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Buzz.... Buzz.... Bu-

Daichi's alarm had vibrated violently next to his head and he tiredly opened his eyes. He slowly reached his arm up to turn it off and he threw himself up. It was early September, and it was the day that Daichi and Suga were going to be boarding their flight later. This was the only motivation he had to get out of bed. He had multiple bags sitting by his bedroom door, and other important stuff of his had been driven out the week before.

He grabbed his bags and hauled them to the front door, still looking like he had been hit by a bus. As he was walking away someone had knocked on the door, and they were knocking pretty violently. When Daichi opened the door his amazing boyfriend was standing there breathing in and out deeply.

"" He had said in between breaths, and then looking up and smiling brightly as him. Daichi smirked and leaned up against the doorway.

"I don't know, I think I'm going to go to go to the airport in my pjs, with unbrushed hair and teeth, and no shoes," Daichi kept up his smirk afterwards and Suga reached forward slapping him on the shoulder. Daichi burst into laughter, "I'm just kidding!"

Daichi backtracked into his kitchen inviting Suga in after him. He had gotten changed and they both spent another hour double and triple checking every nook and cranny for stuff he could pack into his bags last minute, although they didn't find anything.

They had spent another half hour saying goodbye to their families and driving over to the airport. Before they had boarded the plane though, they took 1 last selfie of them in Miyagi before being on their way to Tokyo. They both posted it on their social media and then proceeded to board the plane.

The flight to Tokyo was brief, a little over an hour long, but the short flight made their move into college short and easy. They obviously lived in a dorm together and they had schedules that made it easy to live together. They didn't have to wake up early and they both decided to join the college volleyball team, bringing their skills from Karasuno over.


About 3 months into the school year everything was going great. Both Daichi and Suga's grades were great, most of them being A's, except for the one C in one of Daichi's classes that Suga teased him over. Overall you would think that their lives were going great, except for when it really wasn't going too well.

During one of their most recent volleyball practice games Suga had a wheezing attack and had to be pulled off the court. Daichi was extremely worried for him so obviously he asked to be pulled off as well. Their coach agreed and Daichi had sprinted over to where he was sitting.

"Hey hey baby are you ok?" Daichi's cool was wearing off and he was visibly panicking over his lover. Suga had nodded and waited a bit longer to regain control of his breathing.

"I'm fine, I don't know what happened though, I usually play just fine." That was what made Daichi worried, that Suga had never had a wheezing fit like this before, even in high stake games in high school. Their coach had walked over to them and looked at Suga closely.

"I would suggest a quick trip to the doctors and ask them about it, from what it looked like that could've been an asthma attack and if so you'll need treatment right away. I'll let you guys leave now if you want to." Daichi and Suga nodded and they both exited the gym and the practice match and were on their way to the closest doctor that they could find.

Doctor's offices worried Daichi, hospitals even more. He knew that he had nothing to be afraid of, yet, he always felt nervous walking down the pasty white corridors. Although being with Suga made it a lot better, Daichi knew he could never walk through one alone. The eeriness of hospitals that someone could be dying, and doctor's offices filled with sick patients didn't sit right with him at all.

After a quick talk with the doctor he did indeed confirm that it was an asthma attack that Suga had on the court. Daichi being Daichi he was already extremely worried, though the doctor quickly put him at ease.

"Since it was an asthma attack and nothing else he will be perfectly fine." He turned towards Suga, "I'll write you a prescription for an inhaler that you can use while doing physical activity if you have another attack again. I'd also recommend taking practices slow and steady as of right now, don't go full out and if you can take a lot more breaks." This time the doctor turned towards Daichi, "I would keep an eye on him so he doesn't over exert himself and takes it easy." Daichi nodded, taking on full responsibility for his soulmate.

They left the doctors office with both good and bad news, but at least Suga wasn't dying. They picked up Suga's prescription on their way home from the doctors and once they had gotten back to their dorm they both collapsed on top of their beds, exhausted from the day's events.

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