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The newest couple on the block had spent the rest of their winter break together. They had spent almost every single day together, most specifically new years day sharing a new years kiss. This entire break was the best break that Daichi had of his life, he got to spend it stress free with his new boyfriend. What can be any better than that?

The day before they went back to school they had gone on their first date together, it was simple but meaningful to them both. There was a spot that Daichi knew of when he was growing up and something in him told him that he was gonna use it one day, it was clear that his gut was right.

Pulling Suga by the wrist through a small maze of trees they were arriving upon their destination, and it was clear that Suga was shocked when he saw it from the gasp he heard come from behind him. Their destination was none other than a deserted volleyball net.

Growing up Daichi had discovered this abandoned net and of course he had to bring his best friend with him to play, they would play countless hours of volleyball both here and at Daichi's house, but more here once they were trusted enough to go for little adventures on their own.

The net needed some work done to it, the net was extremely dirty from not being used, the poles were starting to rust, and weeds littered every root and hole the eye could see. To a different couple cleaning something like this was stupid and not exciting, however to Daichi and Suga it was the greatest thing in the world.

They had taken down the net and rolled it up, setting it to the side to take home eventually and they had gotten to work on the poles. Daichi could see the realization in Suga's eyes on why he had brought cleaning supplies with them. They scrubbed long and hard, blasting songs and screaming and singing off tune. Daichi enjoyed this, he enjoyed Suga.

Life was perfect.


Walking into school on Monday felt surreal, and shocking because it seemed like every single third year knew of Daichi and Suga. Daichi had no clue how but it must've been the volleyball team.

When Daichi and Suga had found out the big news that they were soulmates, the first thing that they did was take a picture together, the biggest smiles on their faces and their soulmate marks showing in the picture, then they had sent it to the team. They had an overwhelming amount of 'awes' and 'so cute!' and a lengthy message from the coach about how it shouldn't affect practice which obviously, it wouldn't.

Daichi only assumes someone shared something because of how everyone knew. Daichi didn't care and it didn't really bother him so he ignored it, however he felt it would put Suga on edge a little. If anything could bother him it was that very thought right there.

Once he had walked into his classroom the sight before him didn't shock him at all, a few third years huddled around Suga and low and behold a Suga sat in the very center of it all, he looked like the walking worried emoticon. Daichi shuffled over to the desk and walked behind Suga, resting his hands on his lover's shoulders and almost immediately he felt way more relaxed.

"Yo Daichi! Congrats man!"

"You guys are the cutest! It was obvious from the beginning."

Plenty more compliments came in from his classmates standing around him. There were only a couple of couples who went to school with us so it was pretty rare. The chatter went on for a little longer before the teacher came into the class and started teaching. The rest of the day was pretty much the same, congrats here and there and practice after school like normal, except for when Daichi took his shirt off to change Hinata asked him a million questions about his mark.

After practice had ended Daichi and Suga walked home together like the lovebirds they were, they lived on the same road so it was convenient enough that they both walked home together. Asahi joined them but would leave halfway to walk the rest of the way home himself.

When they had arrived upon Suga's house Daichi walked up to the front door with him and Suga turned around looking at Daichi and Daichi had reached his hand out to rest on Suga's cheek. Suga melting into it upon immediate contact.

"I'll see you in the morning ok my love?" Daichi said while rubbing his thumb left to right across his cheek.

"I'll see you in the morning." Suga softly said while reaching up to grab Daichi's arms.

A quick kiss on the lips and one final goodbye Daichi headed straight home. Upon arriving his phone immediately buzzed.

Suga <3: I love you, sleep well <3333

Daichi smiled at his phone, only he knew how happy this man had made him.

Me: Goodnight baby, sleep well <3

With the final message sent, Daichi sluggishly walked to his room and dropped his stuff off at his doorway. He took a brief shower and collapsed onto his bed as soon as he got to it, quickly falling into a deep sleep.

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