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It was the early hours of the morning, or at least that's what Daichi thought, when he woke up to someone shaking him softly. He cracked open his eyes to see Suga tapping him, and when they made eye contact Suga started tapping him harder. Daichi tried to register everything around him. He was still in Suga's room, in the clothes he had worn the day before, and Suga was sitting up straight next to him, but something was off.

Suga was holding onto the base of his neck and taking deep breaths, and that's when it finally hit Daichi. It was like his hearing had finally decided to work and only then could Daichi hear the ragged and slow breathing of his lover. Cue panic, Suga was having an asthma attack.

"Daichi," he whispered, "inhaler."

Suga didn't need to tell Daichi twice. He twisted out of bed almost tripping on the blankets that tried to wrap around his ankles. He sprinted as quietly as possible to not wake up his family all the way to his bathroom. Daichi tore open the drawer on the top that contained his inhaler and sprinted back to Suga, who was now bent over trying to get as much air as possible into his lungs.

Daichi dropped onto his knees in front of Suga and grabbed his chin to lift his head up. He put the inhaler in his mouth and whispered yelled "Breathe."

Suga took a deep breath as Daichi pumped the medication into his mouth at the same time. He pulled the inhaler out and Suga closed his mouth and held his breath to keep all of his medication in and let it settle in his lungs. After 30 seconds he let out a shaky breath and Daichi offered him the medication again.

Suga repeated the same process again: administer, hold, release, and then he was able to finally control his breathing. It was now Daichi's turn to relax, and he let out his breath in relief at seeing that Suga was ok.

"Are you good now." Daichi gripped Suga's shoulders hard, this wasn't a time for him to play around.

Suga nodded weakly in return, "I'm ok yea, that's never happened before."

It was pure honesty the way he had said that sentence and that's what confused Daichi.

"What do you mean it's never happened before."

"I mean that I've never had an asthma attack at night, like while I was sleeping."

Silence ensued, and then confusion.

"How do you even have an asthma attack in the middle of the night?"

"How would I know!"

"I don't know! You're the one with asthma!"

A deep sigh came out of Daichi's mouth, "Well now that we know they can happen at night apparently, maybe you should keep your inhaler on your nightstand."

Suga nodded and set it next to his alarm clock, then proceeded to lie back down and squirm into the sheets. Daichi settled down next to him and wrapped his arms around his torso, throwing his leg over Suga's. Before they knew it they were both back asleep.

Morning came as fast as they had gone to sleep and when Daichi finally awoke it was about 9:30 a.m. He slowly sat up, as to not disturb his sleeping lover, and stretched, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He hobbled out of the bed towards the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

He looked very disheveled, and Daichi knew that it was probably from the events of last night. Reaching towards the toothbrushes he grabbed his that he left at Suga's house and brushed his teeth. While he was doing so, he felt a pair of small arms wrap around his waist, and a sleepy voice speak.


Suga snuggled his face in the crook of Daichi's next and Daichi rested his head lightly on Suga's.

"Morning love."

Daichi spat out his toothpaste and rinsed his mouth, then turned around to give Suga a proper hug. They stood like that for a few minutes.

"I have to go back home Suga." Daichi said, looking down into Suga's eyes.

The puppy eyes Suga was already giving Daichi increased.


"You'll see why."

Daichi ruffled Suga's hair and walked with him towards the front door, and before Daichi exited the house he turned back around to face Suga.

"I'm going to be back to pick you up at 2 ok? Be ready by then."

"Ok." Suga said, finally waking up.

Going out the door Daichi continued a smooth walking pace until he saw Suga close the door, then he broke into a full on sprint. He zipped by all the houses until he got to his house and he shot through the front door, running towards his room. He slowed down when he entered, and he grabbed a fresh set of clothes, jumping into the shower as soon as he got into the bathroom.

He had never taken a faster shower before, but it was only the fact that he had plenty of food to pack that motivated him. When he was clean he walked out to his empty kitchen and opened the fridge. There were some already prepackaged foods, like fruit and drinks. All Daichi had to do was pack the main meal and pick up the mini cake he had ordered a couple days prior.

Grabbing all the food he needed Daichi proceeded to make simple turkey sandwiches, which was all that Suga had wanted anyways. It didn't take him long, he only struggled with getting the lid off of the fucking mayonnaise. Seriously! Who puts the lid on that tight? It took a lot of smacking and beating against the counter to get it open.

After 10 minutes of frustratingly making sandwiches (which shouldn't have been a frustrating task in the first place), Daichi put them in the basket that he had found in the attic that his parents had used on a picnic date when they were in high school. He threw plenty of utensils in it and then placed the basket back in the fridge so the food wouldn't get warm. It was about 12 pm.

This gave Daichi about an hour and a half to go into town to pick up the cake and be back in time to put it in the basket and go and pick up Suga. It was a lot to do but if he stayed on schedule then Daichi could make it in time. He ran out of the house and jumped onto his bike and pushed off towards town.

It didn't take long to get into town and Daichi soon found himself pulling up to the cake store that he ordered the cake from. He sprinted inside, gave them his order number, and they brought his cake out front. When Daichi opened the box he couldn't be any happier.

He wanted a Pinterest inspired frog cake and the bakery employees executed it perfectly, and in the center it said: To my love <3.

Daichi could be calm now. Everything was going according to plan, and he had about half an hour to get to Suga's house to get him. He thanked the people at the bakery and shot out of the store, hopped on his bike, and zipped off in the direction of his house.

When Daichi got to his house he ran in and put the cake in the picnic basket that he pulled out of his fridge, and ran back out to his bike. He tethered the basket to the built in basket that his bike had on the back and made sure it was nice and secured. Then he pushed off in the direction of Suga's house.

Kiss Me Through The Window | Daichi x SugawaraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu