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A few weeks had gone by since the night fun, and it was only a couple of days until Daichi's date week officially started. He was practically vibrating whenever he thought about it, and he somehow kept the entire thing a secret from Suga.

Today was Daichi's lucky day because his family had taken him out to catch up from college, which left Daichi home alone with plenty of time to finalize the plans for each day that was going to happen.

He went down his checklist slowly checking off things that he needed to do, and things that were already done, humming some songs to himself at the same time. He was about to finish writing down what he needed to get still when two of his siblings burst into his room.

"Daichi Daichi!" His sister screamed at him.

"We're bored!" His brother screamed along with his sister.

Daichi had been left alone with two of his younger siblings, his parents taking the other two to hang out with friends. Daichi chuckled to himself and held up his list of items that he needed to get.

"Would you mind coming to the market with me?" He smiled gently at the two of them, and in unison they both screamed yes. Daichi laughed once again and jotted down two more things that came to his mind that he could possibly need. He slipped his shoes on, grabbed the hand of one sibling and put the other on his shoulders, and carried them out of the house.

He strolled into the market near Karasuno with his siblings clinging onto him and low and behold Coach Ukai was chilling behind the counter sitting on his phone.

They shuffled forward and said hi shyly, proceeding to run off into the store towards the candy section. Daichi watched them run off and trusted that they wouldn't do anything stupid. He then turned back to his old coach and started up a conversation.

They talked like not a day had passed since Daichi's graduation, and Daichi was glad he could hold a casual conversation with his old coach. He had told him about how he played volleyball in college and that they were working on their way towards a championship. Leaving out the obvious part about Suga. He did need to worry him.

Of course Ukai ended up asking about how Suga was, how could he not when Daichi was standing right there. He had told him that he was accomplishing a lot as a student and how his artwork was amazing. He even told him how some of their closest friends in college were the old captains from Nekoma and Aoba Johsai, Kuroo and Oikawa.

Talking about college makes Daichi proud, especially when he realizes how much he has accomplished and he eventually gets back to perusing the market for the materials he needed for his big plans with Suga. He had finished collecting everything (including his siblings), checked out, and was on his way home for the day.

A few hours later after the sun had set Daichi heard the familiar rumbling of a car as it drove down the street knowing that it was obviously Suga and his family. He pulled out his phone to shoot over a quick text as he was winding down for the day.

Me: Hey love, I hope you had a fantastic day with your family. I was out all day as well taking care of my younger siblings so I'm going to wind down for the night. Ukai says hi btw! I love you and I'll see you tomorrow <3

It was wordy but Daichi didn't care as he gently tossed the device onto his bed and walked to his bathroom to get ready for the night. He completed his routine briskly wanting to lie down and as soon as Daichi reached his bed he collapsed in utter exhaustion knowing that tomorrow would be one of the last days Daichi got to himself to finish planning the rest of their date week.


When Daichi had awoken the next morning he immediately set off to do the things he had planned for the day. It was the last day before the commencement of their date week and Daichi had to finalize everything.

The first stop on his list is the Planetarium, which was just a quick hop skip and a jump down the hill into town. He changed briskly and ran out the door, grabbing his bike and speeding down the hill. It was busy in town which didn't shock Daichi at all, after all it was the early morning on a Saturday in the middle of summer, of course everyone would be out here.

He pulled up outside the planetarium and parked his bike outside sprinting in and out to grab the tickets. Once he had them in his hand he looked at his list of places to visit, the amusement park was next which was a little bit away, so he decided to make the reservation for the art class. A quick phone call and email confirmation later, Daichi was on his way to the beach. He saved this area for last because not only was the amusement park over at the pier, but the Drive-in-movie was over here as well.

The amusement park was a little tricky to get tickets to as he had to deal with customer service and his card declining (even though he knew he had plenty of money on it to get the tickets) but he eventually pulled through and set off towards the drive-in-movie, the line outside was slowly increasing as the sun was setting. This is exactly why he wanted to get tickets ahead of time.

When he arrived he parked his bike and got in line, and after 5 minutes of waiting he heard a familiar someone calling his name. When he turned around lo and behold Kuroo was getting off his own bike. He waved him over and he shimmied and got into line with Daichi.

"What brings you guys to the drive-in-movie?" Daichi questioned. He never took Kuroo as a movie person, Kenma maybe.

"I'm buying tickets ahead of time for a small date I wanted to do with Kenma, we've seen each other a lot however I want to just relax with him and watch a movie, you know?"

Daichi nodded in agreement and looked up to see that they were getting closer to the front of the line.

"Yea, you've obviously seen my small date week plan with Suga so you know why I'm here."

Kuroo smirked at him, "You put in so much effort it's adorable, I know you guys will be together forever."

Daichi smiled and tried to hide the small blush that had risen to his cheeks. Forever. The word seemed like a foreign concept, like there's no way something could last forever.

"Yea," Daichi started, his voice breathless, "Forever." He smiled to himself and heard the lady behind the counter call for the next person. He walked up and purchased the tickets. He got them for the movie Tangled, one of Suga's favorite movies, and only as he was saying goodbye to Kuroo was it then that he realized that Kuroo had purchased tickets for Tangled as well. They waved goodbye to each other knowing they would see the other on Thursday, and biked off.

As Daichi biked back towards his house turning onto his street, an all too familiar car passed him. It was Suga's family car. He peddled faster to get to him but of course he was on a bike and Suga was in a car so Suga arrived a lot that Daichi did. Suga, being the amazing lover he was, had waited outside for Daichi to arrive.

Daichi biked up to Suga's house, making sure to tuck the tickets he had bought during the day into his pocket, and ran up to his lover with open arms, inviting Suga into a big hug.

"I missed you." Daichi whispered into Suga's ear, squeezing him harder as if he needed to prove how much he missed him. Suga giggled and Daichi could hear him exhale and relax in his arms.

"I missed you even more."

Daichi knew that this date week was going to be perfect.

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