Pitous X Defence

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The king was killing all the women on by one and attacking them. Pitou watched in horror as the king started slaughtering them all. "This is awful..." Pouf thought. "Okay...I think he's going abit far!" Youpi thought to himself. Pitou couldn't watch anymore. There was one more girl left alive. "No! I won't let you-!" Yelled pitou. "PITOU!!!" Yelled pouf. Pitou grabbed Neferpitou. And the king slaughtered the last surviving girl. Pitou watched in horror. "Oh.. God..." Pitou thought. Meruem then ate a piece of the dead women's courpes. Pouf let pitou go. "I'm sorry but I can't let you act recklessly..." Pouf said. "Damn..." Pitou thought. "I thought human women were stronger than this... Considering how strong pitou is." The king said. "Pitou strip the clothes off their bodies and find a place for them. Also keep the bodies in good condition. They will be my food." The king said. "Yes sire." Pitou said as she kneeled. She used her puppetry to control the courpes to walk and follow her. "Pitou?" Youpi asked in concern as she left the room.

She went to a kitchen to prepare the king's meal. "That sick...." Thought pitou.

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Hunter X Hunter AU: Chimera X Ants X Past (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now