Shhh... (Sadao Maou x Reader)

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this is another lemon bc i want to f ü ç k this man-


ahem anyways

also please request im getting tired of picking my own plots and characters💀

As I step out of the portal from Ente Isla, I could tell that this is where Maou is. As I use my powers to try and find Maou, I realize I'm getting strange looks from passerbys. I also notice that everyone is wearing much more clothing than me. 

(this is ur demon costume)

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(this is ur demon costume)

I roam around the streets, listening to my detector. Eventually, I end up in front of 'McRonalds'.

I walk inside, spotting my lover standing at the counter, wearing a ridiculous outfit. I decide to get in the line. As it gets closer and closer to being my turn, I get a little excited. It's finally my turn. He hasn't seen me yet due to the electronic ordering screen in front of him. "What would you like to order?" He asks, still not looking up from the screen.

"Hm, I don't know. What do you think I should get?" I ask in Ente Islan.

He immediately looks up, a big smile spreading across his face when he does. "Y/n! How'd you get here?" He hugs me over the counter. "Here, come to the back with me. I'm going on break!" He yells to his manager.

He drags me to the break room. "Y/n I missed you so much!" He yells again.

"Miss you'd also." I answer, though probably not quite right because I need to learn a little more.

(lemme remind you, Maou picked up english within like 30 minutes of being on earth so just give her a little time)

He laughs. Suddenly he starts to look at my body up and down. His hands start to run up and down both of my sides. "I forgot how revealing Ente Islan clothing is compared to clothing here on Earth.." He licks his lips.

I smirk and push him into one of the chairs. I sit on his lap. I connect our lips, a feeling i've missed.

He groans into the kiss. I slightly grind on his clothed dick. We both moan a little.

He slides one hand into my underwear while the other stays on my hip. He gathers a bit of wetness form my slit before rubbing my clit slowly. I moan into the kiss.

Suddenly theres a knock on the door, and he takes his hand out of my underwear, but I couldn't get off his lap in time. His manager walks in, sighing. "Maou, please don't fuck your pretty girlfriend in the break room... anyways your shift has started again." She announced before leaving.

"She call me pretty." I laugh, getting off of his lap.

He groans at the distance between us again. "Because you are. Anyways I guess I gotta go. I'll have Ashiya bring you to our apartment." He gets up and kisses me on the cheek before leaving. 

Ashiya comes and brings me home. As I step through the door, I see a familiar head of purple hair. "Urushihara?" I ask.

He turns around. "Y/n! How'd you get here?"

"The portal." I explain. He nods.

Urushihara and Ashiya go to bed early, so I quietly wait for Maou to come home.

I hear the lock click, and in walks Maou. He sets down his things, taking off his hat and shirt. "Bathroom. Now." He says in a quiet deep voice, pushing me into the bathroom.

I let him do what he wants, going into the bathroom. He places me onto the counter, stepping in between my legs and kissing me. He presses against my barely clothed pussy, making me moan quietly. He shoves his tongue into my mouth, exploring my wet cavern.

He pushes my underwear aside, rubbing my clit in circles. I let out a moan. He covers my mouth. "Be quiet princess. You wouldn't want Urushihara and Ashiya to hear would you?" He says in a sexy voice.

I shake my head. He starts rubbing my clit faster just to see me squirm. My climax starts to build up. Was he really this skilled with just his fingers? About to cum, I arch my back, but he stops moving his fingers. I whine a little, but then he shoves two fingers into my pussy.

I gasp with pleasure, throwing my head back. He takes this as an opportunity to attack my neck with his tongue. My hands fly up to his hair, stroking it softly while he kisses my neck. He removes his hand from my mouth. "Can you cover your mouth for me, princess?" He asks.

I nod, covering my mouth. He gets down on his knees, removing his fingers from my pussy. He hungrily eats me out, his hands resting on and squeezing my ass. "Maou!" I moan, though muffled by my hand.

The knot in my stomach comes undone, Maou quickly lapping up all of my juices. He wipes his chin off as he stands up, connecting our lips again.

I feel a drawer open next to me as we make out, and he pulls some sort of plastic out of it. I hear him tear open the plastic. He places the condom on his aroused dick, carrying me off of the counter and turning me around.

He leans me up against the counter, tilting my head up so I'd look in the mirror. "I want you to watch the pretty faces you make while I fuck you." He whispers seductively in my ear. Before I can utter a response, he ramps into me, covering my mouth again.

He grunts as he tries to loosen me up. "You're so- mm. Tight." He groans.

He starts to go faster, fucking me mercilessly. "Shit." I mutter through his hand. He picks up his pace, moving two of his fingers inside of my mouth. "Suck."

I do as I'm told, swirling my tongue around his fingers. He suddenly thrusts deeper, hitting a certain spot. My eyes roll back for a second, and my eyebrows furrow together.

"I'm close, pretty girl." He mutters quietly.

I nod my head, signaling that I am too. His thrust start to get sloppy as we both reach our highs. i clench my walls around him, making him throw his head back as we ride out our highs.

He pulls out, leaning over my back and peppering sweet kisses on my back, taking his fingers out of my mouth,

Once we've caught our breath, he stands up and reaches into the drawer again. "So," He starts. 

"Round two?"

what have i just created


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