I x Hate x You x But x I x Love x You

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"Pitou are you sure you want to come with me?" Killua asked. "Of course! Right now your the only friend I have! I may have failed to protect Gon. But now I can help you both. I'll help you set your sister free. And help heal him as well!" Pitou said in a Determined yet serious tone in her voice. Killua blushed. "You sound just like Gon. He would have said the same thing." Killua said while smiling. "My younger sister has been trapped in that house since she was 5. But now that I'm alot older now I can save her. And I'm not a child anymore. So I will resist the family as well as I can." killua said. "Pitou. We got a long journey ahead of us...." Killua said. It was a long walk to the zoldyck mansoin. Killua was going back to save his sister with pitou to assist him as extra backup. They had a long walk ahead of them. They walked across the government of east gourtoe. Pitou remembered the place well. But hated it as well. It was the place her brothers died. Pitou saw meruem and Komugi dead bodies holding hands. Pitou was paralyzed. killua buried the two together. And didn't separate them. "The king really did change. He changed when he was at his final moments." Pitou thought. "Rest in peace..." Killua said out loud. The two continued walking. The were at the outside land of the building. They set up camp. It started to storm. "This should be good for now." Killua said. "Thank you. For letting me come with you." Pitou thanked. Killua blushed. "It's no big deal. Friends are supposed to help each other." Killua said. "Also about Gon. I know he was in the wrong. That's why I was trying to stand up for you. I killed people too. So many I can't even count with my hands. But we are the same though. We were killers. Who don't want to be anymore. That's why. I was able to understand you..." Killua said. "I get it." Pitou said. Killua was blushing. He got out his backpack. But what was left to drink was the soda he had from tompa a while back. Since posion can't hurt him. He drunk it. "Pitou are you ammuned to poison?" Killua asked. Pitou was. "Yes. Why?" Pitou responded. "This has a laxative. I got this from the hunter exam a while back. I'm ammuned to it. And I have one more can." Killua said. Pitou and killua drunk the drinks. They both drunk a full can. Killua felt pain on his back. Pitou noticed the cuts on his back. "Take off you shirt killua. I can help." Pitou said. Killua took it off. His whole back had deep cuts on it. Pitou sommend dr. Blythe to heal the wounds. "It should take 10 minutes to heal you. So get conferrable. The process should be painless so you can go to sleep if you want." Pitou said while getting out her book about the human brain that she held on too. Killua stayed up.
Pitou had flashbacks about Gon. How her perspective of freedom changed when he did his noble act to save her life.


"Gon are you sure you want to do this with me? We barley even know each other? You don't have to pity me. Plus my ex was in my human life. Not now..." Pitou said. "I want too. You deserve all the love you were supposed to have. You never got that chance. I want to give you that chance." Gon said. "Gon? Before we do this...I have a question. Why did you save me?" Gon asked. "Because my mentor would have done the same thing. Plus it would be unfair to leave you behind to die. There's already to much death happening as it is..." Gon said. "Besides...You asked me too. And if this is our final moments alive or even together...I want this moment to count." "Gon..." Pitou said while she blushed. "And I'm not doing this because of your body. You know that right?" Gon asked. Pitou blushed. "I know..." Pitou said while smiling and blushing. Gon took off his T shirt. Pitou blushed. "You deserve the love you have never felt pitou....Please...
Let me be the one to make you happy!" Gon said. "I will...." Pitou said as she unbottomed her vest. The two stripped. Pitou lied down. "Kite...I don't know what else to do now...But I promise you...I'll make her so happy...and let her feel loved again. Gon thought as he lied down above pitou and kissed her. "Ugh!" Pitou moaned in pleasure.

(End of Flashback)

"Gon..." Pitou thought. "Pitou are you okay?" Killua thought. "I just can't believe that happened between me and him!" Pitou said as she broke down. "Same here..." Thought Killua.

"Ora Killua!"

"Ora Gon!"

Killua thought as he had flashbacks as well.

"Killua...I think we are both upset over gon. But not just over him dieing. He hurt us emotionally too... He yelled at you. And he hurt me..." Pitou said.

The sound of thunder went off. The storm got harder.

"A part of me wants to move on from the past. But I feel like I'm fighting it. I think I'm holding on to the past because of him. He was the first human boy that actually saved me. Even though we were trapped in there for 2 hours. He's the first person I actually got to know very well. My mother the queen. She died giving birth to the king. Pouf and Youpi died trying to protect him! And to protect me! Palm died trying to save the three of us. And kite died before I could even tell Her/Him Sorry! And Gon...I had..." Pitou paused."Pitou? Go on." Killua said. "I had... Sex with him...He was my first kiss...My first Friend that actually didn't die on me....He was the first out of everyone to know about my past...he was the first to make me happy as a friend and as a lover...But after the learned the truth. He turned on me! All the light in his eyes was gone!!! I want to get back with him! But how do we know he will even be alive by then?! I feel like I hate him....So Damn Much!!! But I love him so bad! I miss him! His warmth around me...His compassion....His loyalty I feel like it's gone now!!!" Pitou broke down. "I was such a fool to give everything to him!!!!" Killua got mad over hat last line. But he understood. He almost slapped pitou over anger. But stopped himself at last second. "K-Killua?!' pitou asked in shock. Killua had his hand grabbing the one he tried to attack her with. "I was a assassin. For the zoldyck family. I'm killua zoldyck...But I didn't want to be a zoldyck...I wanted to be a Freecss...I wanted to be gons friend. And we were even though I was told I wasn't capable multiple times to be his friend! I didn't listen. And I was his friend. He taught me how life can be more than just pain. But when he told me I didn't care about kite. And how he wanted to do everything alone. I lost my sence of purpose. But unlike you pitou. I was his best friend first! And I don't hate him! I may not have kissed him! Or laid with him! Or any of what you both did! I traveled with him! I trained with him! I fought with him! He may be a selfish asshole! But he's not selfish enough for me to hate him!" Killua said while tearing up. "Killua? I'm sorry..." Pitou said. "Don't be...You have every right to feel this way." Killua said. "So do you." Pitou said. "I wish me and gon did what you both did." Killua admitted. "I liked gon too...I just never told him..." Killua said. Pitou held his hand. She hugged killua. "I'm sorry...I didn't know you felt that way killua..." Pitou said. "I do know one thing if gon does live...I don't think he will want to be with me. Because of how bad he hurt me. If you want to tell him how you feel go ahead." Pitou said. "But that's not fair To you!" Killua said. "Damn it, I was to harsh on you...Sorry..." Killua apologized. The sky cleared up. And morning came. "Hey, It's daytime...Let's get going and find that sister of yours!" Pitou winked while smiling. Killua blushed as she left the tent. "I can't get to close to him... Because he already admitted he loves Him...." Pitou thought. "Pitou.....I guess I can see why Gon really liked her..." Killua thought. "Okay! Let's go!" Killua said as they ran down the hill and a 🌈 went across the morning sky along with the smell of morning dew.

Hunter X Hunter AU: Chimera X Ants X Past (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now