Luke imagine

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"What do you wanna do tonight?" you ask your boyfriend Luke casually, jumping onto the empty spot next to him on the couch. He looks up from his phone, the edges of his mouth twitching into a smirk. "I dunno, what do YOU wanna do?" he replies, his eyebrows slightly raised in a suggestive manner. You give him a look back, but aren't able to contain a small giggle from escaping. "NO, I mean for reals!" you laugh, smacking him on the thigh. "I honestly don't know. Whatever you want to do" Luke assures you, as you place your head into his lap, still looking up into his inhumanely beautiful bright blue eyes. The crooked, wry grin on his face now softens up into a genuine smile, his lips stretching over his pearly white teeth, looking back down at you.

He gently rakes his hands through your hair, twisting and twirling it between his fingertips, admiring its softness. He leans down a little, just enough so that his face hovers right above your own. He lingers there for a while, almost as if he is teasing you, but he eventually closes the remaining space between your mouths and subtly kisses you. It's small and slow, filled with tenderness and affection, your favourite kind. "Shall we just stay in? Maybe watch a movie or something?" you suggest. Luke nods in agreement, getting up to pick out a movie from his vast collection. You go and use the bathroom quickly. When you return, Luke has already lit a few candles and laid out the top 5 movies for you to choose from. "Luke! This is so nice!" you exclaim, looking around at the dimmed lights and breathing in the cinnamony air from the scented candles. He's even set out a blanket and extra pillows on the couch. "It's just a lil something to set the mood" he shrugs shyly. "This is really romantic!" you say to him, looping your arms around his neck, having to stand on your tip toes to do so and hugging him. "It really doesn't make much to make you happy does it?" he laughs. "It's the small things that matter to me" you answer truthfully.

You have a 20 minute debate over whether to watch Finding Nemo or Happy Feet. You of course end up winning, causing Luke to huff and sulk during the opening credits of Finding Nemo. "Don't be like that" you say playfully to him, pecking him on the cheek. "Nope. No more kisses for you tonight. That's the price you pay for getting to watch your stupid movie" he tells you. He is obviously bluffing. Luke is a cuddle fanatic. He can't go an entire movie without nestling up to you or giving you a few cheeky kisses. "Alright then. I'll just sit here. On the other side of the couch. By myself. Not giving you kisses or cuddles" you shrug indifferently, moving away from Luke, creating a big space between you both.

He looks a little bewildered, not having expected for you to play him like that. You can tell he is on the brink of begging you to come back, but apparently his pride wins out and he slumps against the cushions in defeat, even more miserable than before. You continue to sit like that in silence for the first fifteen minutes of the movie, until you get up and get a few snacks from the kitchen. If Luke's pride won't let him give out, this sure will. You know him well enough by now to know he can't resist the temptation of an assortment of his favourite sweets and cookies. Just as expected, when you walk into the living room, Luke's head shoots up, sensing food nearby. He reminds you a bit of a cute little meercat. You sit back down in your corner of the couch and silently start nibbling on some chocolate chip cookies. Luke keeps on glancing over, but still doesn't budge.

After five minutes, his patience wears out and he stealthily creeps over to your side, bit by bit, as if he is hoping you won't notice. "You're pathetic" you tell him by the time he has shifted about half way down to your end. However, you feel bad for him, so you give in a little to, moving over to him, bringing the snacks. "You can have as many kisses as you want" Luke promises, as you feed him a red vine. You grin in satisfaction. "Good" you reply, tapping your lips. Luke smirks again, obeying to your command and kissing you. It's not a half-assed little peck either. It's a proper, steady and powerful kiss, the kind that makes your body cry out for more. You carefully put aside the treats, positioning your body almost completely on top of Luke's, all whilst still making out. His hands caress first your face and jawline, then wander down your neck , back and waist, cradling it tentatively. "You're missing all the good parts of this stupid movie" Luke murmurs against your lips, as you brush up and down his defined arms, exposed in a black vest. You don't reply, continuing to kiss him and him kissing you back. Then you pull back, looking into his baby blue eyes, giving him a smile. "I love you" you say honestly to him. "Love you too" he replies softly, tucking stray hair behind your ear. Satisfied, you roll off him, but not entirely. You place your head against his chest, intertwining your legs and lacing your fingers through his. With his other hand, Luke continues to play with and stroke your hair, knowing it is your number one turn on, but also so relaxing. And so, you both lay there, watching the movie, occasionally eating some candy and simply enjoying each others presence during your cute little romantic night in.

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