Beyond Belief... (Kirigaya Kazuto (Kirito) x Reader)

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bro i love kirito bc hes hot and hes a goofball

this is a fluff btw

oh! and Asuna does not exist in this lol

You tremble slightly as tears fall from your face. Your shaking hand reaches out to lightly caress your boyfriend's face. He had been inside the game 'Sword Art Online' for almost 2 years now.

You had remained strong for so long, but realizing how hollow Kazuto's face had gotten and how long his hair grew, you just snapped. "I-i miss you so much babe." You sniffle. "I'm sure you're suffering much more than I am, but I want you to know that I miss you so so much."

As you stare at his stiff and unmoving expression, you couldn't help but cry out loudly. "Kazuto.." You mumble his name with a broken voice.

Suddenly, a hand moves to lay on top of yours. "Don't cry... you'll get a sore throat." A familiar voice spoke slowly. Your head shoots up, spotting a smile on Kazuto's face.

Tears of happiness stream down your face as you throw yourself onto him in a hug. He uses one hand to take off his headset while the other embraces you back.

"N-nurse!" You yell. "He's up! He's- he's back!" Kazuto's deep voice fills the room with laughter.

The doctors rush in. "It's- it's true! He's back!" One of them yells.

You smile at your boyfriend as happiness and relief wash in.

After the doctors run some tests on him to make sure he's still well, he's allowed to leave the hospital.

You guys walk to his home together, hand in hand. He listens attentively while you tell him all about your life in the time he was asleep. He also shares a few things about being in sao, but more importantly how happy he is to be back and with you.

When you get to his house, he stands in front of it, happy to be there again. "Wow, I've really missed this place." He admits. His smile falls of his face, gasping. "Did we tell my sister I was here and awake?!" He whisper-shouts. You gasp as well. "No! We didn't!" 

"Well... I guess she'll find out then." He face palms. "I'm sure she's worried- I've been out of the house for several hours.." You admit guiltily. "Yeah... wait? Why would you be in my house?" He questions. You ignore him, opening the door to the home. "Sugu!" You called for his sister.

She runs over to the staircase. "Y/n! Where have you been?"

"At the hospital still- anyways... good news." You slowly open the door wider, revealing Kazuto.

She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth as tears brim her eyes. She sprints down the stairs, almost tripping, and running towards her big brother- her cousin in actuality.

He braces himself for impact as she comes flying into him. "Kazuto!" She yells as she cries happy tears. Little tears streak down his face as well as he hugs her back. "Look at you!" He pushes her back a little to look at her better. "You've grown so much!" He brings her back into the hug.

"Thank you.." She states with a broken voice. "You look.. slightly untamed." She laughs.

You snort in the back, agreeing with her.

They finally pull away, big, goofy smiles painting their faces. He looks at you, and back at his sister. "So.. what's this about, 'where've you been' and 'i've been out for several hours'?" He asks, cutely cocking his head to the side.

"Oh.. well, she moved in so we'd keep each other company. After you got stuck in sao, we realized we don't talk to many people who aren't you." She laughed, and you nodded in the back.

His smile turns into a smirk. "Ahhh, so my girlfriend moved in with me already." He jokes.

I blush. "Yup! And I sleep in your bed!" I cackle.

He shakes his head, smiling from ear to ear.

After a moment of silence, I speak up, "Let's do something about your hair, hm?"

sorry this is kind of short but i didnt really know what else to put.

if u have suggestions, feel free to share!❤️

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