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A knock wasn't needed because as soon as Daichi biked up to Suga's, Suga ran out the door. A hearty laugh escaped Daichi's mouth as Suga slowed to a stop in front of him.

"It's only been a few hours!" Daichi laughed out, but to be honest who could really blame him.

"I know, but I'm so lonely you're the only person I get to look forward to seeing." The smile that broke across Suga's face made Daichi smile just as wide.

"Hop on then, and I hope you're hungry."

"Always am!"

Suga leaped onto the back of the bike, squeezing himself in between Daichi and the picnic basket. And Daichi pushed off of the driveway, heading in the opposite direction of town. Daichi had a faint idea that Suga probably knew where they were going, but he pushed it towards the back of his mind. He would just find out when they arrived at their destination.

Slowly but surely the park came into view. Daichi glanced behind him for a quick second to see what Suga was doing. He was resting his head on his shoulder, however he was looking out into the distance. His eyes were darting back and forth watching the trees go by as Daichi zoomed by on his bike, and he seemed extremely relaxed. Which was good.

Daichi slowed down the speed of his bike and turned onto a trail, pulling his hand off his handlebar to rest it onto Suga's thigh to make sure he could keep steady. And finally, they had arrived at their destination. It wasn't that far of a bike but Daichi made sure to go nice and steady so Suga could enjoy the view. It was peaceful.

Daichi hopped off of his bike and started walking it towards the grass, holding on to Suga to make sure he was supported. When he finally got to a suitable spot he propped out the kickstand to make sure his bike wouldn't fall over and Suga hopped off at the same time. Daichi rounded the back and grabbed the basket, pulling the blanket out so that way he could put it down before sitting down.

The blanket rolled out perfectly onto the crisp green grass, and Suga immediately went to lay down on the blanket, spreading out and sunbathing. The basket landed on the ground with a thud and Daichi finally got to kickback and unpack the food. Suga was obviously hungry, because as soon as he found the main meal he started digging in.

"You know you can breathe right?" Suga looked up from the sandwich he was going to town in and smirked.

"Well I actually can't Daichi, I have asthma." He retorted to Daichi's comment and went back to the sandwich. Daichi scoffed and picked up his own sandwich that he had started to eat.

"Well then, I bet that I can finish this sandwich faster than you can."

"Is that a bet?"


Suga's smirk stretched across his face as he faced his competition.

"Three two one go!"

Daichi was barely given a warning as Suga counted down, and he continued eating his sandwich but faster. Daichi started stuffing his sandwich down his throat as fast as possible but it was useless against the speed of Suga. He slammed his hand down on the blanket and Daichi looked up at him.

With a stuffed face Suga shouted, "finished!" And then he fell backwards onto the blanket. A little break from Suga and then he bounced back up and reached to grab a drink from the basket.

"You really are something." Daichi said softly as he looked at him.

"What's that supposed to mean." Suga looked at Daichi inquisitively.

"Well for one you're the only person I know who could finish a sandwich that fast. Two... I don't really know. You're just special."

Suga's questioned look turned into a soft smile as he rubbed the back of a head, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

"I'm just very talented." The soft smile then turned into a smirk, and Daichi immediately copied the look on his face and they stared at each other. All of a sudden it was a competitive staring contest. Slowly one thing led to another and Suga sneezed, allowing Daichi to win a game once today.

They continued to share the food that Daichi had prepared for them both, and Daichi had correctly predicted Suga's reaction for the cake. When Daichi pulled it out of the basket Suga's jaw dropped and a gasp escaped his mouth.


Laughing ensued from Daichi and he put his hand on Suga's shoulder.

"I knew how much you wanted this cake so I thought 'why not just bring it to a picnic I had planned just for him'."

Suga was a sucker for cute cakes like this, so obviously he was super careful with it. Daichi carefully set it down on the blanket and Suga pulled out his phone, only to take a picture of the cake. That was when he noticed what was written on top, and Daichi could see Suga's eyes start to gloss over.

"Don't cry!" He shouted at Suga. Suga only looked over at Daichi with the tears sitting on the edge of his waterline ready to spill over.

"But it's so cute!"

"A weak excuse for tears!"

Suga laughed and wiped away his tears at Daichi's command and pulled out 2 forks from the basket. Thus they enjoyed the cake as the sun crossed the sky and before they knew it they had almost finished the cake. Daichi gave Suga the last bite of cake and got up to throw all of their trash away, Suga following in tow.

Once all of their trash was thrown away Suga helped Daichi pack up all of the cases and reusable stuff into the basket, and helped roll up the blanket, while Daichi put everything on the back of his bike. Then it came time to go back to their houses.

The bike ride was short and relaxing, Suga resting his head on Daichi's back like usual. Daichi biked over to his own house instead of Suga's house and when Suga lifted his head from Daichi's back he looked at him in confusion.

"Why are we at your house?"

Daichi walked his bike up to the door and propped the kickstand out, grabbing the basket from the back.

"I just thought it would be nice if you stayed over tonight."

A smile crossed Suga's face.

"Of course! Let's go inside right now."

Suga jumped off of Daichi's bike grabbing his wrist and yanking him inside. Once the door was closed they dropped everything off in the kitchen and Daichi made a mental note to eventually clean everything that they had used. Then they went together to Daichi's room to relax some more, watching the sunset through the window, and wondering what awaited them for their adventures tomorrow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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