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"Sawamura Daichi!" The loudspeaker shouted Daichi's name clear across the room, it was long awaited graduation day and Daichi couldn't be more happy to be done with high school, although he would be extremely sad to be leaving his friends and more importantly his volleyball team, he was ready for what life presented him in the future.

Walking across the stage all he could hear was the clapping of the audience and the screaming of his team, he definitely had the best friends in the world. He grabbed his diploma and walked back to his seat, anxiously waiting for the ceremony to be over.

"Sugawara Koushi!" The name being called woke Daichi up to watch his lover walk down the aisle of seats and onto the stage, once again a roar of applause from the team and a great round of applause from Daichi. His beautiful boyfriend walked across the stage, grabbed his diploma, and on his way back he made direct eye contact with Daichi and winked.

Daichi was a blushing mess for the rest of the ceremony.

After everyone had gotten their diploma, they all gathered outside to meet with their family and friends. Obviously Daichi and Suga went to their parents first to receive congratulatory messages from them, but then they both went to their team. Asahi and Kiyoko were already waiting for them and they pulled the two of them into the biggest hug in the world.

"I'm so glad I got to graduate with you guys." Asahi was a babbling mess, he had happy and sad tears streaming down his face, but that was obviously expected. Daichi laughed and slapped Asahi on the back.

"Cheer up man! We graduated, we're not dying!" Suga started laughing and Daichi joined him shortly after, and soon all three of them were in a laughing fit.

The trio had walked over to the volleyball team and were bombarded by hugs and screaming, after the main group had calmed down, Ennoshita walked up to Daichi and bowed to him.

"Thank you for being a great Captain!" He shouted at him. The other 2nd years and eventually the first years had also bowed to him, Suga, Kiyoko and Asahi.

"Woah wait there's no need for that you guys can get up," Daichi rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment "If anything I should be thanking you guys for being such a great team." Daichi softly smiled and Suga and Asahi walked up next to him and they chimed in with their own thanks for being able to play together. The third years knew that in the next coming years that the players on their team were going to be just fine.

The rest of the day was spent congratulating people, hugging people, and best of all, partying.

There was a huge party for all of the graduated third years at this one place someone had rented out for everyone, they don't know who, but it was definitely someone rich. The room was huge and looked like a giant ballroom, everyone dressed up too. It was like one last hurrah before everyone went their separate ways, traveling, studying, who knows what everyone had planned.

Daichi and Suga had both gotten into and settled on a school in the Tokyo district, granted it was far from family, they had each other. They each knew what they were going to study too, Daichi was going into criminal justice and Suga going into education. He didn't know what he wanted to teach but all he knew is that he wanted to teach some kids, and it was perfect.

They had partied all night long and eventually a slow dance song came on, all the third year couples, soulmates or not, came onto the dance floor and danced with their partner. Suga and Daichi had captured the attention of many as they were basically the star couple of the third.

They swept across the floor dancing in rhythm and perfect harmony. As the song was coming to a close Daichi had seen his perfect chance and pulled Suga in close, then spun him out, then back in, ending with Suga going into a sudden dip and Daichi closing the distance with a kiss to the lips.

Applause came from all around and slowly they both stood up and started clapping with everyone else. They took their respective bows as if they were actually a medieval couple finishing a waltz, and together hand in hand they walked out of the room.

They walked towards the balcony area to get some fresh air, thankfully it was mostly empty except for a few people here and there.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer." Daichi looked at Suga and smirked, thank god the moon was bright because it perfectly illuminated Suga's face so that he was able to see the sudden blush that appeared on his face.

"I didn't know you were able to dance with me like that. " Putting emphasis on the word that Daichi could only assume he was talking about the spinning and the dip at the end. Daichi chuckled a little and looked up at the moon.

"I have a lot of younger siblings and we all used to play pretend like that, it was one of the many places I picked up on how to do that," Daichi looked over at Suga and winked, increasing the blush on Suga's face. It was adorable the way the pink complimented his beautiful pale complexion. It looked perfect on him.

Sometimes Daichi looked at Suga and it seemed like the breath was completely stolen from his chest. Everything about him was perfect, he was perfect. He really was the luckiest person in the world.

Once more for the second time that night Daichi had pulled him in close and put his hands on his cheeks. Suga wrapped under Daichi's arms and to the top of his head, intertwining his fingers in Daichi's hair. This time Suga was the one that initiated the kiss as he got onto his tippy toes and kissed him on the tip of his nose. Daichi smiled and bent down and pecked him on his forehead and pulled away.

"Come on, let's get back and party while the night is still young!" Suga cheered and pulled Daichi back to the party room with him to do exactly as he said.

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