, laughing as he handed me a martini, which I gladly took. He laughed along with me, and I swear it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I could hear him laugh for days and never get tired of it.
Calum gave me a long look for a moment before speaking up again. He seemed to be either contemplating doing something or choosing his next words carefully. When he spoke up, he sounded a little unsure of himself.
"You wanna get out of here?"
I bit my lip, having a feeling of where this would lead. It wasn't like I didn't want to have sex with Calum, I just didn't know anything about him. Despite this, I actually felt safe with him. I felt comfortable, like I'd known him for ages and I just hadn't seen him in a while. I looked up into his uncertain eyes and nodded my head.
"Sure," I told him, smiling up at him. His returning smile brought back the crinkles that appeared in the corner of his eyes and I swore in that moment I had never seen anything as lovely as his face. He grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine and led me through the growing crowd of people. He nodded at a few people who tried to say something to him and continued walking, squeezing my hand reassuringly to make sure I was still with him.
When we got to the edge of the lawn and began walking along the streets, Calum let out an exaggerated sigh, and I laughed a bit at him. He was charming, to say the least.
"I kind of hate crowds like that," he admitted, shoving his hands in his pocket as we began walking further down the streets.
"Really?" I asked surprised. "I kind of love them," I informed him, making a bold move on my part and lacing my arm through his. He relaxed into my touch and continued walking, shrugging his shoulders.
"I don't know, I've just never really thought that I belonged in them that much," he told me, reaching around my arm and circling his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I feel like I'd much rather be in an intimate moment with someone I care about. You belong at parties like that, though," he told me. I furrowed my eyebrows, not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not. Upon seeing my furrowed brows, he elaborated a bit.
"I mean, I'm not saying you're bad at spending moments with someone or anything, it's just obvious that you're someone who should be in the spot light. You're someone who people were meant to pay attention to," he said, and I could feel myself blushing at his words. I was already shaking my head before he was finished.
"I really don't though," I mumbled, tugging at the shimmering sequins on my dress. He scoffed under his breath at me and I looked up to see him rolling his eyes. "I don't, I promise," I told him, laughing at his assumption. "I've basically lived my entire life being a quiet person, getting out like this is fun for me's just really not me," I told him, and I saw him raise his eyebrows.
"What do you mean?" he asked, sitting down in the grass. I didn't realize we'd wandered away from the roads and into a little field, but I smiled at our location. I liked it here. I could see what Calum meant about sharing an intimate moment with someone being more fun than being at a party.
"I don't know, I've probably said too much already," I told him, looking down at my hands as I sat on the ground with him. He scooted closer to me, pulling my hands in his lap and messing with my fingers.
"Do you not trust me or something?" he asked, and while I knew he was trying to be charming and keep me talking, he sounded sincere. I shook my head, still looking at my hands, afraid of what would happen when I looked up.
"No, I just don't think you'll be able to handle the truth," I told him evasively. I felt his soft hand beneath my chin, lifting my head up so I had no choice but to look into his toffee colored eyes, which were focused on mine, searching for something, though I wasn't sure what.
"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" he asked, and his voice was barely above a whisper, though I could feel his soft breath hitting my face, filling me with thoughts of nothing but Calum. I allowed my eyes to flutter closed, letting Calum be the only thing swirling in my mind.
"Well, are you going to find out or aren't you?" I said after a moment of quiet. I still had my eyes closed, but I could only imagine the smirk that was present on his face before I felt his soft pink lips brush over mine.
Calum seemed to be being obnoxiously careful, so I gently pushed my face a little bit more against his, trying to get him to kiss me a little harder. I felt him laugh in the back of his throat as he reached up, grabbing the back of my neck to keep me in place while he deepened the kiss.
I was a fairly inexperienced kisser, only a few sloppy ones behind sheds when I was younger, so feeling Calum kissing me like this was a completely new experience for me. I hoped he couldn't feel the inexperience on me, so I quickly allowed his tongue to enter my mouth at the most gentle prod from him.
Calum was soon pushing me back to lay on the soft grass, keeping himself held above me with his arms on either side of my head. He pulled his mouth away from mine for only a moment, simply taking time to gaze down at me, but I impatiently pushed my lips back against his. I could feel him laughing slightly again as he smiled into the kiss.
He moved his lips away from mine for a second time, only this time he reconnect them to the skin of my throat. I felt myself sigh at the new sensation of his plump lips leaving wet kisses along the skin there, occasionally biting and sucking softly. I wondered if this would leave marks that I'd seen on Annie so often.
Calum's large hands reached up to my shoulders, lightly caressing the skin there and sliding the straps of my slip and the glittery dress over it down my arms. I felt him first pull off the heavier top dress, the one covered with glittering strands, leaving me in simply my deep red slip and my gloves. He reached his head up from it's place in my neck, pulling my gloves off my hands, kissing each hand as he pulled them off. I giggled at him, reaching up and threading the free hand in his hair, loving the feeling of his soft locks against my small hands.
After that, Calum began unbuttoning his shirt, throwing it quickly to the side and leaving him in his undershirt, quickly pulling that off too and allowing his caramel colored skin to shine in the moonlight. I heard myself give a small gasp at his beauty as I sat up, reaching my hands out to trace over his soft skin.
As I allowed my hands to wander across the broad expanse of his shoulders and the silky skin of his chest, I could feel his heart beating exceptionally fast. I looked up at him, seeing that his eyes were clouded over in what I could only assume was lust as he leaned in again, capturing my lips in yet another kiss.
I let my shaking hands continue their movement south until I felt the rough fabric of his black pants. Slowly, I undid the button, and pulled down his zipper, returning my hands to the band of his pants and pulling them down his long legs. He pulled my face back up to his so he could begin another kiss, this time moving his hands to pull down my satin slip. I felt my breathing hitch for a moment at the realization that I was now left in nothing but my panties and brasserie. Calum pulled his face back from mine for a moment, allowing his eyes to wander down my half naked body, and I swear I saw him lick his lips.
"God, you're beautiful," he whispered out, and I felt myself blush at his words. His hands slowly traced their way up my arms, cupping my face and forcing me to look at him. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to," he told me, slowly stroking my face. "I don't know how, but I can feel that you're not quite experienced," he told me, and I felt myself blush again at my own innocence.
"It's not that I want to stop," I admitted to him, because I could feel the desire coursing through my veins. "I've just...never been with someone in this way before," I admitted to him, letting my eyes become downcast again. I heard Calum take in a shaky breath above me as he returned his hand to my chin again, gently pulling my face up to meet his.
"I've never been with someone so innocent before," he told me, pulling me closer in a comforting embrace. "But you're different. I can already tell you stand out above the others, I could tell from the moment I set eyes on you," he said, and I could hear the conviction in his voice, even though I didn't see how it could be true. "I don't want you doing something you don't want to do," he murmured, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I bit my lip, meeting his sincere eyes.
"I do want to do this with you, Calum, really I do," I told him, pulling him back down onto the grass with me. "I just...please be gentle," I asked quietly. Calum lifted his face, kissing all around my face before reaching my lips again.
"I promise, angel, I will," he said as he began kissing his way down my body again. I smiled at his use of the term angel, but began to grow nervous again as I felt his hands reach around my back to unhook my brassiere. I felt the material give a little bit before Calum moved his large hands to shove it lightly off my breasts.
I saw his brown eyes widen as he stared down at my bare chest, and for a moment I considered trying to cover myself up, but before I knew it, he was lowering his head down, attaching his mouth around one of my nipple. I felt my back arch as I gasped at the new sensation as Calum sucked and traced his tongue around my breast. I released a soft sigh above him as I felt his other hand snake up toward my unnoticed breast and began lightly massaging it, reaching up to pinch and flick at my other nipple.
Calum continued this for a few moments, smiling around my breast each time I would let out a little louder gasp before he allowed his mouth to travel down my stomach, nipping and kissing here and there. He sucked a little bit over my belly button, making me giggle slightly until his teeth went down to toy at the band of my panties. He looked up at me, and I nodded down at him, signaling it was okay for him to proceed. He looped his long fingers around my panties and slowly pulled them down my legs, leaving me completely exposed to him.
Calum kissed his way back up my legs, biting at the inside of my thighs and sucking on them lightly before he returned his face to my bare core. I could feel myself dripping with wetness as I felt his hot breath fanning over me. Calum lifted one finger up, tracing it up and down my folds, and I gasped at the new sensation, immediately wanting more. I thrust my hips, trying to get more friction. I heard him chuckle beneath me as he used one arm to hold me down.
"Patience, poppet, I need to get you a little warmed up first," he told me, and though I didn't quite know what he meant by warmed up, it became apparent when he covered my pussy with his mouth. I let out a loud gasp and I felt him chuckle into my core, sending vibrations through me that made me elicit a loud moan. He poked his tongue out, running it up and down my folds, spreading my wetness mixed with his own saliva.
Calum began flicking his tongue around a particularly sensitive bud, making me moan again, this time reaching my hands down to hold his face against me. He closed his plump lips around it, giving a little suck as he continued to roll his tongue around it. I was biting my lip painfully hard as I felt sweat begin to form on my face as Calum continued his torture on my lower half. He continued to suck and flick at the bud before he brought up a finger as well, circling it around my entrance a few times. He slowly pushed it in, stretching me slightly before curling his finger upward. I let out a more than audible gasp as he continued thrusting his finger in and out of me, curling it up again and again.
The feeling of Calum's mouth on me and his finger inside me had be spiraling into a frenzy. As I continued to push his face closer to me and thrust my hips to meet his finger, I felt a warm knot form in my stomach. I began letting out more frequent and higher pitched moans as he continued, and just as I felt the knot about to unravel, Calum pulled off me. I let out an indignant squeak as I looked up at him through hooded eyes. He just grinned down at me, leaning down to kiss me briefly on the lips.
"I could feel you clenching around me, babe, I have a feeling you're only going to last for one tonight. If you're ready, I'd really like it if you allowed me to make love to you," he spoke the last sentence quietly, brushing some hair back from my face. I looked up at him in wonder and infatuation as I pushed my head up to kiss his lips again.
"Yeah," I said a little breathlessly, answering his earlier request. I saw him beam down at me and he slowly pushed down his underwear, allowing his erection to be released from its confines. I looked in curiosity at it, wondering what it would feel like buried inside me. Calum leaned over, grabbing something from inside his pants and pulling it out. Upon further inspection, I realized it was a condom, something Annie had told me about but had scarcely used. They working kind, she said, were fairly rare and difficult to come by, so I felt flattered that Calum was willing to use it with me.
After Calum rolled the condom on, he reached down, gently spreading my legs apart and positioning himself in between them. He reached down, grabbing himself and putting the tip at my entrance. Calum looked down at me, cupping my face with one of his hands.
"Are you ready baby?" he asked, and I could see the concern behind his lust clouded eyes. I bit my lip again, nodding up at him. He smoothed back some more of my hair, something he seemed to do a lot of. "Just keep me posted on how you feel and do what feels natural, okay?" he told me, and from a further nod from me, he slowly began to push into me.
There was initial pain at first that got a little worse as he went deeper, but I bit my lip and bared through it. His eyes stayed open as best he could and trained on my face, though I could see his face contorting in pleasure. Once he was fully inside me, he stilled for a moment, giving me time to get used to him.
"Are you okay?" he asked hurriedly, reaching a hand up to hold my face. I nodded at him, my eyes closed firmly, trying to adjust to his length inside me. After a moment or two longer, I nodded my head again, reaching up and kissing him sloppily on his face, not quite reaching his mouth. He slowly began to pull out of me before pushing his hips back into mine, making me whimper slightly at the contact.
After a shorter time than I expected, the discomfort went away, followed by immense pleasure. My moans and whimpers were no longer in slight pain, but in ecstasy at what Calum was currently doing to me. He reached a hand down, returning it to the sensitive bud again, making me elicit more and more high pitched moans. I understood what he meant about me clenching around him, as I could now feel myself doing it as the knot in my stomach came closer and closer to unraveling again.
"Come on, Angel, cum for me," he whispered in my ear, gripping my body tightly in his. I let out a strangled moan as I allowed myself to find my release, spilling my juices all around him. As I calmed down from my high, I could feel Calum still thrusting his cock in and out of me, getting slower and sloppier as he began reaching his own high. He buried his face in my neck, kissing and sucking at the flesh there as with one final thrust he spilled into the condom, moaning my name as he came down.
As we both lay there regaining our breaths, Calum moved his head, kissing over the expanse of one shoulder and up to my lips. He pulled his hips back, pulling out of me as he kept our lips connected.
"You really are something special," he told me as he smiled down at me happily, going back in for another kiss. I felt myself smile back at him out of pure happiness as I began to reciprocate the kiss.
After only a moment or two, I heard rushed footsteps through the grass and I pulled back from the kiss quickly, feeling myself begin to panic. As the figure rushing toward us became clearer, I saw that it was only Annie, but I still felt embarrassed at my current state.
"Jesus Christ, Calum, this was not a side of you I wanted to see," she said, groaning as she covered her eyes. "As for you, Y/N, I cannot believe you ran off with someone you just met. Calum's a good guy, but we've all been worried sick about you," she continued as she began looting through our clothes, throwing them at us while we lay there. I sat up, a little confused.
"We?" I questioned her, slipping back into my undergarments as quickly as I could, feeling dread setting in my stomach. She nodded at me, a grave look on her face.
"We. You're father's been looking for you all night, and if he finds out you just had sex with a bootlegger, you'll be locked up for good I have a feeling," she informed me, and I scrambled up, throwing on my clothes as soon as humanly possible. Calum just looked up at me, a confused and slightly hurt expression on his face.
"Wait, who are you? Why are you so worried? Can...can I see you again?" He asked, and I could hear the worry and hurt laced in his voice. I looked back at him as I began to be dragged through the field.
"Talk to Annie, I can't explain now," I told him as I wrenched my grip from Annie's hurrying back over to him. I heard her groan as she scrambled back to me, trying to pull me from from Calum, but not before I reached him once more.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, giving him a hurried kiss as he tried to keep me there with him. Annie angrily pulled me back away with her, making sure I was firmly in her grip this time.
"Calum, I'll explain later," she called over her shoulder. I glanced back to see him sitting there, watching us go with a confusion and hurt etched all over his perfect features as I had no choice but to allow myself to be steered back to my house by Annie.

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