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"Daichi... help me... please"

An unknowing presence reached out for Daichi, just barely missing his wrist as it swiped the darkness where he once was.

It couldn't be Suga's voice could it? He was right next to Daichi. Or so he thought.

Glancing over to his right was a pit of darkness, no Suga insight.

Where was his soulmate? He couldn't be gone. He couldn't.


Daichi woke up in a cold sweat and glanced over at the clock on his nightstand. 8:34 pm. They had been sleeping for a lot longer then he had planned, The sun had just gone down and the campus fields were slowly clearing.

He had never had a nightmare like that before, as he thought of what the problem could be, Suga jolted up from his position.

"I felt you get up really fast, are you ok?"

Daichi didn't even open his mouth before he shot forward, embracing Suga.

"Please don't ever leave me." Daichi whispered to Suga.

"I promise I'll never leave you baby. Never ever."

Daichi didn't want to move from the position he was in, he loved Suga, but something about the words that he would never leave him bothered him. Not in a way that he knew he was lying, but he felt like the universe wanted to play with him. He hoped in his mind that it wouldn't ever hurt him.

Daichi slightly relaxed after sitting with Suga for a little bit before he pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Suga questioned.

"I'm setting alarms for tomorrow morning, I'm not moving right now." He could feel Suga smiling against his neck, he knew that he enjoyed doing this.

He tossed his phone onto the nightstand after setting the alarms, and then proceeded to pull Suga back down to the bed. He giggled when they landed on the mattress and he rolled over to face Daichi. Daichi wrapped his arm around Suga's waist as Suga tangled his legs with Daichi's. Just as fast as they had woken up, they had fallen asleep once more.

The next couple of weeks were uneventful, Daichi and Suga had just completed their finals and were packing their bags to head back home to Miyagi. Kuroo and Oikawa were going to join them on the same flight home, they wanted to see their younger half. Daichi had a good schedule going for the majority of the summer.

One of the things they both wanted to do was to visit the third years at their graduation, which would also give them time to catch up with the second years and meet the new first years of the team.

Daichi was excited to be able to see his old teammates, and more importantly, get to spend a ton of time together with Suga. He had planned his date week together already, all he had to do was finalize each place they were going to go visit.

"Have you finished packing your bags?" Suga said as he stood up from his completed bag packing.

"Yea I'm almost done, just a couple more things."

"Fantastic, Oikawa texted me saying that he and Kuroo were going to be on their way over soon, we can leave as soon as they get here."

Daichi gave him a thumbs up and continued to throw the rest of the items he wanted to pack in his suitcase, finally being able to zip it up. Daichi eyed Suga's bag, it looked really small.

"Are you sure you have everything? You have your inhaler right?" Daichi knew he sounded like a mom but he just wanted Suga to be safe. He didn't want him to get hurt and not have access to any of his medication.

"I have everything I promise," he walked over and kissed him on the cheek, "now grab your bags, Oikawa and Kuroo are waiting for us outside."

The pair picked up their bags and walked to the outside of their dorm to meet up with their friends before driving to the airport.

"There you two lovebirds are, we've been waiting for you for ages." Kuroo dragged out his words, an obvious tone of sarcasm.

"Haha nice try you sent Suga a message two minutes ago." Daichi back talked.

"Well then since we're all ready let's get our asses to the airport!" Suga cheered and took the lead, heading towards the parking lot where they were getting picked up. The group trailed behind the man in the lead, ready to celebrate their summer.

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