Road Trip... (Hinata Hyuga x Male! Reader)

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this was requested by @Herosperger 

idk if that worked lol

also the creativity in this request? immaculate.

also they're moving a hot tub into our backyard rn, and our pool is being built but they haven't worked on it for a while bc the weather has been irregular here

anyways here we go

Air rushed through the car as Hinata drove with the windows down. I laugh, yelling, "This is fun!"

She yells back. "Hold on!" After rolling up the windows enough to hear me better, she asks what I said in a softer voice.

I chuckle. "I said this is fun." I rest my hand on top of her free one.

She blushes deeply. "U-uh y-yeah I think so t-too." She turns on (favorite song).

I gasp. "Hey! How'd you know this was my favorite song?!" She shrugs. "I didn't. I played it because it's my favorite song too...." She trails off. I shake my head in a happy disbelief. I look out the window, spotting a really nice mountain spot nearby. "Hinata! Pull over right there!" I point at the spot on the side of the road. She nods and quickly pulls over to the side of the road.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" She tries to look for any sort of discomfort. "Yeah yeah yeah I'm fine!" I grab my polaroid from my bag. "Just get out of the car!" I yell excitedly as I get out of my side of the car. She sighs, getting out of the car.

She chuckles lightly as she walks closer to me. "You're a little strange, you know that?"

"Naturally." I reply bluntly. "Anyways, I had to take a picture of you in front of this mountain. Such beauty like yours needs a beautiful setting!" I lead her to where I want her by her shoulders.

Her face turns cherry-red as I compliment then touch her shoulders. "T-t-thank you." She stutters. I nod, making the final touches on positioning her. 

Once I feel like I like the position, I step back and make a square with my fingers and look through it. I run back and move her a little. "Perfect!" I run back and pull out my polaroid.

"Smile!" I yell, laughing. She chuckles and smiles. I took one picture of her laughing, and another of her picture-smile. They both shoot out the bottom, I grab them and start waving them around to make them dry.

"What gave you the sudden urge to stop and take pictures?" She asks. "Oh, I just thought this mountain was pretty and wanted to put you in front of it for a picture. She blushes a bit and nods.

Once I'm sure the picture is dry, I hold it up to take a look at it. I gasp, "Holy shit!" I run over to Hinata and show her the picture. "W-wow that's actually a pretty good picture." I nod, checking out the other one. "Look at this one too!"

She grabs the pictures gently from my hands, looking at them. We look up/down at the same time, making eye contact. I hadn't realized how close we were standing. "You're so pretty..." I mumble, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

She blushes deeply. "W-well you're h-handsome." She rests a hand on my shoulder. She looks at my lips before getting on her tippy toes and placing a sweet kiss on my lips. I turn my head to the side, deepening the kiss. Things start to get a little heated when a car pulls to the side of the road next to ours.

Playful cat calls were heard from the car. We break the kiss to look at the car, seeing Shikamaru and Temari sticking their heads out of the car. "You guys are forgetting that we're all following you." He snickers.

We both blush and run back to the car.

hi i hoped yiu liked this @Herosperger   the request wasnt too specific so i did my best!

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