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The flight back to Miyagi was uneventful and calming. Kuroo and Oikawa slept on each other's shoulders the entire time, Suga was working on a mini art project, and Daichi was planning their date week. He had the entire thing written out and he was pretty proud of how it came out.

Suga date week <3

Su: Planetarium

M: Picnic

Tu: Amusement Park

W: Beach

Th: Drive-in-movie

F: Art class

Sa: Stargazing

It was perfect in Daichi's eyes. Suga had loved astrology for the longest time, and the planetarium was exactly like a warmup for their final date that Saturday. The picnic was one of their favorites so he obviously had to include it into the list.

Every summer an amusement park was set up in Miyagi. The last time Daichi remembered visiting the fair was when Suga and he were children. So it had been a lot of years since they had both been, and he wanted to revisit memories.

The beach was just a place to relax and enjoy each other's company, the same goes for the drive-in-movie. However they were going to watch Tangled, which was Suga's favorite, at the movies. Daichi had also signed the two up for an art class, he wanted to see Suga's beautiful talent and Daichi wanted to mess around.

Finally, he was going to take him stargazing. Except he was going to take him to the park where they had their very first stargazing date. It holds a lot of sentimental value to the both of them, and he had a special surprise for when they got there.

Over the weekend before they had left for Miyagi, Daichi had visited a jewelry store. While he was there he saw the cutest set of promise rings he had ever seen in his life. They were a simple band, however the design on the rings was the starry night, a painting by Vincent Van Gogh. He knew that Suga loved that painting so he had bought the rings.

When they had landed all 4 of them were greeted by their parents, who each took them home, except Suga went home with Daichi. When they had gotten to the house, all of Daichi's siblings came to say hi to both him and Suga. Daichi forgot how much he missed his siblings, he was so happy he was home.

The couple immediately went to Daichi's room to spend as much time together. The third year's graduation wasn't until the next week so they had plenty of time to spend time together. They walked into the room and Suga jumped into Daichi's arms, pushing him onto the bed.

"Can we spend all summer like this? Just the two of us and occasionally your siblings." Suga said while leaning in closer to Daichi's face. Daichi smiled, he wanted to do this for the rest of the summer.

"I would be most delighted. However," Daichi flipped over so that he could be on top. He pinned Suga's arms up by his head and leaned in close, "We have plenty of plans to do throughout the entire summer. I have so much in store for you."

Daichi smiled at Suga as his face went from his normal skin tone to a sudden pink.

"W-well I just-" Suga was cut off as Daichi kissed him hard on the lips. This exact moment of pure bliss with his soulmate. He savored every part of Suga, his touch, his words, his personality. Every part of him. Daichi couldn't wait until he was able to propose to the love of his life. He couldn't wait for his pre-proposal this week too.


Before they knew it, next week had rolled around and Suga and Daichi had strolled onto the grounds of Karasuno High School. They knew that the ceremony wasn't going to start for a little while so Daichi, being the amazing soulmate he was, had the perfect place in mind to chill beforehand.

"Hey follow me." He nudged Suga to get him to follow him inside the school. They walked through the outside half and walked up a flight of stairs before Daichi stopped in front of a door.

"Isn't this the old club room?" Suga questioned, peeking out from behind Daichi. Daichi nodded his head in agreement and reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He inserted the key into the lock and the door unlocked. Daichi turned around and smiled at his boyfriend and then pushed the door open. Only as he opened it, he realized that the light in the room was on.

When he flung open the door he was met face to face with... Asahi?

"AHH!" The grown man leapt up out of his chair with absolute terror in his face. Daichi and Suga were equally as scared as Asahi, as they both jumped back and screamed as well.

"You! How did you get in here?" Daichi screamed out of confusion.

"I had an extra key! How did you get in here?" Asahi yelled back.

"We also had a key." Daichi said while calming down.

"Oh, well then come in, and welcome back!" Asahi said while sitting back down. Daichi and Suga smiled and walked into the club room.

They had proceeded to spend the next hour catching up with each other about their life. Asahi had told the pair that Nishinoya had discovered that Asahi was his soulmate and Asahi had spent all of Thanksgiving and Christmas break together. Daichi knew they were bound to be together. He knew a ton of soulmates that could be formed off of the volleyball team.

Before they knew it, a crowd of people amassed outside of the hall where the ceremony was being held. The trio headed over there and when they walked in they looked around for the team. Oh how could you miss it. Hinata was very obviously the center of attention, his orange hair stood out too much. They laughed and proceeded to join the crowd.

They were on the same side as the team, as they wanted it to be a surprise visit. However, when Nishinoya walked across the stage it was hard to suppress Asahi's excitement. Although Daichi didn't think the team noticed.

After the ceremony was over, Daichi, Suga, and Asahi walked outside to find the volleyball team all huddled together celebrating all 5 third years' graduation. He had to admit, it was pretty bittersweet seeing them all cheering for each other. The three walked up behind the team and stood there in silence, until Daichi tapped Hinata on the shoulder.

"Boo." Hinata jumped, and when he turned around his fear turned into joy as he realized who was in front of him.

"Guys!" Hinata practically screamed, grabbing the attention of the rest of the team.

"Daichi!" A familiar buzz cut guy charged at the ex-captain of the team, bringing him into one of the strongest hugs of his life. Over to his left he saw Nishinoya run in Asahi's arms, and over to his right Kageyama gave Suga a bro hug while Hinata practically clung to him. After about a minute of hugging a certain captain came up to talk to the guys.

"So what brings you guys back to Karasuno?" Ennoshita said, he looked the exact same from when they had last seen him about a year ago, except that he looked a lot more muscular.

"Oh we were in the neighborhood and just wanted to stop by to see you guys off to college." It was something that most of the graduates would do the year after they graduated. They always wanted to send off the third years with warm wishes and advice for college.

They had spent the next half hour talking and catching up to the team, Daichi updated them on his and Suga's relationship, and they concluded it with a little talk about college and the advice they had for them. It was so great that they were all able to catch up, this was the break Daichi needed.

Suga had also informed the team of his diagnosis of asthma over the volleyball season during their first year in college. The team was obviously really distraught upon hearing both that he had gotten asthma and had quit volleyball, but had relaxed a lot more when Suga said to not worry.

Suga was great at that. Being able to calm anyone and everyone down after a freak out. It must be one of his special talents. There was another special gift of Suga's he could point out that he liked so much. He couldn't wait for the rest of the summer.

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