Birth X Loss

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Neferpitou one of the royal guards had a famous reputation with most of the chimera ant solders. But neferpitou knew there was somebody way more powerful than her and all the royal guards all together. The king. Which his birth was about to occur. "Everyone keeps seeing ways to praise me and the royal guards...but...We aren't the ones to be praised." Thought pitou. "I can't wait to be worthy of his service!" Pitou thought. The king was finally born. But it cost his mother's life. Pitou heard the news that the queen is dead. Pitou was shocked. "The queen is dead?! But how? Was his birth to early?" Thought pitou. "Also...For reproduction of our species? How can reproduction Happen with out her?" Pitou thought. "We must hurry and meet up with the new king..." Said pouf. Pitou and the royal guards came to the place of the cave where the king was given birth. "Pitou. I know your concerned about the queen but leave your focus on the king for now. Who knows maybe he could help our dear mother." Pouf said. "Mother..." Pitou thought. They entered the room. The queen was in critical condition. Peggy panicked and was concerned for the queens safety. Pitou was about to run to her birth giver. But Youpi and pouf grabbed their sister. then suddenly the king sliced Peggy's head off in less than a second with a whip with his tail. Pitou couldn't get a good look at the king. But she heard his voice. "I won't say it again. Clean it." Then king said to Colt. Pitou suddenly had a flashback of one of her memories of being human. She was a house wife and her husband slapped her into a glass window. And was told to "clean it" when there was glass on the floor. Pitou was in a state of panic but then snapped out of it. The three royal guards put on their act. "Bring me a feast. Where is my food?" The king asked. Pitou and the others kneeled. "We have a meal for you my king." Pitou said. The looked up at him. She was shocked but proud the king's birth was a success. She even blushes alittle bit due to seeing him as attractive. But she made sure to snap out of it and her and her and the royal guards got up and went to get ready to give the king his meal. But pitou looked back at her mother. "He's not gonna help her?!" Thought pitou. "I'd use my ability but...what if...." She thought. She walked away as the guards and the king faded in the distance. "Coming sis?" Asked pouf. Pitou then followed but started regretting it. Colt ran to pitou. "Lord Neferpitou! The queens life is in grave danger! We need your ability you used to heal that man." Colt said. Pitou turned around. She was holding back her emotions. She was truly worried about the queens health. But time was out. So pitou put on an act. "That's different...I only healed that man for my own reasons. But since she's in critical condition and doesn't have much time. There's no use of her to is anymore. She now just a dying thing. With no hope." Pitou said with a smile. Colt was shocked. Pitou walked away and when she kept walking. She put down the act. "I'm sorry, Mother!" Pitou thought as she ran to catch up with everyone else.

Hunter X Hunter AU: Chimera X Ants X Past (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now