He thinks you're cheating (cashton)

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Ashton (His P.O.V)
I walked into the washroom to, you know, do the normal things you do in the washroom. I was washing my hands and I turned my head slightly to see a pregnancy test in the garbage basket. I took a piece of toilet paper and grabbed it out of the basket. I put it in a plastic bag and set it on the bathroom counter. I didn't want to see if she was pregnant, but I did at the same time. I took a quick glance at it and I noticed right away that it was positive. I didn't understand because we haven't really gotten that serious yet. I then looked back at the small stick with a plus sign on it and I came to realization that if she was pregnant, it would not have been mine. I quickly become angry and rushed out of the bathroom and threw my jacket on. I just strolled through the damp, cold park. I came home and there she was. The girl who I once thought loved me as much as I love her. I took my jacket off and my shoes and walked slowly with a sad expression on my face. "Hey, babe. How are you?" She said with that precious smile on her face. How could she still smile after she cheated on me AND got pregnant. I know that I wouldn't be happy at all. In fact, I'm not happy. "I'm okay, I guess." I said not looking over at her; my eyes glued to the floor. "What's wrong?" I was amazed that she hadn't brought it up at all about her pregnancy, but I was more surprised that she had gone behind my back and did this with another guy. "Oh just-just something I found earlier today." She replied with curiosity and worriment spread across her face. "What are you talking about Ashton?" I just let it all out. All of my anger and confusion. "I'm talking about the pregnancy test, Y/N! Are you cheating on me or something because if you are just, please, tell me now!" I looked at her straight in the eyes, my fists clenched and my eyes red with fury and anger. "Ashton. It's not my test. I've never even done one of those things before." She walked over to me and unclenched my hands and held my large ones in her tiny ones. "Well, then, who's is it?" I said still completely confused. "It's Y/F/N 's. Did you really believe that I would cheat on you?" She asked with tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. "I didn't want to. But the thought had crossed my mind." I said wiping one tear that fell down her cheek. "I love you, Ashton. More then anything." My beautiful girlfriend said to me while a smile formed on her lips. "I love you too, Y/N. More than you will ever know." I leaned into her face very close, our lips almost touching and I said, More than anyone will ever know." I closed the gap between our lips and connected mine with hers.

I walked into my shared apartment flicking off my shoes and hanging up my jacket. I walked right into the living room to relax after a very long day at work. I saw Calum sitting on the couch looking down at the floor. I was a bit worried but I just talked to him like I would any other day. "Hey, babe. How was your day?" I said sitting down on the couch. "Oh, hi Y/N." He shot his head up in my direction. "It was , uh, okay." He looked back down and then back up again. "How was yours?" He asked very quietly. I replied. "It was just tiring. Are you okay, Calum?" I asked in concern. "I just want to know something, Y/N." I looked at him confused and worried. "Are you," He took a deep breath. "Are you cheating on me?" Calum said with tears creeping into his eyes. I was speechless. I didn't know why he would accuse me of this let alone even think I would do anything that drastic to hurt him. "Calum. Why the hell would you think that?" I said putting my hand on his hand. He pulled it back and replied, "Because, I found this and, Y/N, we have not gone this far yet!" He held out a pregnancy test that said positive and through it on the floor in anger. He stood up and I followed. "Calum, babe! That's not mine. It's Y/F/N's pregnancy test! Why the hell would you think that anyways. You think I wouldn't tell you that I'm pregnant?" I looked up into his brown eyes and tears started to fall down my cheeks. He looked into my eyes as well and just said, "Y/N. I'm sorry." He hugged me and I hugged him back. The hug was tight and warm and I never wanted it to end. He pulled away from the hug and said to me, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much." I love you too, Calum." I put my hand on his neck and he placed his hands on my waist. We just stood there, minutes passing by, foreheads placed on one another. Just holding each other and never wanting to let go.

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