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Many more months had gone by after Suga was first confirmed to have an asthma attack. About two months of the attacks progressively getting a little worse despite him going slow, Suga had decided to drop the volleyball team. He wasn't ultimately upset about it, it just meant he could dedicate more time to doing other hobbies and interests to keep him busy.

Daichi however, was devastated. He no longer had his best friend, boyfriend, and soulmate to practice with him anymore.

He would find ways throughout practices to get through, one of them was making friends with the entire team and bonding over their past experiences with their high school volleyball team. The entire team had found Daichi's stories the most interesting, even more interesting with the fact that Suga used to be on the same team with him.

Talking about their past experiences was what made Daichi the happiest at practice, other than the end when he would be able to go back to his boyfriend. In the meantime while Daichi played volleyball, Suga had picked up painting, and he was damn good at it too.

Whenever Daichi would come home from practice Suga would always be sitting in the middle of the room surrounded by art supplies. Daichi thought that it was the cutest thing in the world and was excited to see where his hobby would take him.

One of Daichi's favorite paintings that Suga had painted was a little bit of scenery of a night sky with snow, a volleyball and a paintbrush next to each other, and footprints trailing off in the distance. Suga said that it reminded him of their relationship and his little statements like that made Daichi blush hard. He knew exactly where he was taking Suga on his next date.

Since they had started college the couple had found themselves going on dates whenever they possibly could. They aim for twice a month and they would spend the entire day together, mostly on Friday nights though. Daichi was slowly coming up with more creative ideas for even more dates in the future.

One of Daichi's favorite date spots though, was stargazing. There was a park a little down the road from their university, and they would bundle up and walk down the street together to just lay in the grass alternating looking at the stars above and the star next to him.

"You're so pretty you know that?" Daichi said while admiring his lover, Suga looked over in shock and the moonlight illuminated the faint blush that had appeared on his cheeks.

"You're just as pretty as me." Suga said back softly. He went back to look at the stars and Daichi smiled. He loves Suga so much, and he wants to do something special to show him that he means a lot to him. He just didn't know what to do.

Walking back to their dorms afterwards was just as amazing as the actual stargazing trip in general. They strolled back home hand in hand and when they had actually walked into their dorm, instead of going to their separate beds Suga had joined Daichi in his.

Daichi leaned back against his head board and Suga laid down with his head in his lap. Daichi started running his hands through Suga's hair and Suga started humming a tune to a song they heard on their way back. Every day since their relationship had started was exactly like this.

They never lacked the love aspect and the enthusiasm was still there. Daichi hoped it would be like this to their marriage and then till death.

The next morning Daichi had woken with Suga calmly sleeping on his bed, squished between the panel and Daichi's legs. It was Saturday morning, 10:42 in the morning.

Daichi had slipped over Suga and tiptoed to their shoes, put his on, and quietly sprinted out of the room. He wanted to grab breakfast and bring it back before Suga woke up, and Daichi was pretty sure he had plenty of time.

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