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6 p.m. slowly rolled around and Suga was still in Daichi's house. Daichi knew that he had done good by preparing days in advance, he knew something like this was going to happen. He eventually persuaded Suga to get off of him so that way they could be on their way. It was even better because Suga had no idea what Daichi had planned, all he knew was that Daichi had something planned for him all week.

"Hey love, I have some place to take us."

"Oh really?" Suga looked up at him with an intense stare, like he was trying to see into his soul. "Enlighten me."

Daichi smiled and rolled up off the couch they were laying on, grabbing Suga's hand and pulling him towards the door. He walked over to his bike and got on, helping Suga onto the seat behind him. Suga reached forward and wrapped his arms around Daichi's waist, leaning in to smell the sweet scent of his cologne. Nothing grounded him more than this.

Daichi pushed off the ground and peddled towards town, Suga's head was tucked into the back of his neck and a slight breeze blew through the air. It was like mother nature knew how important this week was to Daichi, which made it even more perfect.

After biking for a few minutes they slowly rolled into town, getting closer and closer to their first destination. Suga looked up from where he was laying on Daichi and looked at the building in front of him, and he verbally gasped.

"The planetarium!" Daichi parked the bike on the bike rack and looked behind him at Suga. His eyes were glowing like those of a child, and his cheeks were puffing up from the big smile he had plastered on his face.

Daichi laughed, this was the one place where Suga really was just a soft, loveable child. His joy was unmatched to anyone else as they were walking into the building, as he was basically vibrating with every step he took.

Suga sprinted inside, Daichi following his trail up to the front counter. Daichi dropped the two tickets he had bought the day prior onto the counter, and followed Suga as he led him further inside the building.

They spent what felt like hours at the planetarium, Suga educating Daichi about everything that he didn't know, which Daichi adored. There was something about the way Suga was so knowledgeable about everything in the sky from the planets, to the stars, to the galaxies surrounding the earth.

Eventually though they had reached the end, and Suga had clearly reached his end too because he was exhausted. He slumped against Daichi's shoulder, still smiling from the entire day. Suga mumbled incoherent thoughts as Daichi walked him towards his bike, putting him on the backseat.

Leaning forward, he got onto the front seat of his bike, wrapping Suga's arms around his waist. When he did that, Suga's arms automatically tightened around him as if to say 'I got you'. Daichi turned around in his seat and gave Suga a small kiss on his forehead, and then he pushed off towards their houses.

Once Daichi had finished hiking up the mini hill in front of their houses he pulled up to Suga's house to drop him off. The lights were off and the car wasn't in the driveway, which meant that his parents were out of the house again, probably for dinner and drinks as it was only 8 pm.

Parents or no parents Daichi picked Suga up off of his bike bridal style and carried him up to the door as he was still dozed off. He punched in the code for the door and opened it with his elbow, bending down a little, and he walked into the house letting the door shut behind him.

Daichi walked Suga all the way to his bedroom and walked to his bed, carefully setting him down. It's times like this that he really got the chance to admire his lover. While some might say otherwise, Daichi knew that Suga had no flaws. He was perfect in every way possible to him.

His skin glowed softly as the moonlight came through his window, and cheeks were slightly rosy from exhaustion. His lips parted slightly, allowing for a steady stream of breathing in and out, and his soft, gray hair fell perfectly, framing his face. Not to mention the cutest beauty mark ever that sat right below his left eye.

There were so many more things Daichi could point out that he loved, but then it would take too long. Daichi pushed off of Suga's bed to leave and go back to his house but an arm reached out and grabbed his wrist before he got too far. He looked down and saw Suga gripping his wrist, not hard, but hard enough that Daichi knew that Suga didn't want him to leave.

Daichi eventually gave in to Suga's pleas and he went to lay down right next to Suga. He could hear a hum of content from his lover as Daichi wrapped his arms over and around him to hold him close. And slowly but surely, they both fell asleep in a deep slumber right next to each other.

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