5sos preference- They bring home a pet

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Calum: "Babe, I'm home!" you call out into your apartment as you dump your keys and bag by the doorway. Just as you've taken off your shoes, you see Calum's head poke around the corner, a look on his face you've come to know all too well. It's the one he uses to soften you up when he wants something or has something to tell you he knows you won't like. "Oh boy. What did you do?" you immediately sigh, stemming your hands into your hips. "Nothing, nothing! I haven't done anything!" he swears, holding his hands up in the air as a sign of peace. His body language seems to convey a different message however, as he approaches you carefully, the way a timid deer might approach a human. His dark brown eyes are wide and soft, giving off the puppy-dog look vibe. "Calum!" you say again, a warning tone to your voice, demanding to know what is going on. "Ok, ok. So you remember my friend Quinn, the one with the pug?" he begins slowly. "Yeeeees" you reply suspiciously. "Well, it just had a litter of pups and...." instead of finishing his sentence, he goes back around the corner, returning with a tiny yet adorable pug pup. He holds it close to his face, pouting his infamous pout. "Calum!" you sigh in exasperation. You've had this discussion endless times before. Calum is like the needy child who keeps begging for a pet, not understanding the time and responsibility it takes to look after it. With him always busy with the band and you working a full time job, you don't see how a dog could fit into your hectic and time consuming lifestyle. "I know, I know! But look at him! I couldn't say no when Quinn offered me one!" He counters, rubbing his cheek against the black fur of the tiny creature. You let out a long, drawn out sigh before stepping towards Calum and the pup. You get a better look at him, stroking his tiny little head. It yawns in the most heartbreakingly adorable way. "He is pretty cute" you admit, feeling a tug at your heart. "Can we please keep him? PLEASEEEEE?" Calum begs, reminding you again of the resemblance to a child. "Calum who is gonna take care of it?" you start to say, but he eagerly interrupts. "It could be the band pet! We could all take turns looking after it! It would be so amazing, please please PLEASE (y/n)!". You remain silent for a little while, turning the idea over in your head. It probably wasn't the best of ideas, but looking at this precious, meager puppy, you can't give it away again. "If it pees in the bed I'm kicking it out" you tell your boyfriend, watching his chocolate eyes light up with happiness. "Omg Yay! Thank you babe, you won't regret it! You'll love him, I swear!" Calum rambles with delight, hugging you tightly, almost squishy the poor pug. "Alright, alright" you laugh, scratching your new pet behind it's ears, already falling in love with him.

Ashton: "Babe?" Ashton's voice sounds deep and velvety on the phone, a twinge of excitement laced into it. "Ya?" you answer, trying to multitask balancing your coffee, handbag and groceries whilst maneuvering your phone. "Are you coming home soon? I have a surprise for you!" he says mysteriously. "Ooooh! I love myself a surprise! I'll see you in about ten" you reply, hanging up, wondering what this alleged surprise could be all about. You don't even have to unlock the door, Ashton swings it open as soon as you walk up the front porch. His smile is so wide and dazzlingly bright, it could probably light up an entire city. "Come in, quickly, I want to show you my surprise!" he hurries you, pulling you into the house. "You know how you've always wanted a pet?" he begins, his eyes alight with suspense and enthusiasm. "Yes...." you answer, hope rising in your chest. He says no more, taking your hand and pulling you into the bed room. You brace yourself for a fluffy, soft animal of some sort, a kitten or a bunny or something along those lines. However, as you step into your shared bedroom and Ashton unveils his big surprise, you are less than impressed. "It's....a turtle" you say, the excitement fading away rather quickly. "I know! Isn't it great! I want to call him Ninja, you know, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" he beams, obviously so proud of himself for having though of something so witty and smart. You look up at him with hesitation. "But...... It's not fluffy. Or cute. It doesn't even do anything" you say slowly. "Babe, it's super awesome! Like who do you know that has a pet TURTLE?" he swoons. "Us apparently" you mutter, staring into the turtle's glass vitrine. "Don't you like him?" Ashton asks with disappointment, observing your face. "No I mean he's cute I guess......But he's not a puppy." "Oh. Well I mean we can take him back and exchange him...." Ashton begins, his shoulder slacking as his excitement about the turtle has just been crushed by you. "No, no! You know what, you're right. He IS pretty awesome. At least we have a unique pet. Ninja, the turtle. I bet everyone will be so jealous" you say to him, trying to be comforting. Ashton's lips curl into a small smile. "Are you sure?" he asks, to which you nod. His small smile spreads into a full on beam as he embraces you, pulling you onto the bed where he is sat. "Thank you, babe! You're the best!" He says, showering you with kisses. Oh well, what can you say. Happy wife, happy life.

Luke: "Nawwww, Luke, come look at this one!" you call over to your boyfriend, pointing towards the possibly most adorable guinea pig you've ever laid eyes upon. "Nothing with fur" Luke says sternly. "Everything with fur ends up pooing everywhere and they stink up the whole place." "They do not!" you counter in a whiny tone, dragging yourself away from the animal. "Ok so if I can't have a dog or a cat or even a freaking guinea pig, what CAN we get?" you ask him, crossing your arms. "A goldfish" he replies with a grin. You stare at him with a look, making him chuckle. "I don't want a stupid fish, Luke. I want a REAL pet! You said we could get one!" you whinge on, hoping he'll finally give in to a furry animal. "I said we could have a LOOK AROUND in the pet shop. I never promised anything" Luke says. "Puuhhleasseee can we get the guinea pig, I want it so badly pleaseee" you beg, throwing your arms around Luke's waist, having to crane your neck to look up into his baby blue eyes. He grins back down at you, setting a quick kiss on your temple. "I'd be open to a snail or a lizard or something as well" he offers grandly. You let out a grunt of frustration, letting go off him and recrossing your arms to sulk. You walk around the shop for another good twenty minutes, continuously pestering Luke for the guinea pig, assuring him nothing else will do. He doesn't give in. Finally, you give up and suggest you just leave. You and Luke walk out and half way down the street before the genius boy realises he's left his phone in the store. So typical, you think grimly, waiting for him to return. He comes out, his hands buried in his big hoodie, strutting down the street like he owns the place, looking pleased with himself. "What are you smirking about?" you ask him moodily. "Oh, you know... Nothing. By the way, we need to stop by somewhere on the way home" he says casually. "Ugh, WHY? Where do we need to go?" "Pet market. We need to buy some food and a cage for this lil guy" he answers, whipping out the guinea pig you'd been admiring from the massive pocket on the front of his hoodie. "Oh my gosh, Luke! You got him? We can have him???" you exclaim, jumping up and down. He nods with a smile, making you squeal with excitement. "Ahhhh Yay THANK YOU, Luke! You're the best boyfriend ever!" you say, pecking his cheek and taking the guinea pigs into your own arms, cradling your new pet lovingly.

Michael: The boys are rehearsing at Luke's house, getting ready for their Aussie tour. You always love watching them do their thing, content to just sit there for the many hours it takes, mainly because you get to see your sex God boyfriend, Michael, strum his guitar like a pro, getting all concentrated and sweaty.... It does things to you. Today, however, it seems Mr.Clifford is running a tad late, and the other lads are getting impatient. "What have you done to your boyfriend, (y/n)? Why isn't he here" Calum asks, checking his watch for the seventh time. You shrug, wondering the same thing. Finally, after about another fifteen minutes, you hear the door open and heavy footsteps that undoubtedly belong to Michael stomp through the hall. "Guys? (y/n)?" you hear him call mere seconds later. "In the basement, loser!" Luke yells back, tuning his own guitar. "Guys, look what I found in the street!" Michael says as he walks in without apologies or explanations to his lateness. In his arms he has cradled a large, greyish cat, that on top of looking rather old and obese, is clearly abandoned. It's fur is dirty and there are laceration marks on one of it's ears. "Michael! That probably has all kinds of germs and diseases!" you gasp, taking a step back. "Nah, look at her. She's healthy, just homeless, poor thing" Michael coos over the feline, stroking it under it's chin. "Awwwww" Calum, Luke and Ashton crowd around the green haired boy, joining him in fussing over the orphan cat. "We should adopt her!" Michael decides, the other boys nodding in agreement. "NO! Maybe someone is looking for her! Even if not, she is already all grown up, she doesn't need an owner" you quickly chime in. No WAY is this flee bag staying in the same house as you. It seems to understand you, because the cat throws you an evil glare. "Aw, come on, (y/n)! Who else is gonna take her? And she's cute! We could call her something cool. Like Michael" Michael chuckles. "Maybe one of the boys want to take her" you say hopefully, looking around at the other three guys. "Nah, Michael found her, he should get to keep her. She's a lovely cat though, aren't you. Yes you are, a lovely lovely lil kitty" Luke cooes to the cat, making you want to vomit a little. "C'mon, (y/n). She won't be any trouble. You've been wanting a pet anyway!" Michael continues to pester. True, you HAVE wanted a pet. By that you just imagined a cute, fluffy little puppy or a kitten, not this fat, mean alley-cat. "Please (y/n), take me home. I just want to be loved" Michael mimics a high-pitched voice that is suppose to be the cat, holding the fat bastard up to you.Hesitantly, you finally accepting her into your arms. She is warm and cuddly, despite her filthy exterior and mean look. You cautiously pet her back. The beast closes its eyes and purrs, much to your surprise. "Hey, she likes me!" you say with astonishment. "See! I told you. Now we've GOT to keep her!" Michael insists. You sigh, more or less in agreement causing a triumphant yelp from Michael and the rest of the band. You better play nice you telepathically send to the cat, who then snuggles its head deeper into your arm pit, making you regret your decision slightly less.

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