Forever... (Daichi Sawamura x Reader)

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A strong hand intertwines with mine as we sit in the back of our uber. I look down at our hands, then at my boyfriend's face.

"You look so pretty tonight." Daichi smiles.

I giggle, kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you. You look very handsome in a dress shirt, might I say." I trace a few of his buttons.

"Thank you darling." He faces forward. The car halts, we pay the driver and get out.

He gently grabs my hand, pulling me closer to this large restaurant. "Ooh, what is this~?" I coo. "Oh, just a little restaurant." He answers.

He pulls me inside, bringing me with him to talk to the front lady.

"Hello, I hope you two are doing well. How can I help you?" The front lady chirps.

"Hello, we have a reservation under the name Daichi." My tall boyfriend answers.

She clicks a few buttons on her screen. "Aaaaalright! Your table is ready, Sakamoto-san will help you to your seats." She smiles.

"Thank you." We chime in unison, following our waiter.

After our waiter sits us down, we start to talk about anything and everything.

When dinner is over, Daichi takes me on a romantic walk. "You're so cute. I love you Daichi." I squeeze his hand a little as we walk.

He chuckles bashfully. "You're an amazing girl, I think you deserve amazing things." He admits sheepishly.

"Oh my god. Here you go, tugging at my stupid heart strings you amazing man." I groan playfully, punching his arm lightly.

He laughs with me, pointing to the right to tell me where to turn.

We walk in a comfortable silence for a while. "You smell so good." I admit with a chuckle.

"See, i've heard of a lot of ways to break silence and that one is not on the list." He teases me. "But, thank you. You smell good too." He buries his face in my neck to quickly inhale my scent.

It tickles a little so I laugh. He places his hand on my back while we walk.

He tells me where to turn a few more times, and I start to recognize my surroundings.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Somewhere cool." He laughs.

I sigh and keep walking. After a while, we then onto a very familiar street.

"So, what could we be doing on this street?" I question playfully.

"Hmm, I don't know!" He plays along.

I laugh, staring into his beautiful brown eyes. "You're amazing, you know that?" I ruffle his hair lightly. "You only tell me all the time." He jokes. "I love you too." He ruffles my hair back.

He looks forward, halting. "Oh. We're here."

I look at my surroundings, recognizing where I am. Karasuno highschool. I gasp, "Daichi! You took me to Karasuno? Fuck shit on a titty nipple!" I exclaim, dragging Daichi with me.

He laughs, "Hey! I didn't even tell you why we're here!" He stops, making me stop.

"Oh, thats right. Whoopsie." I laugh, apologizing.

He laughs too, "It's okay. Anyways, we're going to the gym!" He drags me along with him, though he's walking calmly instead of freaking out like I did.

I gasp again. "The gym?! As in, the place where we met? As in the place where you asked me out? As in the place where you first kissed me? As in the place we always fu-"

He cuts me off, "YEs- Ahem, yes." He blushes, still dragging me along. I just laugh, letting him do so. 

He stops, finally at the gym door. "You ready?" He gets a better grip on my hand. "Yup!" I smile. He opens the door, and all of the lights were off. 

"Oh, let me go find the light switch." He walks into the darkness. I look around a bit, trying to see if there was any demons in the room. Walking further into the darkness, i start to hear small shuffling sounds. Feeling a little scared, a quietly call, "Daichi?"

After a second of listening the lights were turned on. I would have never guessed that this is what I'd see.

Ennoshita scurries into the line of people, picking up his sign.

Suga    Asahi    Noya    Tanaka   

   W            I             L              L

 Yachi    Tsukishima    Yamaguchi    

     Y                   O                       U

Kiyoko    Hinata    Kageyama    Kinoshita    Narita

     M               A                  R                       R                  Y

Ukai    Takeda    Ennoshita

   M             E                  ?

(this is who held each sign)

Each of the boys held up a sign and some sort of gift like roses or teddy bears.

I look down, gasping when I see Daichi kneeled before me, holding out a ring.

"Y/N M/N L/N. The moment I had run into you in this gym, I knew that I loved you. You're so beautiful, and I don't know what i'd do without you. Will you be mine... forever?" He grins dorkily.

Tears fall from my eyes as I nod. He laughs and stands up, pulling me into a kiss. 

this is so cheesy i- whatever its cute

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